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Operation Basepoint

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Operation Basepoint
演唱 白羽
作詞 Life Awaits
作曲 Life Awaits
編曲 Life Awaits
音樂製作 Life Awaits
混音 白羽
母帶 白羽
其他 錄音 : 呂琳瑄
音樂編輯 : 呂琳瑄
出品 : 星團音樂
Operation Basepoint
Operation Basepoint

Operation Basepoint》是塞壬唱片MSR(Monster Siren Records)發佈的電子專輯的曲目,遊戲《明日方舟》的EP。


  • 在危機合約起源行動開展期間(2023年3月21日~4月4日),本曲在遊戲中作為危機合約大廳內播放的BGM。
  • OST線上發佈於2023年3月22日。






Can you hear the sound in this silence?
Relentlessly striking through the walls
What’s it gonna take to erase my sins?
When I’ve done nothing wrong
I’ve done nothing wrong at all
I’ve said it all before
So don’t be surprised
When you see me come alive
When there’s nothing in between us
I want a tooth for a tooth
I want an eye for an eye
The sky will burn so bright
For only you and I
I’ve become your shadow, your misery was mine
Tell me what it’s like
To be on other side
I’ve become shapeless, now taste your own divine
The sweet revenge, it takes me higher
Subconsciously, I’m ready to fall.
When there’s nothing in between us
I want a tooth for a tooth
I want an eye for an eye
The sky will burn so bright
For only you and I
I’ve become your shadow, your misery was mine
Tell me what it’s like
To be on other side
I’ve become shapeless, now taste your own divine
I’m taking back what’s mine
An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
An eye for an eye
Nothing remains
Nothing rewinds
A tooth for a tooth
An eye for an eye
Nothing remains
Nothing rewinds
A tooth for a tooth
An eye for an eye
Nothing remains
Nothing rewinds
The sky will burn so bright
For only you and I
I’ve become your shadow, your misery was mine
Tell me what it’s like
To be on other side
I’ve become shapeless, now taste your own divine