啁哳流變之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes
- 製作人員信息
啁哳流變之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes | ||
![]() 專輯封面 | ||
原名 | 啁哳流變之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes | |
出品 | HOYO-MiX | |
發行 | miHoYo | |
發行日期 | 2023年4月19日 | |
專輯類型 | 錄音室專輯 | |
《原神》OST | ||
前一作 | 本作 | 後一作 |
閃耀的群星3 The Stellar Moments Vol. 3 |
啁哳流變之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes |
珍珠之歌3 The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3 |
《啁哳流變之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes》是miHoYo研發的遊戲《原神》中的第二張須彌篇OST。
專輯分為《風沙往事 Sandstorm Remembrances》《沙海的離民 Desert Exodus》與《須彌鬥戰篇2 Battles of Sumeru 2》3張分碟,共收錄108首由HOYO-MiX音樂團隊為《原神》須彌地區創作的原聲音樂。
Disc 1 風沙往事 Sandstorm Remembrances | |||||||||
曲序 | 曲目 | 時長 | |||||||
1. | 斯露莎的歌(Sorush's Purity) | 1:51 | |||||||
2. | 靈光的迴響(Resonance of Khvarena) | 1:48 | |||||||
3. | 花與樹的女兒們(Maidens of Sanctity) | 1:55 | |||||||
4. | 女主人的叮嚀(The Caress of Three Mothers) | 1:32 | |||||||
5. | 神鳥栖居之處(Where Simurgh Rests) | 1:21 | |||||||
6. | 萬千蕊芯之夢(Fantasy of Ten Thousand Blossoms) | 1:21 | |||||||
7. | 生命受祝之所(Dirge of Newborn Life) | 1:36 | |||||||
8. | 無憂的眠夢(Undisturbed Tranquility) | 1:40 | |||||||
9. | 綠洲的蜃影(Mirage of the Oasis) | 1:45 | |||||||
10. | 孤客之旅(Lonesome Road) | 1:29 | |||||||
11. | 迷失之嘆(Grief of the Lost) | 1:31 | |||||||
12. | 分歧的道路(Dividing Paths) | 1:21 | |||||||
13. | 沙丘上的曙光(Dawnlight Over Dunes) | 1:47 | |||||||
14. | 沙蠍之舞(Dance of Scorpions) | 1:59 | |||||||
15. | 荒沙與新月(Golden Crescent) | 2:09 | |||||||
16. | 千夜的遺珠(A Pearl Amongst Legends) | 1:48 | |||||||
17. | 大漠蟲鳴(Hymn of Cicadas) | 1:57 | |||||||
18. | 花海之夢(Simurgh's Dream) | 1:35 | |||||||
19. | 月光的祝福(Taabak Laylatak) | 1:37 | |||||||
20. | 浪客的安歇(Resting Rogues) | 2:02 | |||||||
21. | 深秘的險境(Perilous Hollow) | 2:05 | |||||||
22. | 荒廢的預言(Omen of Desolation) | 2:10 | |||||||
23. | 孤獨的淵藪(Solitary Breach) | 1:50 | |||||||
24. | 荊棘叢生之地(Ghastly Badlands) | 1:55 | |||||||
25. | 殘跡幽影(Shadow in Ruins) | 1:51 | |||||||
26. | 受詛的澤地(Abominable Bog) | 1:46 | |||||||
27. | 毒蟲伏行之處(Where Vermin Crawl) | 1:48 | |||||||
28. | 舊夢腐朽之所(Where Dreams Putrify) | 1:50 | |||||||
29. | 蔥蘢的夢鄉(Pairidaeza) | 1:47 | |||||||
30. | 她的期許(Her Wishes) | 2:27 | |||||||
31. | 空虛的願景(Oracle of the Void) | 2:27 | |||||||
32. | 往昔的樂園(Once-Joyful Dream) | 1:31 | |||||||
33. | 揚塵如幕(Kingdom of Dust) | 1:32 | |||||||
34. | 黃砂為衾(Empire of Sand) | 0:56 | |||||||
35. | 香料之路(Spice Road) | 1:49 | |||||||
36. | 失憶的諸國(Realms of Amnesia) | 1:32 | |||||||
37. | 鍍金的旅途(Gilded Journey) | 1:37 | |||||||
38. | 眾礫的汪洋(Ocean of Grains) | 1:47 | |||||||
39. | 砂海的搖籃曲(Desert Lullaby) | 1:49 | |||||||
40. | 褪色的眷戀(The Crescent Moon's Waning) | 1:18 | |||||||
41. | 故國的回憶(Memories of Gurabad) | 1:31 | |||||||
42. | 歸巢的獵鷹(Lo, There Do I See The Falcon) | 1:20 | |||||||
43. | 安睡之所(Where She Will Return) | 1:41 | |||||||
44. | 蛇蠍無眠(Those Who Dream No Dreams) | 1:48 | |||||||
45. | 死寂的殿堂(The Temple Conquered by Death) | 1:29 | |||||||
46. | 遺落的哀歌(Lamenting Torrent of Oblivion) | 1:47 | |||||||
47. | 赤砂的思慕(Debris of the Beloved) | 1:44 | |||||||
48. | 毒蟲之穴(Vermin Nest) | 1:44 | |||||||
49. | 古城的低語(Gurabad's Whisper) | 1:14 | |||||||
50. | 砂下秘辛(Buried Mysteries) | 1:18 | |||||||
51. | 諸綠洲中的金杯(Gold Cup of Oases) | 2:01 | |||||||
52. | 流沙的繾綣(Lingering Vipers) | 2:10 | |||||||
總時長: |
- | ||||||||
Disc 2 沙海的離民 Desert Exodus | |||||||||
曲序 | 曲目 | 時長 | |||||||
53. | 守護者的思眷(Aspiration of Guardians) | 1:45 | |||||||
54. | 宥謐寧靜之風(Wind of Tranquility) | 1:49 | |||||||
55. | 沙民的庇護所(Settlement for Exiles) | 1:18 | |||||||
56. | 鐫刻遙夢之銘(Inscription of Dreams) | 1:50 | |||||||
57. | 千世傳述之願(Vow of Thousand Generations) | 1:51 | |||||||
58. | 灼燃的殘光(Smoldering Glow) | 1:37 | |||||||
59. | 餘威猶存(Ruins of Scorching Might) | 1:23 | |||||||
60. | 撫今惟昔(Now and Then) | 1:43 | |||||||
61. | 舊思緬邈(Distant Retrospection) | 1:29 | |||||||
62. | 遺甃軫念(Reminiscences of Remnants) | 1:34 | |||||||
63. | 深黯之地(Land of Hidden Depth) | 1:37 | |||||||
64. | 緘秘的影跡(Shade of Reticent Conundrums) | 1:35 | |||||||
65. | 失隕的舊宴(Past Repast) | 1:38 | |||||||
66. | 淪沒的誓願(Crumbled Pledge) | 1:33 | |||||||
67. | 諸世的階梯(Stairway of Neterikhet) | 1:43 | |||||||
68. | 熾天的輝舟(Millennial Sails) | 1:43 | |||||||
69. | 赤沙之眼(Eye of Deshret) | 1:46 | |||||||
70. | 空想的落音(Falling Fantasy) | 2:04 | |||||||
71. | 消泯的終末(Fading Finality) | 2:01 | |||||||
72. | 遠逝的迴響(Echoes of Distant Past) | 1:39 | |||||||
73. | 七榮的陵殿(Steps of Heptas) | 1:35 | |||||||
74. | 伏諫之刻(Juncture of Admonition) | 0:54 | |||||||
75. | 沙衍綠碧(Emerald in the Desert) | 1:44 | |||||||
76. | 遐方樂土(Elusive Elysium) | 1:45 | |||||||
77. | 綠松石的夜歌(Serenade of Callais) | 1:52 | |||||||
78. | 永世的酣夢(Reverie of Eternity) | 1:52 | |||||||
79. | 惘惑漠漠(Dust-Swept Perplexity) | 1:41 | |||||||
80. | 望塵行跡(Following the Sands' Trail) | 1:38 | |||||||
81. | 往淚盡之地(To the Land of Desperation) | 1:37 | |||||||
82. | 煬旱的岩谷(Arid Canyon) | 1:56 | |||||||
83. | 荒落的沙徑(Deserted Path to Desert) | 1:35 | |||||||
84. | 艱惡漫途(Through Predicaments) | 1:44 | |||||||
85. | 終至月明(To the Crescent Moon's Shimmer) | 1:48 | |||||||
86. | 星霜的餘音(Echoes of Ages) | 1:36 | |||||||
87. | 遺風逸塵(Obliterated Dust) | 1:41 | |||||||
88. | 邃世憂懷(Ancient Anamnesis) | 1:57 | |||||||
89. | 迢遙的蜃景(Obscure Mirage) | 1:55 | |||||||
90. | 瀚漠冥茫(Nebulous Dunes) | 1:48 | |||||||
91. | 熾風苦旅(On the Barren Sands) | 1:43 | |||||||
92. | 逾沙軼漠(Across the Aridisols) | 1:29 | |||||||
93. | 暮夜煢行(Soliarty Night Wanderings) | 1:48 | |||||||
94. | 沙與月的弦音(Chords of Sand and Moon) | 1:24 | |||||||
95. | 荒夜的陣風(Breeze in the Arid Night) | 1:43 | |||||||
96. | 星月寂闃(Hushed Gleam) | 1:57 | |||||||
97. | 縈思寥落(Lingering Thoughts) | 2:02 | |||||||
98. | 幽壑深渺(Profound Ravines) | 1:29 | |||||||
99. | 絕域危途(Perilous Exploration) | 1:42 | |||||||
100. | 淨念相繼(Benevolence Bequeathed) | 1:37 | |||||||
總時長: |
- | ||||||||
Disc 3 須彌鬥戰篇2 Battles of Sumeru 2 | |||||||||
曲序 | 曲目 | 時長 | |||||||
101. | 流金的烈怒(Wrathful Streaming Gold) | 4:14 | |||||||
102. | 星滅光離(Across Dimming Asterisms) | 4:01 | |||||||
103. | 獅尾之舞(Swirls of Shamshir) | 4:10 | |||||||
104. | 赭泉酩旋(Swirls of Sachmis) | 4:03 | |||||||
105. | 六輪一露狂詩曲(Rhapsodia Roscida) | 2:49 | |||||||
106. | 五相常寂(Quintempus Niteastetae) | 1:14 | |||||||
107. | 三千娑世御詠歌(Polumnia Omnia) | 3:20 | |||||||
108. | 噬神巨蛇的狂舞(God-Devouring Mania) | 3:38 | |||||||
總時長: |
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