Hello there dearie. I was about to close up shop and run, till you came along. I provide a banking service if you're interested.
Losing one's Geo is a terrible thing and it's so much more likely if you carry it about on yourself.
My vault is much more secure. In all my time as a banker, I've never lost a single Geo!
Maybe you'd considered opening an account?
I understand. It's difficult to part with hard won Geo. I'll be here if you change your mind.
I'll share my food with you... if you give me Geo.
Oh, hang on. You don't have enough Geo to buy an account, sadly.
Once you've collected 100 Geo, come straight back and we'll get your account opened up.
Have you reconsidered opening an account? Losing Geo is a terrible thing.
You'll be much more confident out there in the big, dangerous world, knowing it's safe with me.
Still not interested? You're far too hesitant.
Make bold decisions and follow them through, that's the trick to seeing your Geo grow.
You're a smart one. Next time some dreadful beastie gets the best of you,
you'll be glad to know your Geo's safe within my shel- errr...my vault. Now let's do some banking.
...When next to return to that delightful spa?...
The waters so ease the tension in my shell...
Hello there dearie. I was about to close up shop and run, till you came along. I provide a banking service if you're interested.
Losing one's Geo is a terrible thing and it's so much more likely if you carry it about on yourself.
My vault is much more secure. In all my time as a banker, I've never lost a single Geo!
Maybe you'd considered opening an account?
I understand. It's difficult to part with hard won Geo. I'll be here if you change your mind.
I'll share my food with you... if you give me Geo.
Oh, hang on. You don't have enough Geo to buy an account, sadly.
Once you've collected 100 Geo, come straight back and we'll get your account opened up.
Have you reconsidered opening an account? Losing Geo is a terrible thing.
You'll be much more confident out there in the big, dangerous world, knowing it's safe with me.
Still not interested? You're far too hesitant.
Make bold decisions and follow them through, that's the trick to seeing your Geo grow.
You're a smart one. Next time some dreadful beastie gets the best of you,
you'll be glad to know your Geo's safe within my shel- errr...my vault. Now let's do some banking.
...When next to return to that delightful spa?...
The waters so ease the tension in my shell...
Hello dearie! Keen to do some banking?
Well done dearie! I'll keep your Geo safe.
Thanks for the withdrawal. Don't go spending it all at once!
Changed your mind? Well, come back any time.
Goodbye then. Stay safe.
Hello dearie! Keen to do some banking?
Well done dearie! I'll keep your Geo safe.
Thanks for the withdrawal. Don't go spending it all at once!
Oh...A-ah, hello again d-dearie. Fancy running into you he-here.
Is it your Geo you're after? We-ll you see, it's ahhhhh. It's a sad thing, but...It's gone. All spent.
The cost of running a bank can be high, so I had to charge a somewhat large service fee to your account.
Perfectly legitimate, of course. Just part of the whole banking deal...ah ha ha...ha.
But...ahh..thank you so much for visiting me, and run along now won't you.
If you allow me some privacy, I'll be done here soon. Then you can have the spa all to yourself.
...No h-hard feelings, okay?
Wah? Oh... you- you're back. I just thought, when you left, that was the last I'd... ahh... see of you.
It's just... ahh... your Geo issue. You should know, it was a big stress on me as well.
Such a stress in fact, that I've left the banking game for good.
I--I've nothing left...I ahhh, I suppose, ahh, you might be on your way now then?
Y-y-yes, I think that would be b-best...
...I think I might j-j-just rest right here a little while. Yes I think that would be best...
...Oohh no... Leave me be, creepy, little thing...
Oh...A-ah, hello again d-dearie. Fancy running into you he-here.
Is it your Geo you're after? We-ll you see, it's ahhhhh. It's a sad thing, but...It's gone. All spent.
The cost of running a bank can be high, so I had to charge a somewhat large service fee to your account.
Perfectly legitimate, of course. Just part of the whole banking deal...ah ha ha...ha.
But...ahh..thank you so much for visiting me, and run along now won't you.
If you allow me some privacy, I'll be done here soon. Then you can have the spa all to yourself.
...No h-hard feelings, okay?
Wah? Oh... you- you're back. I just thought, when you left, that was the last I'd... ahh... see of you.
It's just... ahh... your Geo issue. You should know, it was a big stress on me as well.
Such a stress in fact, that I've left the banking game for good.
I--I've nothing left...I ahhh, I suppose, ahh, you might be on your way now then?
Y-y-yes, I think that would be b-best...
...I think I might j-j-just rest right here a little while. Yes I think that would be best...
...Oohh no... Leave me be, creepy, little thing...