Ah, what a surprise! It's not often I receive visitors. It's been so long. Ages even. I just hope my manners haven't left me.
You've no doubt sensed my affluence. You're right to guess, I'm renowned amongst the upper caste of Hallownest.
...Well I was... once, until those cretins cast me out. Have you met them, my former fellows?
That's them outside, their bodies shambling around all mindless and empty. And I'm still alive to witness their pathetic demise.
Ahhh, I'm just so happy. Fate can be a wonderful thing.
Isn't life just wonderful...
In times past I wouldn't have spoken with your likes, but now the rest of my caste are wonderfully, distantly deceased.
If I didn't welcome you I'd never have anyone to share my happiness with.
No doubt this one will meet its demise at the nails of the city's guards. I'll outlive you too little grub, as I did all the others.
Ah, what a surprise! It's not often I receive visitors. It's been so long. Ages even. I just hope my manners haven't left me.
You've no doubt sensed my affluence. You're right to guess, I'm renowned amongst the upper caste of Hallownest.
...Well I was... once, until those cretins cast me out. Have you met them, my former fellows?
That's them outside, their bodies shambling around all mindless and empty. And I'm still alive to witness their pathetic demise.
Ahhh, I'm just so happy. Fate can be a wonderful thing.
Isn't life just wonderful...
In times past I wouldn't have spoken with your likes, but now the rest of my caste are wonderfully, distantly deceased.
If I didn't welcome you I'd never have anyone to share my happiness with.
No doubt this one will meet its demise at the nails of the city's guards. I'll outlive you too little grub, as I did all the others.
What a curious specimen. Hah! Though even its pure aura is no match for the light of our dear King.
Keep your faint flora, bug. I've enough of my own to tend and surely you'd agree that mine are far finer.
Oh... hmm... Could it be? You've returned at last? No. No... Oh pardon me!
For just a moment, I mistook a certain quality about you. You seemed almost... regal.
Silly, I know. It's clear you're not of high birth, wandering about all dirty and tattered like that.
What a curious specimen. Hah! Though even its pure aura is no match for the light of our dear King.
Keep your faint flora, bug. I've enough of my own to tend and surely you'd agree that mine are far finer.
Oh... hmm... Could it be? You've returned at last? No. No... Oh pardon me!
For just a moment, I mistook a certain quality about you. You seemed almost... regal.
Silly, I know. It's clear you're not of high birth, wandering about all dirty and tattered like that.