
掘墓者( )- 地点:德特茅斯
- 设计者:Jonathan Lindblom

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Ehh... Another wielding a weapon. I suppose you'll be leaving many a corpse in your wake? 首次查看 Ehh... Another wielding a weapon. I suppose you'll be leaving many a corpse in your wake? |
蓝色之子乔尼( )- 地点:呼啸悬崖-乔尼的长眠处
- 设计者:Joni Kunelius

查看英文 查看中文 对话 介绍 首次查看:啊,我看见你拥有我的祝福。我不记得我有给过你,可能是因为我最近的记忆有些短。 Ahhh, I see you bear my blessing. I can't remember giving it, but my memory has been a little lacking of late. 首次查看:啊,我看见你拥有我的祝福。我不记得我有给过你,可能是因为我最近的记忆有些短。 Ahhh, I see you bear my blessing. I can't remember giving it, but my memory has been a little lacking of late. 乔尼是一只蓝色甲虫,也是樱桃组最喜欢的角色之一!她虽然已经永远地离去了,但看上去依旧很开心。 Joni is a blue ground beetle and one of the teams' favourite bugs! Joni might be dead, but she's still quite happy. 乔尼是一只蓝色甲虫,也是樱桃组最喜欢的角色之一!她虽然已经永远地离去了,但看上去依旧很开心。 Joni is a blue ground beetle and one of the teams' favourite bugs! Joni might be dead, but she's still quite happy. |

叛徒的孩子( )- 地点:王后花园
- 设计者:Joni Kunelius
- 她是在通常状况下小骑士无法看见或与之互动的鬼魂。
- 在将娇嫩的花送至她的墓前,她才会出现,并向小骑士微微鞠躬以示感激。

凯利福和菲拉·奥索普( )- 地点:王后花园
- 设计者:Juan Eduardo Peña

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Isn't this just the most intriguing place? So many discoveries waiting to be made. We're about to set off ourselves, though we can't seem to agree on which way to head. 首次查看 Isn't this just the most intriguing place? So many discoveries waiting to be made. We're about to set off ourselves, though we can't seem to agree on which way to head. |

玛丽莎( )- 地点:泪水之城-欢乐之屋
- 设计者:Marissa "Blondie" Brice

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Welcome to my stage little one. I am Marissa, a songstress of some renown, though given the sorry state of this place, you may find it hard to believe. 首次查看 Welcome to my stage little one. I am Marissa, a songstress of some renown, though given the sorry state of this place, you may find it hard to believe. |

波奇·索克斯( )- 地点:泪水之城
- 设计者:Josh Clark

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Skroink! You look pretty skinny. Very scrawny. That's the way to be I reckon. 首次查看 Skroink! You look pretty skinny. Very scrawny. That's the way to be I reckon. |

米莉虫( )- 设计者:Makoto Koji

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:买我的饼干吧!它们可好吃了。 Buy my cookies! They're ever so tasty. 首次查看:买我的饼干吧!它们可好吃了。 Buy my cookies! They're ever so tasty. |

凯斯宾( )- 设计者:Quatropus

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Beware your own mind little one. Twisted minds breed dark deeds and mine was more twisted than most. 首次查看 Beware your own mind little one. Twisted minds breed dark deeds and mine was more twisted than most. |

查噶克斯医生( )- 设计者:Manoel Pereira de Queiroz

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:我也曾帮助别的虫子,他们被带来的时候都是病痛缠身......我帮不帮又有什么区别?......任何与死亡对抗的胜利都是暂时的。 I used to help others. They were brought to me sick and dying... What difference did it make? ... Any victory against death will always be temporary. 首次查看:我也曾帮助别的虫子,他们被带来的时候都是病痛缠身......我帮不帮又有什么区别?......任何与死亡对抗的胜利都是暂时的。 I used to help others. They were brought to me sick and dying... What difference did it make? ... Any victory against death will always be temporary. |

阿特拉( )- 设计者:Jonathan Cowie

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:小家伙,不要害怕。虽然我曾经被暴力与愤怒所支配,但在这个地方,平和的空气似乎让它们得以消停。 Don't fear little creature. Though a violent rage once possessed me the peaceful air in this place seems to keep it at bay. 首次查看:小家伙,不要害怕。虽然我曾经被暴力与愤怒所支配,但在这个地方,平和的空气似乎让它们得以消停。 Don't fear little creature. Though a violent rage once possessed me the peaceful air in this place seems to keep it at bay. |

加罗( )- 设计者:José Angel Lara

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:小家伙,你是战士吗?真正的战士可立足于风暴之中。 Are you a warrior, little one? A true warrior is one who can stand strong in the midst of a storm. 首次查看:小家伙,你是战士吗?真正的战士可立足于风暴之中。 Are you a warrior, little one? A true warrior is one who can stand strong in the midst of a storm. |
可辛( )- 设计者:Nick

查看英文 查看中文 对话 介绍 首次查看:我曾经痴迷于力量,直到我在这个林地用时间洗涤了那份渴望。去追求那样邪恶的事物是多么愚蠢啊。 I was once obsessed with power though my time within this glade has shed me of such desire. What folly it was to ever crave such a vicious thing. 首次查看:我曾经痴迷于力量,直到我在这个林地用时间洗涤了那份渴望。去追求那样邪恶的事物是多么愚蠢啊。 I was once obsessed with power though my time within this glade has shed me of such desire. What folly it was to ever crave such a vicious thing. 可辛是一只神秘的虫,他把脸藏在兜帽披风下。他的武器是一把爪刀。他以武士的身份死去。 Kcin is a mysterious bug who hides his face beneath his hooded cloak. He wields a claw blade and died a warrior's death. 可辛是一只神秘的虫,他把脸藏在兜帽披风下。他的武器是一把爪刀。他以武士的身份死去。 Kcin is a mysterious bug who hides his face beneath his hooded cloak. He wields a claw blade and died a warrior's death. |
格若哈克( )- 设计者:George Rohac

查看英文 查看中文 对话 介绍 首次查看:我们总是不停的回想起曾犯下的错误。不要让你的错误成为你的负担,让它们成为旅行路上的指向标。 We're always left with reminders of the errors we've made. Let your mistakes not burden you, but serve as guideposts on where not to travel. 首次查看:我们总是不停的回想起曾犯下的错误。不要让你的错误成为你的负担,让它们成为旅行路上的指向标。 We're always left with reminders of the errors we've made. Let your mistakes not burden you, but serve as guideposts on where not to travel. 格若哈克是一个杀手,他脖子上的是一圈蚂蚁尸体,这实在是非常恶心。 Grohac is an Assassin bug who wears the corpses of ants around his neck, which is wonderfully gross. 格若哈克是一个杀手,他脖子上的是一圈蚂蚁尸体,这实在是非常恶心。 Grohac is an Assassin bug who wears the corpses of ants around his neck, which is wonderfully gross. |

百钉战士( )- 设计者:John Nugent

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:小家伙,你喜欢我的骨钉吗?我只持有三根,远不如传说中所描述的多。但是!它们一根比一根锋利,只需要其中一根我就可以击败你。 Do you like my nails little wanderer? I carry only three, far less than legends may suggest. Still! Each is sharper than the last and I'd require only one to cut you down. 首次查看:小家伙,你喜欢我的骨钉吗?我只持有三根,远不如传说中所描述的多。但是!它们一根比一根锋利,只需要其中一根我就可以击败你。 Do you like my nails little wanderer? I carry only three, far less than legends may suggest. Still! Each is sharper than the last and I'd require only one to cut you down. |

卡莉娜( )- 设计者:Karina Weber

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Are you admiring my fabulous markings? I'm of a distinguished species you see, though I've not seen another like me for the longest time. 首次查看 Are you admiring my fabulous markings? I'm of a distinguished species you see, though I've not seen another like me for the longest time. |

珀皮托斯·努( )- 设计者:FANDOM用户Perpetual Noob

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:在林地中历险感觉怎么样?我想给你一些建议,不过很显然你擅长通过各种地形并面对其中的危险,不然你就到不了这了。 Are you enjoying your time in our glade? I'd offer advice, though to have made it here you're obviously quite adept at navigating our world and its perils. 首次查看:在林地中历险感觉怎么样?我想给你一些建议,不过很显然你擅长通过各种地形并面对其中的危险,不然你就到不了这了。 Are you enjoying your time in our glade? I'd offer advice, though to have made it here you're obviously quite adept at navigating our world and its perils. |
莫尔腾( )- 设计者:Drew Jason Cossa

查看英文 查看中文 对话 介绍 首次查看:别害怕我腐烂的形体。虽然我的身体蜕变,但我的内心恒一。 Don't fear my rotting form. Though my body sheds and changes my core remains the same. 首次查看:别害怕我腐烂的形体。虽然我的身体蜕变,但我的内心恒一。 Don't fear my rotting form. Though my body sheds and changes my core remains the same. 莫尔腾是一只不愿蜕壳的蝉,他坚持把它套在身上当护甲。 Molten is a Cicada who refuses to shed all of his skin, preferring to keep some of it as armour. 莫尔腾是一只不愿蜕壳的蝉,他坚持把它套在身上当护甲。 Molten is a Cicada who refuses to shed all of his skin, preferring to keep some of it as armour. |

马格努斯·斯特朗( )- 设计者:Jason DeGraw

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:生活中所有的问题都可以用压倒性的力量解决。我一直信奉这句简单的话。如果你没那么孱弱,我建议像我一样做。 All of life's problems can be solved with crushing force. Such a simple mantra and one I've always lived by. If you weren't so scrawny, I'd suggest you follow my example. 首次查看:生活中所有的问题都可以用压倒性的力量解决。我一直信奉这句简单的话。如果你没那么孱弱,我建议像我一样做。 All of life's problems can be solved with crushing force. Such a simple mantra and one I've always lived by. If you weren't so scrawny, I'd suggest you follow my example. |

瓦尔迪( )- 设计者:David Waldie

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:不要凭外表来评价我。虽然我的身体很小,但我有着一个漆黑的灵魂,我渴望疯狂的缠斗。 Don't judge me by appearance. Though my stature is small, I bear a dark soul and a tendency to go berserk in battle. 首次查看:不要凭外表来评价我。虽然我的身体很小,但我有着一个漆黑的灵魂,我渴望疯狂的缠斗。 Don't judge me by appearance. Though my stature is small, I bear a dark soul and a tendency to go berserk in battle. |

维纳( )- 设计者:Jeff Brooks

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:听,是一个冒险家同伴!你在环游世界吗?我真想和你一起旅行,但是已经过去这么久了,恐怕我已经失去了自己的目标。[1 1] Hark, fellow adventurer! Are you heading out into the world? I'd join you but it's been so long, I fear I'd lose my head. 首次查看:听,是一个冒险家同伴!你在环游世界吗?我真想和你一起旅行,但是已经过去这么久了,恐怕我已经失去了自己的目标。[1 1] Hark, fellow adventurer! Are you heading out into the world? I'd join you but it's been so long, I fear I'd lose my head. |
怀亚特( )- 设计者:Jack Ercid

查看英文 查看中文 对话 介绍 首次查看:小心!我的身上有一层酸性的保护膜,我不想你被灼伤。这是我们族的身体保护系统,虽然在遇到别的虫子的时候这反而是个麻烦。 Watch out! I've an acidic touch and I wouldn't want you getting burned. It's a protection system of my kind, though something of a nuisance when it comes to meeting others. 首次查看:小心!我的身上有一层酸性的保护膜,我不想你被灼伤。这是我们族的身体保护系统,虽然在遇到别的虫子的时候这反而是个麻烦。 Watch out! I've an acidic touch and I wouldn't want you getting burned. It's a protection system of my kind, though something of a nuisance when it comes to meeting others. 怀亚特体内含有酸性物质,他的血液可以灼伤他人。 Wyatt is an acid bug whose blood can cause chemical burns. 怀亚特体内含有酸性物质,他的血液可以灼伤他人。 Wyatt is an acid bug whose blood can cause chemical burns. |

骇克斯( )- 设计者:B.B.Williams

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:“我们很快就会再见面的。”她是这么说的,虽然这已经是很久以前了。她到底去哪里了? "I'll see you soon", she said, though that was long ago. I wonder where she went? 首次查看:“我们很快就会再见面的。”她是这么说的,虽然这已经是很久以前了。她到底去哪里了? "I'll see you soon", she said, though that was long ago. I wonder where she went? |

蓟风( )- 设计者:Sasha Trampe

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看 Ahh, a wanderer. I've been many places and done a great many things, but I suspect you will outdo me by far. 首次查看 Ahh, a wanderer. I've been many places and done a great many things, but I suspect you will outdo me by far. |

博思( )- 设计者:Will James

查看英文 查看中文 对话 首次查看:我来自离这里很远的地方。虽然我的外壳可能看起来有异,但本质上我是同你一样的虫。 I came from far away to reach this place. Though my shell may seem foreign, beneath it I am a bug the same as you. 首次查看:我来自离这里很远的地方。虽然我的外壳可能看起来有异,但本质上我是同你一样的虫。 I came from far away to reach this place. Though my shell may seem foreign, beneath it I am a bug the same as you. |
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基础信息 | |
性别 | ♂ |
配音 | Revek |
设计者 | Roscoe |
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The bugs within this glade are under my watch. Treat them with respect and you may remain, but raise your nail and you'll contend with me.
I assure you wanderer, my nail is sharp and I'll not hold back.
The bugs within this glade are under my watch. Treat them with respect and you may remain, but raise your nail and you'll contend with me.
I assure you wanderer, my nail is sharp and I'll not hold back.
The glade has stilled. It's so quiet, yet I feel... failure? In this place, I once performed a task, but what was it?
...It's so hard to recall. Surely it was important? How could I forget such a thing?
To protect? Was that my task? If so, who was I protecting? It's only you and me here.
The glade has stilled. It's so quiet, yet I feel... failure? In this place, I once performed a task, but what was it?
...It's so hard to recall. Surely it was important? How could I forget such a thing?
To protect? Was that my task? If so, who was I protecting? It's only you and me here.
- 用梦之钉攻击任一鬼魂后,瑞维克就会对着小骑士发起冲刺,每次攻击造成2点伤害。
- 退出重进后,他会回到自己的坟墓上,并不会主动进攻。
- 以下攻击方式可以让瑞维克在场景中暂时消失:(如果小骑士继续停留在沼地,他还会再次出现)
- 与他拼刀
- 对他使用梦之钉
- 用超级冲刺喷射出的水晶攻击他
- 装备锋利之影后,用暗影冲刺穿过他
- 使用任一法术攻击他
- 当所有其他鬼魂都被小骑士消灭后,他会停止攻击,这时可以用梦之钉消灭他。
Meet Revek the Guardian. In life he defended the glade and continues his vigil, even as a ghost.
A Masterless Warrior and former protector of the Glade.
Meet Revek the Guardian. In life he defended the glade and continues his vigil, even as a ghost.
A Masterless Warrior and former protector of the Glade.
- 鬼魂曾是Team Cherry在Kickstarter上开展的筹款项目之一,选择捐150澳元即可参与:“古代的漫游者:以虫子的鬼魂形式出现在灵魂沼地为自己的虫族鬼魂形象设定外表和对话:讲述你的前世恩怨,帮助小骑士完成它的任务,或者只是在它路过时讥讽它。”
- 圣巢中的鬼魂究竟是何种存在我们不得而知。部分鬼魂无法感知时间的流逝和自己的死亡,也无法离开自己的尸体所在地点。
- 其中一个猜测是,由于小骑士可以从鬼魂身上收集到梦境精华,因此比起真实的灵魂存在,这些鬼魂更有可能只是他们主人残留的记忆。
- ↑ 原文“lose my head”既指失去目标,也可能指他丢了脑袋(立绘中,这只虫子看上去像在抱着自己的头)。