Missing monarch, we need you now. The madness spreads. The Vessel fails. You must return to us.
Record Bela To manipulate a soul, reformation of the mind must first occur. Few can bear such change. The path to true progress is littered with mistakes.
Intruder amongst the gods of Hallownest
Our cherished dreams you granted and delivered more, But in dismay you found too late our desires had no end,
What cost to tame our savagery? You gave your all and then gave more. Yet still desires lay unquenched, more dreams remained, your energies spent.
Amongst it sprang a dreadful scourge, that forced return our aggressive urge, and turned us back to beasts or husks, Our souls consumed by light above.
Within your corpse can still be heard the plaintiff cries of one, Who took our pain, and loss, and dreams inside itself to...
Through it's pain we found a truth that must now be confessed, For nothing can contain such things but perfect emptiness
Geo is a burden to the ignoble bug. Let Hallownest's Pale King relieve you of it.
Higher beings, these words are for you alone. From below, our pure Vessel has ascended. Only a realm of regret remains. We shall enter that place no longer.
Missing monarch, we need you now. The madness spreads. The Vessel fails. You must return to us.
Record Bela To manipulate a soul, reformation of the mind must first occur. Few can bear such change. The path to true progress is littered with mistakes.
Intruder amongst the gods of Hallownest
Our cherished dreams you granted and delivered more, But in dismay you found too late our desires had no end,
What cost to tame our savagery? You gave your all and then gave more. Yet still desires lay unquenched, more dreams remained, your energies spent.
Amongst it sprang a dreadful scourge, that forced return our aggressive urge, and turned us back to beasts or husks, Our souls consumed by light above.
Within your corpse can still be heard the plaintiff cries of one, Who took our pain, and loss, and dreams inside itself to...
Through it's pain we found a truth that must now be confessed, For nothing can contain such things but perfect emptiness
Geo is a burden to the ignoble bug. Let Hallownest's Pale King relieve you of it.
Higher beings, these words are for you alone. From below, our pure Vessel has ascended. Only a realm of regret remains. We shall enter that place no longer.
What is this? I could've sworn you'd already entered the fray? And were killed in spectacular fashion, but now... I can't be sure.
Must've imagined it. I do tend to visualise new combatant's meeting their end. It's good training for the mind, especially whilst your movement's somewhat limited.
If you do meet my fellows down there you might remind them of their poor Elder, up here, back aching, abandoned to his lonesome vigil. Poor poor me!... Oh I'm fine, really, but a bit of guilt might go some way in persuading their return. Assuming they're still alive that is.
There's something strange about you. I've seen all types pass below, but you... You're almost familiar, though I'm sure we've never met before.
There's something about you little traveller. The winds are changing.
It's a sprawling land beneath us. If you're ever feeling lost or would care for some direction, come speak with me. I may be able to suggest a new sight or a new path you'd never before considered.
Suprised? Despite my lack of experience, I'm actually quite knowledgeable about the lay of the kingdom below. I've listened to countless stories from travellers and explorers just like yourself. I'm sure you'll have your own grand tale to tell once you're finished down there. Either that or you'll be dead! I'll admit, in Hallownest, the latter is far more common.
Not carrying any relics with you? Go find some for me. I'll pay good Geo for nice items.
To change ones form is a blasphemy against the light! To steal the soul of weaker creatures is a blasphemy against the light! And most of all... most of all! To DIE is a blasphemy against the light! Live forever, brother and sisters, or be cursed for all eternity!
(someone else says this)For a God, there is only one crime: To die. (OR) For a God, there is only one crime: To die. Emptiness is a hateful thing! A vile thing! Kill the empty ones! Tear them to pieces! Suffer them not to bask in the light of this world!
Tuning... An art, difficult. Never perfect. We, the ones below, We bond Our strength to the world. Follow what We give... listen for the Gods. Resonate. Attune!
That instrument you hold. It is an aid built for seekers, one bound to our mind. It's a grand boon to receive so fine a device, and dangerous even, for us to allow it part. That instrument lays much of our mind bare. Accept it then as our faith in you. Scour this land. Gain mastery over beings of great power and its beacon shall respond.
Crawler. Grand, strange Crawler. Favoured plaything of the Gods! Our mind is filled with the strengths of this kingdom. Rich. Bright. Clear. Thou have attuned thyself to the many Gods of this land. Much power. Perfection? Thine? Perhaps even a match for our glorious shell...
What is this? I could've sworn you'd already entered the fray? And were killed in spectacular fashion, but now... I can't be sure.
Must've imagined it. I do tend to visualise new combatant's meeting their end. It's good training for the mind, especially whilst your movement's somewhat limited.
If you do meet my fellows down there you might remind them of their poor Elder, up here, back aching, abandoned to his lonesome vigil. Poor poor me!... Oh I'm fine, really, but a bit of guilt might go some way in persuading their return. Assuming they're still alive that is.
There's something strange about you. I've seen all types pass below, but you... You're almost familiar, though I'm sure we've never met before.
There's something about you little traveller. The winds are changing.
It's a sprawling land beneath us. If you're ever feeling lost or would care for some direction, come speak with me. I may be able to suggest a new sight or a new path you'd never before considered.
Suprised? Despite my lack of experience, I'm actually quite knowledgeable about the lay of the kingdom below. I've listened to countless stories from travellers and explorers just like yourself. I'm sure you'll have your own grand tale to tell once you're finished down there. Either that or you'll be dead! I'll admit, in Hallownest, the latter is far more common.
Not carrying any relics with you? Go find some for me. I'll pay good Geo for nice items.
To change ones form is a blasphemy against the light! To steal the soul of weaker creatures is a blasphemy against the light! And most of all... most of all! To DIE is a blasphemy against the light! Live forever, brother and sisters, or be cursed for all eternity!
(someone else says this)For a God, there is only one crime: To die. (OR) For a God, there is only one crime: To die. Emptiness is a hateful thing! A vile thing! Kill the empty ones! Tear them to pieces! Suffer them not to bask in the light of this world!
Tuning... An art, difficult. Never perfect. We, the ones below, We bond Our strength to the world. Follow what We give... listen for the Gods. Resonate. Attune!
That instrument you hold. It is an aid built for seekers, one bound to our mind. It's a grand boon to receive so fine a device, and dangerous even, for us to allow it part. That instrument lays much of our mind bare. Accept it then as our faith in you. Scour this land. Gain mastery over beings of great power and its beacon shall respond.
Crawler. Grand, strange Crawler. Favoured plaything of the Gods! Our mind is filled with the strengths of this kingdom. Rich. Bright. Clear. Thou have attuned thyself to the many Gods of this land. Much power. Perfection? Thine? Perhaps even a match for our glorious shell...
Do it! Make your choice. My thread will only hold so long. Prolong our world's stasis or face the heart of its infection.
Two halves of a whole. You found your way... back to me? We were so unfair, weren’t we? To cast you out. Please, you must not hate him. He did what he thought was right. The Kingdom had to live...
False one… you can not… reach me… here
Greetings pale thing. Do you seek my knowledge? That I cannot give. Only an end. Would you accept the end I offer? Alas. It destroys...
Bury the knight with a broken sword, Bury the lady beneath her lord. Bury the priest in her tattered gown Then bury the beggar and his golden crown
Ooooooooooooohhhhhhh, you're building up quite the Charm collection, aren't you? Quite the little connoisseur. I'd bet you'd like to wear more Charms at once, hmm? I've got a special item for sale that I think you'll be very, verrrry interested in! Mmm!
Oooohhhh! You flamboyant little gadfly! Your Charm collection has expanded quite a bit, hasn't it? I think it's about time you bought another Notch so you can wear more Charms at once. Go on... spoil yourself! Mmmm!
Oooohhhh! Your charm collection is getting positively enormous! I'm so jealous! I think it's about time you bought another Notch so you can wear more Charms at once. Go on... spoil yourself! Mmmm!
Do it! Make your choice. My thread will only hold so long. Prolong our world's stasis or face the heart of its infection.
Two halves of a whole. You found your way... back to me? We were so unfair, weren’t we? To cast you out. Please, you must not hate him. He did what he thought was right. The Kingdom had to live...
False one… you can not… reach me… here
Greetings pale thing. Do you seek my knowledge? That I cannot give. Only an end. Would you accept the end I offer? Alas. It destroys...
Bury the knight with a broken sword, Bury the lady beneath her lord. Bury the priest in her tattered gown Then bury the beggar and his golden crown
Ooooooooooooohhhhhhh, you're building up quite the Charm collection, aren't you? Quite the little connoisseur. I'd bet you'd like to wear more Charms at once, hmm? I've got a special item for sale that I think you'll be very, verrrry interested in! Mmm!
Oooohhhh! You flamboyant little gadfly! Your Charm collection has expanded quite a bit, hasn't it? I think it's about time you bought another Notch so you can wear more Charms at once. Go on... spoil yourself! Mmmm!
Oooohhhh! Your charm collection is getting positively enormous! I'm so jealous! I think it's about time you bought another Notch so you can wear more Charms at once. Go on... spoil yourself! Mmmm!
"Would it break the Seals? They cannot be undone. They must be undone. Let us sleep little shadow. Allow us our peace." "Fade away, little shadow. Fade away, and allow us sleep in peace." "Go no further, little shadow." "How long has passed? How long have we slept?" "What compels you to claw your way out of the darkness? What compels your return to this sacred kingdom?" "What calls it from beyond the Seal? The Vessel, or that captive light?" "It would break the Seals. They cannot be undone. They must be undone. An empty vessel to bring hope. A strong vessel to bring stagnation. An enlightened vessel to bring an end. What then is this? Only a weak thing. It would harm the Vessel, harm the seals. It shall be cast away." "It matters not. Our Seals remain. This shadow seeks to defy us... It must be cast away." "This little shadow… Must return to its darkness." "As you say... we made a promise. Let it be done."
For diversity. For variance. For evolution. I become bond upon the Vessel.
We sealed that plague, and thought we’d found an answer, but we were wrong. Our sacrifices... what did they win us? A world sealed in stasis.
Only one path I see. The Seals must break. Will it bring destruction? Of course. It will bring change, too. Let it. To live forever in an unchanging world… Death, I would fear less.
Will it bring destruction? Of course. It will bring change, too. Let it. To live forever in an unchanging world... that is the only death I fear.
To sleep eternal, what difference from death?
Open your minds, brother and sister. Our vow was to protect...but do we? The Vessel weakens.
My mind is seal upon that tragic being. But who shall teach them now? Who shall open their minds, where I cannot?
So... we found each other after all. Can you see me, here in this forgotten dream? I can see only light.
Our sacred Hallownest… It was so old. An eternal, undying kingdom... unchanging. They called me 'Teacher', but what did I have left to teach? What did I have left to learn?
When the light came, we feared it. Of course we did! So we fought to keep things as they were. Our sacrifices... what did they win us? Simply another kind of stasis.
We fought against you, too. Struggling against our fate. The light we caged away... it is alive, and we are not. Is that what draws you to it?
For this city and for King beloved, I become bond upon the Vessel.
That black choice made, but not by me. Our King claimed that burden. My lot is easier, only to sleep and to serve.
My city. Do you sustain without me? Do you thrive? I would see your streets again...
Our King appears as bug, and I shall take him as so. But his are traits that transcend our kind. His is a mind beyond ours. Deity given form. In sleep, I shall not look upon his like again.
Remember our promise, sister! We three vowed to protect the seal with all of our devotion.
Remember our bond... our sacrifice. For the kingdom’s sake... for the one we must protect.
For my daughter and my kind, I become bond upon the Vessel.
Wyrm, your attempt may prove futile, but your offer I could not refuse.
My child...For you, I would give it all.
For her, I would give it all.
"Would it break the Seals? They cannot be undone. They must be undone. Let us sleep little shadow. Allow us our peace." "Fade away, little shadow. Fade away, and allow us sleep in peace." "Go no further, little shadow." "How long has passed? How long have we slept?" "What compels you to claw your way out of the darkness? What compels your return to this sacred kingdom?" "What calls it from beyond the Seal? The Vessel, or that captive light?" "It would break the Seals. They cannot be undone. They must be undone. An empty vessel to bring hope. A strong vessel to bring stagnation. An enlightened vessel to bring an end. What then is this? Only a weak thing. It would harm the Vessel, harm the seals. It shall be cast away." "It matters not. Our Seals remain. This shadow seeks to defy us... It must be cast away." "This little shadow… Must return to its darkness." "As you say... we made a promise. Let it be done."
For diversity. For variance. For evolution. I become bond upon the Vessel.
We sealed that plague, and thought we’d found an answer, but we were wrong. Our sacrifices... what did they win us? A world sealed in stasis.
Only one path I see. The Seals must break. Will it bring destruction? Of course. It will bring change, too. Let it. To live forever in an unchanging world… Death, I would fear less.
Will it bring destruction? Of course. It will bring change, too. Let it. To live forever in an unchanging world... that is the only death I fear.
To sleep eternal, what difference from death?
Open your minds, brother and sister. Our vow was to protect...but do we? The Vessel weakens.
My mind is seal upon that tragic being. But who shall teach them now? Who shall open their minds, where I cannot?
So... we found each other after all. Can you see me, here in this forgotten dream? I can see only light.
Our sacred Hallownest… It was so old. An eternal, undying kingdom... unchanging. They called me 'Teacher', but what did I have left to teach? What did I have left to learn?
When the light came, we feared it. Of course we did! So we fought to keep things as they were. Our sacrifices... what did they win us? Simply another kind of stasis.
We fought against you, too. Struggling against our fate. The light we caged away... it is alive, and we are not. Is that what draws you to it?
For this city and for King beloved, I become bond upon the Vessel.
That black choice made, but not by me. Our King claimed that burden. My lot is easier, only to sleep and to serve.
My city. Do you sustain without me? Do you thrive? I would see your streets again...
Our King appears as bug, and I shall take him as so. But his are traits that transcend our kind. His is a mind beyond ours. Deity given form. In sleep, I shall not look upon his like again.
Remember our promise, sister! We three vowed to protect the seal with all of our devotion.
Remember our bond... our sacrifice. For the kingdom’s sake... for the one we must protect.
For my daughter and my kind, I become bond upon the Vessel.
Wyrm, your attempt may prove futile, but your offer I could not refuse.
My child...For you, I would give it all.
For her, I would give it all.
Though not often caught at their task, the results of their work can be seen in the deft, timely repair of damaged.
The door is locked. Use the Odd Key?
That plague, it calls to something within. But that union it offers is a lie, the cost, a mind regressed.
Do you truly wish to break it...? Do you have the strength, or the will...?
Sometimes, I like to find a spot somewhere you can lie down and look up, and not see the roof of any caverns. The darkness is beautiful, and it goes on forever.
Though not often caught at their task, the results of their work can be seen in the deft, timely repair of damaged.
The door is locked. Use the Odd Key?
That plague, it calls to something within. But that union it offers is a lie, the cost, a mind regressed.
Do you truly wish to break it...? Do you have the strength, or the will...?
Sometimes, I like to find a spot somewhere you can lie down and look up, and not see the roof of any caverns. The darkness is beautiful, and it goes on forever.
Blade: Can be used if directly connected to a weapon ie a nail's blade. Book: not sure if these exist? Likely not. Journals exist. Tablets exist. Parchment exists. Journals look like they're made of stone. the relic dealer references parchment made from spider silk, but its not common. Bretta White Saviour: To obscure the knight's gender in this instance, White Prince should probably be replaced with White Saviour. British to American English: Hollow Knight uses British English. Run a spell check. Channelled, not Channeled. But, though: check Ari hasn't used these too much as well and replace where possible/necessary.
Clothes: Cloak is okay. Otherwise the bugs wear no clothes. Crown: can be a crown as in the top of a head, but not a separate object. Day, today: remove anything this specific about time. Dressed: check for it. can be used in special instances, but not a common word. Elipses: … in hollow knight never has a space afterwards. The next words follow directly after the final . eg: I know…but.
Eyes: can be used, but check carefully, many of the bugs may not have eyes, rather just sockety things. Feet: these may not exist at all? Gender notes: the hollow knights have no gender. Check for hims and hes. Is the Wyrm King gendered? probably. or is it that when the wyrm took king form it gained a gender?Hornet is the Gendered Child. She can be referred to as female. Geo: is Geo capitalised? Should it be? God: perhaps in special instance? though usually the god-like creatures are higher beings.
Blade: Can be used if directly connected to a weapon ie a nail's blade. Book: not sure if these exist? Likely not. Journals exist. Tablets exist. Parchment exists. Journals look like they're made of stone. the relic dealer references parchment made from spider silk, but its not common. Bretta White Saviour: To obscure the knight's gender in this instance, White Prince should probably be replaced with White Saviour. British to American English: Hollow Knight uses British English. Run a spell check. Channelled, not Channeled. But, though: check Ari hasn't used these too much as well and replace where possible/necessary.
Clothes: Cloak is okay. Otherwise the bugs wear no clothes. Crown: can be a crown as in the top of a head, but not a separate object. Day, today: remove anything this specific about time. Dressed: check for it. can be used in special instances, but not a common word. Elipses: … in hollow knight never has a space afterwards. The next words follow directly after the final . eg: I know…but.
Eyes: can be used, but check carefully, many of the bugs may not have eyes, rather just sockety things. Feet: these may not exist at all? Gender notes: the hollow knights have no gender. Check for hims and hes. Is the Wyrm King gendered? probably. or is it that when the wyrm took king form it gained a gender?Hornet is the Gendered Child. She can be referred to as female. Geo: is Geo capitalised? Should it be? God: perhaps in special instance? though usually the god-like creatures are higher beings.
卢瑞恩:比其他守梦者更冷漠一些?也许考虑到了空洞骑士(容器)这么久以来的感受吧。他会再次作出相同的选择吗?前几句对话显得挺沉默的。 魔法:法术已经用过了,但《空洞骑士》中的魔法更像是萨满教徒的事情。所以这个词更接近“意志”、“精神”、“力量”,而情绪上则接近“愤怒”、“复仇”、“渴望”等等。或许可以用魔法? 金钱?:大概只有吉欧,但也可以说是王国的流通货币。 而不是:检查一下 Ari 有没滥用这个词。 封印的单复数:检查一下这里的复数形式。有种封印只有一个(在空洞骑士周围的,包括束缚、链条、守梦者还有黑卵)、每位守梦者都是封印的一部分,而不是“一个”封印。<-- 这个现在不太准确了。我没有再用复数。不然也太复杂了。 ——Ari。
Hands: Few creatures have hands. Avoid it if possible. Herrah: Talks about her history: As part of the agreement for her alliance and her role as a dreamer, King gave her a child (Hornet). Was she allowed to keep this child or was she taken away? Hornet: THE LINE 'I've returned late' has currently been removed. Should it be in there? Hot Spa/Hot Spring: probably go with spring over spa. Is spa a man made thing? spas are man-made, but the spas in this game do seem as though they've been constructed. wither term is fine though Hour: No specific time is ever perceptible. Enforces the idea of a world in stasis. 'An age ago' is okay.
Hyphens: Can be used for conjoined words, but should be avoided in sentences, given the classic style of the text. use commas and full-stops instead. Journal Pluralisation: This should be consistent. Most follow this formula, but not all: standard not is singluar.Hunter's note speaks to the species normally, but can be either, because it's more casual. Knight: is it always captialised. Should it be? Currently inconsistent in the text. Knight or knight?: Are knights a special term in the kingdom? so only the hollow knight and the five king's knights are referred to as 'Knight'. All others eg mage knights, royal guards should not be referred to as 'knights' Lady, man: is lady okay? Check its usage. As a royal thing maybe? Or maybe better to avoid it completely.
Lurien: More detached than the other dreamers? Maybe ponders how the Hollow Knight (vessel) feels after all this time. Would he make the same choice again? First few dialogues are very taciturn. Magic: spell is used, but magic in Hollow Knight is generally a shamanistic thing, so the words around it are more 'will' 'spirit' 'force' and emotions like 'rage' 'vengeance' 'longing' etc. Maybe magic can be used? Money? : probably should be just geo. but could say the kingdom's currency. Rather: just check this hasn't been used too much by Ari. Seal, Seals: do a check for the pluralisation here. There is one seal (around the hollow knight, that includes the binding spells, the chains, the dreamers and the egg). Each of the dreamers is part of that seal, not 'A' seal. <-- this is no longer accurate. I ended up pluralising seals. It became too difficult otherwise -Ari.
卢瑞恩:比其他守梦者更冷漠一些?也许考虑到了空洞骑士(容器)这么久以来的感受吧。他会再次作出相同的选择吗?前几句对话显得挺沉默的。 魔法:法术已经用过了,但《空洞骑士》中的魔法更像是萨满教徒的事情。所以这个词更接近“意志”、“精神”、“力量”,而情绪上则接近“愤怒”、“复仇”、“渴望”等等。或许可以用魔法? 金钱?:大概只有吉欧,但也可以说是王国的流通货币。 而不是:检查一下 Ari 有没滥用这个词。 封印的单复数:检查一下这里的复数形式。有种封印只有一个(在空洞骑士周围的,包括束缚、链条、守梦者还有黑卵)、每位守梦者都是封印的一部分,而不是“一个”封印。<-- 这个现在不太准确了。我没有再用复数。不然也太复杂了。 ——Ari。
Hands: Few creatures have hands. Avoid it if possible. Herrah: Talks about her history: As part of the agreement for her alliance and her role as a dreamer, King gave her a child (Hornet). Was she allowed to keep this child or was she taken away? Hornet: THE LINE 'I've returned late' has currently been removed. Should it be in there? Hot Spa/Hot Spring: probably go with spring over spa. Is spa a man made thing? spas are man-made, but the spas in this game do seem as though they've been constructed. wither term is fine though Hour: No specific time is ever perceptible. Enforces the idea of a world in stasis. 'An age ago' is okay.
Hyphens: Can be used for conjoined words, but should be avoided in sentences, given the classic style of the text. use commas and full-stops instead. Journal Pluralisation: This should be consistent. Most follow this formula, but not all: standard not is singluar.Hunter's note speaks to the species normally, but can be either, because it's more casual. Knight: is it always captialised. Should it be? Currently inconsistent in the text. Knight or knight?: Are knights a special term in the kingdom? so only the hollow knight and the five king's knights are referred to as 'Knight'. All others eg mage knights, royal guards should not be referred to as 'knights' Lady, man: is lady okay? Check its usage. As a royal thing maybe? Or maybe better to avoid it completely.
Lurien: More detached than the other dreamers? Maybe ponders how the Hollow Knight (vessel) feels after all this time. Would he make the same choice again? First few dialogues are very taciturn. Magic: spell is used, but magic in Hollow Knight is generally a shamanistic thing, so the words around it are more 'will' 'spirit' 'force' and emotions like 'rage' 'vengeance' 'longing' etc. Maybe magic can be used? Money? : probably should be just geo. but could say the kingdom's currency. Rather: just check this hasn't been used too much by Ari. Seal, Seals: do a check for the pluralisation here. There is one seal (around the hollow knight, that includes the binding spells, the chains, the dreamers and the egg). Each of the dreamers is part of that seal, not 'A' seal. <-- this is no longer accurate. I ended up pluralising seals. It became too difficult otherwise -Ari.
Seer: The moth tribe were (perhaps) descended from Radiance. However, the King convinced them somehow to seal Radiance away. I guess so he could rule Hallownest with his singular vision, as a monarch/god with no other gods. The moths sealed Radiance away by forgetting about her. Hallownest was born and flourished. However, the memory of Radiance lingered (eg the statue at hallownest's crown) and soon she began to reappear in dreams and starting exerting influence. The King and the bugs of hallownest resisted this memory/power and it started to manifest as the infection. Thus the first attempt to seal Radiance failed, and the King had to try another method - the Vessel. Shop: As in the verb, 'to shop' Snail Shaman: At some point hints that he can not leave the mound. "Can not" could mean he stays out of duty, or literally can not leave Skin is Shell: Most things don't have skin. the bugs refer to their exteriors as shell. SOUL and soul: in UI text it should be SOUL in full caps, as seen on the first Tut tab. Currently inconsistent.
Species not race: do a find and manual replace for each of these. Today: no days. its one long night Tree: no trees in hallownest, only roots, leaves and plants. Vengeful Spirit: A desire for revenge is seared into the SOUL of those who fell in battle or were wronged in life. A Shaman can concentrate this desire and cast it out into the world to burn away whatever stands before them. - old descriptor text. Is pretty good! Should we put it in dialogue somewhere? Wood to Shellwood: Doesn't come up much, but this is probably what Zote's Nail is made from. Also what the beams in the mines are made from.
Seer: The moth tribe were (perhaps) descended from Radiance. However, the King convinced them somehow to seal Radiance away. I guess so he could rule Hallownest with his singular vision, as a monarch/god with no other gods. The moths sealed Radiance away by forgetting about her. Hallownest was born and flourished. However, the memory of Radiance lingered (eg the statue at hallownest's crown) and soon she began to reappear in dreams and starting exerting influence. The King and the bugs of hallownest resisted this memory/power and it started to manifest as the infection. Thus the first attempt to seal Radiance failed, and the King had to try another method - the Vessel. Shop: As in the verb, 'to shop' Snail Shaman: At some point hints that he can not leave the mound. "Can not" could mean he stays out of duty, or literally can not leave Skin is Shell: Most things don't have skin. the bugs refer to their exteriors as shell. SOUL and soul: in UI text it should be SOUL in full caps, as seen on the first Tut tab. Currently inconsistent.
Species not race: do a find and manual replace for each of these. Today: no days. its one long night Tree: no trees in hallownest, only roots, leaves and plants. Vengeful Spirit: A desire for revenge is seared into the SOUL of those who fell in battle or were wronged in life. A Shaman can concentrate this desire and cast it out into the world to burn away whatever stands before them. - old descriptor text. Is pretty good! Should we put it in dialogue somewhere? Wood to Shellwood: Doesn't come up much, but this is probably what Zote's Nail is made from. Also what the beams in the mines are made from.
蜗牛村庄在 A Weird And Wonderful World 中出现过,现在依然可以在游戏文件中找到一些相关素材。
Ari Gibson:“蜗牛实在是太大了!大概一直以来我们都把它给忘了?现在看回来,它甚至比正式游戏的风格显得更卡通化一些。不过你可以把王国边缘的巴东看作是最终版本的蜗牛。”[14]
William Pellen:“很遗憾,蜗牛村已经不在了。我们把它放进了像素粉碎机里头,再把剩下的混合图像用来给游戏中的一些场景铺路。”[15]