Ohhh, bury my mother, pale and slight, bury my father with his eyes shut tight!
Bury my sisters, two by two, and then when you're done, let's bury me toooo!
Ha ha ha, do you know that one? It's one of my f-favourites!
We can sing something else if you like. You start singing and I'll join in.
I bet you have a b-b-beautiful singing voice! Ha ha ha!
So, what are you down here for? If you came to g-get wealthy, just look around you!
These mines are still bursting with riches! There's p-p-plenty for everyone, just grab a pick and join in! Ha ha!
Ohhh, bury the knight with her broken nail, bury the... p-priest... something about a crown...?
I c-can't remember the rest of that one, ha ha ha! Maybe I'll just hum it.
Oh, hello again! Are you still running about? Why not join me d-down here?
There's plenty of wealth in these rocks for anyone willing to put a bit of work in!
Those crystals out there are worth a fair b-b-bit, but I have a feeling that there's something even more valuable hidden just a bit deeper in!
I can almost smell it! Ha ha ha! You're welcome to join me, there's enough for both of us!
Or if you don't feel like d-d-d-digging, you can just sit and sing with me! Ha ha ha!
Ohh, bury the knight with her broken nail, bury the lady, lovely and pale!
Bury the priest in his tattered gown, then bury the beggar with his shining croooown!
Ha ha ha! Are you suh... surprised? I remembered the second verse!
Lots of time to think while I work down here. Maybe I can even c-come up with some songs of my own!
This is hard work, but I don't mind. Down here, I can k-keep working without even sleeping. It's fun!
And every once in awhile you c-c-come to visit me! I'm glad... ha ha... I'm glad you like the sound of my voice!
I'm so close... Keep singing, crystals! Keep singing so I can find you! Keep whispering, crystals! I can almost hear what you're saying!
Ohhh, bury my mother, pale and slight, bury my father with his eyes shut tight!
Bury my sisters, two by two, and then when you're done, let's bury me toooo!
Ha ha ha, do you know that one? It's one of my f-favourites!
We can sing something else if you like. You start singing and I'll join in.
I bet you have a b-b-beautiful singing voice! Ha ha ha!
So, what are you down here for? If you came to g-get wealthy, just look around you!
These mines are still bursting with riches! There's p-p-plenty for everyone, just grab a pick and join in! Ha ha!
Ohhh, bury the knight with her broken nail, bury the... p-priest... something about a crown...?
I c-can't remember the rest of that one, ha ha ha! Maybe I'll just hum it.
Oh, hello again! Are you still running about? Why not join me d-down here?
There's plenty of wealth in these rocks for anyone willing to put a bit of work in!
Those crystals out there are worth a fair b-b-bit, but I have a feeling that there's something even more valuable hidden just a bit deeper in!
I can almost smell it! Ha ha ha! You're welcome to join me, there's enough for both of us!
Or if you don't feel like d-d-d-digging, you can just sit and sing with me! Ha ha ha!
Ohh, bury the knight with her broken nail, bury the lady, lovely and pale!
Bury the priest in his tattered gown, then bury the beggar with his shining croooown!
Ha ha ha! Are you suh... surprised? I remembered the second verse!
Lots of time to think while I work down here. Maybe I can even c-come up with some songs of my own!
This is hard work, but I don't mind. Down here, I can k-keep working without even sleeping. It's fun!
And every once in awhile you c-c-come to visit me! I'm glad... ha ha... I'm glad you like the sound of my voice!
I'm so close... Keep singing, crystals! Keep singing so I can find you! Keep whispering, crystals! I can almost hear what you're saying!
... how much longer... KILL IT... how much longer... DANGEROUS... how much longer... KILL IT... how much longer... KILL THE EMPTY ONE... ...how much longer... must I dig...?
...Bury my mother...Pale and slight... Bury...My sisters...Two by two... ...Bury...Bury the priest in his...
... how much longer... KILL IT... how much longer... DANGEROUS... how much longer... KILL IT... how much longer... KILL THE EMPTY ONE... ...how much longer... must I dig...?
...Bury my mother...Pale and slight... Bury...My sisters...Two by two... ...Bury...Bury the priest in his...