第34天发生在极寒冰窟、遗落古城、眩光魔音游、侏罗纪泥潭中的随机一个,玩家仍旧对抗属于该世界的专一僵尸博士。僵尸博士登场并表示如果不听他的话停止时空旅行就会被永久毁灭。然而戴夫表示僵尸博士并不可信,他只要玉米卷。在击败第三位僵尸博士后玩家获得华夫限量版玉米卷原文为TACO WITH A WAFFLE IN IT,应该已经被戴夫吃掉了,博士再度出场恳求戴夫放弃吃掉一个远古玉米卷的美梦,它已经不存在了,然而还是把限量版玉米卷给了戴夫。戴夫认为这是他和其他人最疯狂的一天,潘妮表示也许一直都错怪博士先生了。潘妮你这想法……另外说一句,这个玉米卷是真的,也的确是高度美味的佳肴
Dr. Zomboss: Aha! Project Paradox begins...NOW!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: Timeline alert, User Dave!
Penny: We have arrived moments before our departure!
Penny: If my guess is correct, Dr. Zomboss will attempt to prevent your initial taco-consumption!
Penny: Our journeys will cease to exist!
Crazy Dave: ...OOOOOOOO! Sorry, I was busy screaming "No." Did you say "taco"?
Penny: We must aware, User Dave. Dr. Zomboss will surely deploy all his time-varied zombies against us!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: The Moonflower emits sun, User Dave. But that is not all.
Penny: My scans show that it creates a special glow that augments plants of its type.
Penny: Planting Moonflowers next to each other should increase their power.
Penny: I suspect they will have the same effect on any other shadow plants we may find.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: The Shrinking Violet is well named, User Dave.
Penny: It shrinks zombies and makes them weaker.
Crazy Dave: Tiny zombies! Stay away from my shins!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: The Nightshade is another shadow plant, User Dave.
Penny: By itself it deals slapping damage to zombies.
Penny: But if it is planted next to a Moonflower, both will become more powerful.
Crazy Dave: Botanical buddies? That's CRAAA-ZY!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: I am picking up a grid of plants, User Dave.
Penny: My scans suggest they can be swapped to create matches of three.
Crazy Dave: I saw a game like that once on my telephoney!
Penny: You can use sun to upgrade the plants.
Penny: Make 100 matches to defeat the zombies!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: My sensors are picking up increased helium levels, User Dave.
Penny: I suspect we may be facing one or more Balloon Zombies.
Crazy Dave: I hate one or more Balloon Zombies!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: We have picked up a Shadow-shroom seed packet, User Dave.
Penny: Shadow-shrooms are shadow plants, so be sure to plant them next to Moonflowers for bonus effects.
Crazy Dave: Adjacency wins again!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After beating the level and receiving a Taco, which is revealed to be a fake Taco, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Look, Penny! MY TACO!
Penny: No, User Dave! You must not! I detect high levels of trappiness!
Crazy Dave: But...HUNGY...CHOW...TACO!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Dr. Zomboss: Fools! You have fallen into my excruciatingly obvious trap! Dr. Zomboss: My vast and varied array of Gargantuars will pummel you into total oblivion!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: And then I get my taco?
(Crazy Dave leaves)
Penny: The Dusk Lobber is yet another shadow plant, User Dave.
Penny: On its own, it lobs exploding projectiles.
Penny: In its powered state, however, it lobs down three lanes!
Crazy Dave: That's a lane for each of my thumbs and noses!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: Escape Root is a tricky plant, User Dave.
Penny: When threatened, it swaps in an explosive plant!
Penny: And if you tap it, and then another plant, they will switch places!
Penny: You can use Escape Roots to rescue endangered plants!
Crazy Dave: Whaaaaa-? Plants can be in-dangered? CALL THE POLICE!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receives Highway to the Danger Room, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Penny! A random length of sewer pipe!
Penny: Be careful, User Dave. That pipe is part of a municipal mulch of endless engagement!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: All-Star Zombies are encroaching, User Dave!
Penny: They tackle and destroy the first plant they encounter!
Crazy Dave: I blame the ref!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(疯狂戴夫和潘妮出场) 戴夫:啊哈!我觉得这又是一片宝石迷阵格子了,潘妮!
(Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Oy howdy! I think it's one of those Beghouled-y grids again, Penny!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: The Grimrose is a shadow plant, User Dave.
Penny: It drags down a zombie that enters its lane.
Penny: When powered, it can dispose of three zombies before it expires.
Crazy Dave: That just seems like it's trying too hard!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: I hear tiny feet! They're pitter-pattering!
Penny: Engage caution, User Dave. I detect Super-fan Imps ahead!
Penny: Their team spirit is explosive!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(This level takes place in the Ancient Egypt, the Pirate Seas, or the Wild West to fight the specific Zombot of the world.)
(Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: It is presently a moment of your apocalypse! Dr. Zomboss: Your reckless pursuit of an already-eaten taco has shattered all of time! Dr. Zomboss: It falls to me to restore future, now, and past!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: Can it be true, User Dave?
Penny: Has our quest ruptured the timestream itself?
Crazy Dave: Allow me to address your concern thusly:
Crazy Dave: *ahem*
Crazy Dave: TACOOOOOOO!!!!!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After defeating the first Zombot and receiving a Mystery Gift Box)
(Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: Fools! Do you not value the validity of time? Dr. Zomboss: Care you not if one moment follows another? Dr. Zomboss: Moron! Ignoramus! Pot-wearer!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: It's not a pot, it's a handled basin!
Penny: I am concerned, User Dave. What if he speaks true?
Crazy Dave: I'm too taco-addled to care, Penny! FORWARD!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(This level takes place in the Far Future, Dark Ages, or Big Wave Beach to fight the specific Zombot of the world.)
(Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: I beseech you, time-zippers, you must listen to reason! Dr. Zomboss: Coherence crumbles! Our eras become nonsensical! Dr. Zomboss: Stuff is all jiggy and super wacked-out, like!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave appears)
(Crazy Dave leaves)
(After defeating the second Zombot and receiving an another Mystery Gift Box)
(Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: I am telling the truth, Insane Dave Person! Dr. Zomboss: My words are utterly not an attempt to trick you! Dr. Zomboss: You cannot re-eat a taco! It is impossible!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: Imp-possible? I HATE IMPS! WITH A PASSION!
(Crazy Dave leaves)
(在打败最后一位僵尸科工并接收华夫限量版玉米卷(华夫限量版玉米卷)TACO WITH A WAFFLE IN IT之后) 僵尸博士:戴维,我再次恳求你,你真的得放弃吃掉一个远古玉米卷的美梦! 僵尸博士:它没了,永远的没了,不存在了。但是看这里,你就拿着它吧。
(僵尸博士退场,疯狂戴夫和潘妮出场) 戴夫:! 戴夫:!! 戴夫:!!!!!!!! 戴夫:这难道是…… 戴夫:这不可能…… 戴夫:华夫限量版玉米卷!
潘妮:我检测到了高度美味的佳肴,用户戴夫。 戴夫:这是我和其他人最最疯狂的一天啦!!!!
(疯狂戴夫和潘妮退场,僵尸博士出场) 僵尸博士:哈哈哈!也许你们一直都错怪我了,或者……可能没有! 僵尸博士:不过我保证将来我·不会再有这样邪恶的计划了……或者,我还会有? 僵尸博士:哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!我们将来一定会再见面的!
(This level takes place in Frostbite Caves, Lost City, Neon Mixtape Tour, or Jurassic Marsh to fight the specific Zombot of the world.)
(Introduction dialogue)
(Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: If you will not listen, then you will be destroyed!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: You have no credibility! TACOOOO!!!
(Crazy Dave leaves)
(After defeating the third and final Zombot and receiving a Taco with a Waffle in it.)
(Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: David, I implore you! You must give up your hopeless dream of a long-ago taco! Dr. Zomboss: It is gone, gone forever! But please, in its place, take this!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: !
Crazy Dave: !!
Crazy Dave: !!!!!!!!!!!
Crazy Dave: Is that...
Crazy Dave: It can't be...
Penny: I detect high levels of deliciousness, User Dave.
Penny: Indeed, perhaps we have misjudged Dr. Zomboss all this time...
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave, Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: Ha ha ha! Perhaps you HAVE misjudged me. Or... perhaps not! Dr. Zomboss: I surely have no devious plans for the future! Or... do I? Dr. Zomboss: Bwah-ha-ha-haaaah! We shall meet again!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves)
Crazy Dave: My Taco-With-a-Waffle-In-It is yum-licious!
Crazy Dave: But do I smell more zombies ahead?
Penny: Tacos-With-Waffles-In-Them ornot, zombies still want brains.
Penny: Stay on the lookout for stronger versions of zombies we've seen.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: Our lawnmowers are non-mowers!
Penny: Indeed, User Dave. Perhaps this is a consequence of Dr. Zomboss' Project Paradox.
Penny: We likely will not be able torely on them going forward.
Crazy Dave: But I need them for squirbo hunting!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Dr. Zomboss: Did you enjoy your augmented taco, David? Dr. Zomboss: Its crispy shell? Dr. Zomboss: Its syrupy center? Dr. Zomboss: Its SECRET INGREDIENT? Dr. Zomboss: Surely then you shall appreciate my augmented aombies in equal measure! Dr. Zomboss: Ha! Ha-ha! HAHAHAHA HAAAAAH! Dr. Zomboss: Heh.
(Dr. Zomboss leaves)
(After defeating Dr. Zomboss and receiving the money bag.)
(Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: I think we survived, Penny! Can you check?
Penny: Scanning... I calculate 98% chance of survival with 3% margin of error.
Crazy Dave: Thank Taco for powered-up plants!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave, Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: Curses! It appears that further zombie game-upping shall be required!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves)