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HD Imp Worker Wrench.png

終結在起始之地!The end is the beginning!
回到你離開前的時刻,參加充滿了各個時代殭屍的當代競賽!Return to moments before you left in a contemporary contest stocked with zombies of every egregious era!

Modern Day
PvZ2 Modern Day Lawn.png
中文版名稱 摩登時代
關卡數 44(中文版27)
難度 國際版:Hjala.pngHjala.pngHjala.pngHjala.pngHjala.png
所屬植物 Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.pngNightshade Newer Seed Packet.pngShadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngDusk Lobber Newer Seed Packet.pngGrimrose Newer Seed Packet.pngShrinking Violet Newer Premium Seed Packet.pngEscape Root Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
所屬殭屍 Balloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg
Rally Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpg
Digger Zombie Almanac.jpgRiot Police Zombie Almanac.jpgSolar Car Almanac.jpg
開啟方式 國際版:

現代年華(英語:Modern Day)是由寶開公司製作的遊戲《植物大戰殭屍2:奇妙時空之旅》中的設定背景,是玩家遇到的第十一個世界。




  1. 草坪與前院草坪的完全一致,標準的5排9列,時間設定為白天。
  2. 草坪上會出現各個世界的時空裂縫,裡面會鑽出來自對應世界的殭屍。
    • 中文版獨有的世界沒有對應的時空裂縫。說白了還是拓維懶。
  3. 即使沒有時空裂縫,關卡內也會出現來自不同世界的殭屍。
    • 中文版只會出現屬於現代年華的殭屍。
  4. 來自眩光魔音遊的殭屍會被激活。
    • 但實際上在同一關里能且僅能激活即興演奏5種風格中的一種。


Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.png
Nightshade Newer Seed Packet.png
Shadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png
Dusk Lobber Newer Seed Packet.png
Grimrose Newer Seed Packet.png
Shrinking Violet Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Escape Root Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Balloon Zombie Almanac.jpg
Newspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg
All-Star Zombie Almanac.jpg
Super-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg
Rally Zombie Almanac.jpg
Sunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg
Brickhead Zombie Almanac.jpg
Digger Zombie Almanac.jpg
Riot Police Zombie Almanac.jpg
Solar Car Almanac.jpg













第34天發生在極寒冰窟、遺落古城、眩光魔音遊、侏羅紀泥潭中的隨機一個,玩家仍舊對抗屬於該世界的專一殭屍博士。殭屍博士登場並表示如果不聽他的話停止時空旅行就會被永久毀滅。然而戴夫表示殭屍博士並不可信,他只要玉米卷。在擊敗第三位殭屍博士後玩家獲得華夫限量版玉米卷原文為TACO WITH A WAFFLE IN IT,應該已經被戴夫吃掉了,博士再度出場懇求戴夫放棄吃掉一個遠古玉米卷的美夢,它已經不存在了,然而還是把限量版玉米卷給了戴夫。戴夫認為這是他和其他人最瘋狂的一天,潘妮表示也許一直都錯怪博士先生了。潘妮你這想法……另外說一句,這個玉米卷是真的,也的確是高度美味的佳餚 殭屍博士在潘妮和戴夫退場後登場,大笑後表示戴夫一行人也許錯怪他了,也許並沒有,不過保證將來他不會再有這樣邪惡的計畫了,或者還會有?再次大笑後表示一定會再見面的。然後博士退場。可能寶開想洗白殭屍博士又想保持他的神秘性吧……然而主線已經很久沒有更新了,給點力啊PopCap








關卡 植物 殭屍[4] 元素[5] 旗幟數 關卡特點 獎勵
1 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg
Portal Pirate Seas.pngSeagull Zombie Almanac.jpgBarrel Roller Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpg
Portal Far Future.pngShield Zombie Almanac.jpgRobo-Cone Zombie Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 2 - Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.png
2 自選卡
固定選擇:Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgMummy Zombie Almanac.jpgCamel Zombies Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgMummified Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mummy Almanac.jpg

Portal Big Wave Beach.pngSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpg

埃及墓碑 2 - 金幣袋
3 Snapdragon Newer Seed Packet.pngLightning Reed Newer Seed Packet.pngEndurian Newer Seed Packet.pngIntensive Carrot Newer Seed Packet.pngShrinking Violet Newer Premium Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgTroglobite Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 傳送帶 金幣袋
4 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgImp Monk Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Dragon Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Mermaid Zombie Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgLost City Imp Zombie Almanac.jpgGlitter Zombie Almanac.jpgImpunk Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpg - 3 - Nightshade Newer Seed Packet.png
5 自選卡
固定選擇:Nightshade Newer Seed Packet.png
Conehead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpgLost City Imp Zombie Almanac.jpgPorter Gargantuar Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - 金幣袋
6 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgWizard Zombie Almanac.jpgAdventure Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Porter Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Dark Ages.pngJester Zombie Almanac.jpg

黃金地磚 2 - 現代彩陶禮包
7 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Mermaid Zombie Almanac.jpgDeep Sea Gargantuar Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpgImpunk Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Dark Ages.pngJester Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 4 - 現代彩陶禮包
8 Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngRepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Newer Seed Packet.png

Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngTall-nut Newer Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngEndurian Newer Seed Packet.png
Cabbage-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngPepper-pult Newer Seed Packet.png
Cabbage-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngMelon-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Newer Seed Packet.png
Snapdragon Newer Seed Packet.pngCold Snapdragon Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Lightning Reed Newer Seed Packet.pngLaser Bean Newer Seed Packet.png

Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 100次 植物迷陣 金幣袋
9 Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.pngNightshade Newer Seed Packet.pngGrave Buster Newer Seed Packet.pngThyme Warp Newer Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgRa Zombie Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPunk Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Frostbite Caves.pngHunter Zombie Almanac.jpgWeasel Hoarder Almanac.jpg

埃及墓碑 3 植物危機 金幣袋
10 自選卡 Buckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgJetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgShield Zombie Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgRobo-Cone Zombie Almanac.jpgDisco-tron 3000 Almanac.jpgDisco Jetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgHunter Zombie Almanac.jpgDodo Rider Zombie Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgTroglobite Almanac.jpgWeasel Hoarder Almanac.jpgIce Weasel Almanac.jpgSloth Gargantuar Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpgJurassic Gargantuar Almanac.jpg

Portal Far Future.pngShield Zombie Almanac.jpgRobo-Cone Zombie Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpg
Portal Jurassic Marsh.pngJurassic Bully Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpg

能量瓷磚 3 - Shadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png
11 自選卡
固定選擇:Shadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngGarlic Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - 金幣袋
12 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgChicken Wrangler Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Chicken Almanac.jpgImp Monk Zombie Almanac.jpgDark Ages Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Dragon Zombie Almanac.jpgExcavator Zombie Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpg Dino Raptor Almanac.jpgDino Pterodactyl Almanac.jpgDino T rex Almanac.jpg 2 要求:不要失去超過10株植物 現代彩陶禮包
13 Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngRepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Newer Seed Packet.png

Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngTall-nut Newer Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngEndurian Newer Seed Packet.png
Cabbage-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngPepper-pult Newer Seed Packet.png
Cabbage-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngMelon-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Newer Seed Packet.png
Snapdragon Newer Seed Packet.pngCold Snapdragon Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Lightning Reed Newer Seed Packet.pngLaser Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngElectric Blueberry Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Puff-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngFume-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png

Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 150次 - 金幣袋
14 Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.pngNightshade Newer Seed Packet.pngShadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngGarlic Newer Seed Packet.pngShrinking Violet Newer Premium Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgRobo-Cone Zombie Almanac.jpgDisco-tron 3000 Almanac.jpgDisco Jetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgRelic Hunter Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpg - 2 植物危機 現代彩陶禮包
15 自選卡
危險植物:2×Primal Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgSwashbuckler Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Cannon Almanac.jpgProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgRelic Hunter Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 種子保衛戰 「玉米卷」
16 Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngIceberg Lettuce Newer Seed Packet.pngRepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngCoconut Cannon Newer Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngSpikerock Newer Seed Packet.pngCherry Bomb Newer Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Newer Seed Packet.pngCitron Newer Seed Packet.pngAKEE Newer Seed Packet.pngPhat Beet Newer Seed Packet.pngPrimal Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngPrimal Potato Mine Newer Seed Packet.pngGrapeshot Newer Premium Seed Packet.pngCold Snapdragon Newer Premium Seed Packet.png Flag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgMummified Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mummy Almanac.jpgGargantuar Pirate Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgWild West Gargantuar Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Rider Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgDeep Sea Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mermaid Zombie Almanac.jpgSloth Gargantuar Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgPorter Gargantuar Almanac.jpgLost City Imp Zombie Almanac.jpgHair Metal Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImpunk Almanac.jpgJurassic Gargantuar Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpg - 3 傳送帶 現代彩陶禮包
17 自選卡
固定選擇:Dusk Lobber Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgTurquoise Skull Zombie Almanac.jpgArcade Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 2 - Dusk Lobber Newer Seed Packet.png
18 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Rider Almanac.jpgSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - 金幣袋
19 Coconut Cannon Newer Seed Packet.pngLaser Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngPrimal Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngEscape Root Newer Premium Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Big Wave Beach.pngSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 2 傳送帶 金幣袋
20 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgPunk Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpgJurassic Gargantuar Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg 黃金地磚 2 - 通往危險通道的高速路
21 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg
Portal Big Wave Beach.pngSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpg
Portal Neon Mixtape Tour.pngMC Zom-B Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 3 - 金幣袋
22 Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngRepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Newer Seed Packet.png

Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Cabbage-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngMelon-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Newer Seed Packet.png
Lightning Reed Newer Seed Packet.pngLaser Bean Newer Seed Packet.png
Puff-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngFume-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png

Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 75次 植物迷陣 金幣袋
23 自選卡
固定選擇:Grimrose Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgSnorkel Zombie Almanac.jpgSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Mermaid Zombie Almanac.jpgDeep Sea Gargantuar Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - Grimrose Newer Seed Packet.png
24 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgPoncho Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Fossilhead Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg 能量瓷磚 3 - 金幣袋
25 Intensive Carrot Newer Seed Packet.png
預留:Phat Beet Newer Seed Packet.png×7、Kernel-pult Newer Seed Packet.png×5、Coconut Cannon Newer Seed Packet.png×3、Fume-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png×5
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgSwashbuckler Zombie Almanac.jpgDodo Rider Zombie Almanac.jpgExcavator Zombie Almanac.jpgPunk Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg 位移水圈 3 傳送帶 金幣袋
26 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgDisco-tron 3000 Almanac.jpgDisco Jetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgHair Metal Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImpunk Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg Dino Raptor Almanac.jpg 2 要求:不要在戴夫的黴菌地上種植 金幣袋
27 Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngRepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Newer Seed Packet.png

Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngTall-nut Newer Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngEndurian Newer Seed Packet.png
Snapdragon Newer Seed Packet.pngCold Snapdragon Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Lightning Reed Newer Seed Packet.pngLaser Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngElectric Blueberry Newer Premium Seed Packet.png

Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 100次 植物迷陣 金幣袋
28 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpgWizard Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg 黃金瓷磚 2 要求:至少生產3000點陽光 金幣袋
29 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgMummified Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mummy Almanac.jpgImp Dragon Zombie Almanac.jpgMC Zom-B Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg Dino Raptor Almanac.jpg 3 - 現代彩陶禮包
30 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Pirate Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgWild West Gargantuar Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Rider Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg 軌道 3 要求:不要讓殭屍踐踏花叢 金幣袋
31 自選卡
固定選擇:Escape Root Newer Premium Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Cannon Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgJester Zombie Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgTroglobite Almanac.jpgPorter Gargantuar Almanac.jpgLost City Imp Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg 位移水圈 2 - 金幣袋
32[6] Kernel-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngSnapdragon Newer Seed Packet.pngSpikeweed Newer Seed Packet.pngSpring Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngCoconut Cannon Newer Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Newer Seed Packet.pngCherry Bomb Newer Seed Packet.png Zombot Sphinx-inator Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Mummy Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Mummy Almanac.jpgBuckethead Mummy Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpgMummified Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mummy Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡 現代彩陶禮包
Split Pea Newer Seed Packet.pngChili Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngPea Pod Newer Seed Packet.pngLightning Reed Newer Seed Packet.png
Melon-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngTall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Newer Seed Packet.png
Zombot Plank Walker Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Conehead Pirate Almanac.jpgFlag Pirate Almanac.jpgBuckethead Pirate Almanac.jpgBarrel Roller Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Cannon Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpgGargantuar Pirate Almanac.jpg
Laser Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngCitron Newer Seed Packet.pngInfi-nut Newer Seed Packet.png Zombot War Wagon Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Cowboy Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Cowboy Almanac.jpgBuckethead Cowboy Almanac.jpgProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgPoncho Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Almanac.jpgChicken Wrangler Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Chicken Almanac.jpgWild West Gargantuar Almanac.jpg
33 Puff-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngFume-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngMagnet-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png
Zombot Tomorrow-tron Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Future Zombie Almanac.jpgFuture Conehead Almanac.jpgFuture Buckethead Almanac.jpgJetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgShield Zombie Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡 現代彩陶禮包
Bowling Bulb Newer Seed Packet.pngGuacodile Newer Seed Packet.pngBanana Launcher Newer Seed Packet.png Zombot Dark Dragon Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Peasant Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Peasant Almanac.jpgBuckethead Peasant Almanac.jpgKnight Zombie Almanac.jpgJester Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Monk Zombie Almanac.jpgDark Ages Gargantuar Almanac.jpgWizard Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Dragon Zombie Almanac.jpg
Lily Pad Newer Boosted Seed Packet.pngPepper-pult Newer Seed Packet.pngChard Guard Newer Seed Packet.pngRotobaga Newer Seed Packet.pngShrinking Violet Newer Premium Seed Packet.png Zombot Sharktronic Sub Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Pompadour Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Pompadour Almanac.jpgBuckethead Pompadour Almanac.jpgBikini Zombie Almanac.jpgBikini Conehead Almanac.jpgBikini Buckethead Almanac.jpgImp Mermaid Zombie Almanac.jpgSnorkel Zombie Almanac.jpgSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpgDeep Sea Gargantuar Almanac.jpg
34 Hot Potato Newer Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Newer Premium Seed Packet.pngRed Stinger Newer Seed Packet.pngAKEE Newer Seed Packet.pngEndurian Newer Seed Packet.pngStallia Newer Seed Packet.png Zombot Tuskmaster 10000 BC Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Cave Zombie Almanac.jpgBlockhead Zombie Almanac.jpgHunter Zombie Almanac.jpgDodo Rider Zombie Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgIce Weasel Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡 玉米卷與華夫餅
Phat Beet Newer Seed Packet.pngCelery Stalker Newer Seed Packet.pngGarlic Newer Seed Packet.pngSpore-shroom Newer Seed Packet.png Zombot Aerostatic Gondola Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgLost Pilot Zombie Almanac.jpgExcavator Zombie Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpgBug Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Porter Almanac.jpgTurquoise Skull Zombie Almanac.jpg
Cactus Newer Premium Seed Packet.pngPrimal Peashooter Newer Seed Packet.pngPrimal Wall-nut Newer Seed Packet.pngPrimal Potato Mine Newer Seed Packet.png Zombot Multi-stage Masher Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Neon Zombie Almanac.jpgNeon Conehead Almanac.jpgNeon Buckethead Almanac.jpgPunk Zombie Almanac.jpgGlitter Zombie Almanac.jpgMC Zom-B Almanac.jpgImpunk Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpgHair Metal Gargantuar Almanac.jpgArcade Zombie Almanac.jpg8-Bit Zombie Almanac.jpg
Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.pngNightshade Newer Seed Packet.pngShadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngDusk Lobber Newer Seed Packet.pngGrimrose Newer Seed Packet.png[7] Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Jurassic Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Conehead Almanac.jpgJurassic Buckethead Almanac.jpgJurassic Fossilhead Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpgJurassic Gargantuar Almanac.jpgJurassic Bully Almanac.jpg
Dino Raptor Almanac.jpgDino Stegosaurus Almanac.jpgDino Pterodactyl Almanac.jpgDino T rex Almanac.jpgDino Ankylosaurus Almanac.jpg




所有拓展關卡於v7.4.1版本被移動進旅行木任務中,作為限時任務出現,完成所有關卡即可獲得80 Gems。

關卡 植物 殭屍 元素 旗幟數 關卡特點
35 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Pirate Seas.pngSeagull Zombie Almanac.jpgBarrel Roller Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpg
Portal Far Future.pngFuture Conehead Almanac.jpgJetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgRobo-Cone Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 3 -
36 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Cannon Almanac.jpgWizard Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 3 要求:不要在戴夫的黴菌地上種植
37 自選卡 Rally Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpg - 5 堅不可摧
38 自選卡 Rally Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Conehead Almanac.jpgJurassic Buckethead Almanac.jpgJurassic Fossilhead Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg Dino Pterodactyl Almanac.jpg 4 要求:不要讓殭屍踩踏花叢
39 自選卡
危險植物:3×Moonflower Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgImp Monk Zombie Almanac.jpgDark Ages Gargantuar Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg - 4 種子保衛戰
40 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgTorchlight Zombie Almanac.jpgMummified Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mummy Almanac.jpgExcavator Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 3 -
41 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgJester Zombie Almanac.jpgBoombox Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Dark Ages.pngJester Zombie Almanac.jpg

- 2 要求:不允許失去超過5株植物
42 Twin Sunflower Newer Seed Packet.pngSnapdragon Newer Seed Packet.pngChili Bean Newer Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Newer Seed Packet.pngChard Guard Newer Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Pirate Almanac.jpgImp Dragon Zombie Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgSloth Gargantuar Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpg - 4 植物危機
43 除陽光產物以外自選
預先種植:5×Twin Sunflower Newer Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgRally Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpgPunk Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg - 1 要求:至少生產3500陽光
44 Spikeweed Newer Seed Packet.pngFume-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngChomper Newer Premium Seed Packet.pngStallia Newer Seed Packet.pngMoonflower Newer Seed Packet.pngNightshade Newer Seed Packet.pngShadow-shroom Newer Seed Packet.pngDusk Lobber Newer Seed Packet.png[7] Zombot Tomorrow-tron Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Conehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgBrickhead Zombie Almanac.jpgGargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpgGargantuar Pirate Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgWild West Gargantuar Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Rider Almanac.jpgShield Zombie Almanac.jpgJester Zombie Almanac.jpgWizard Zombie Almanac.jpgSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgBlockhead Zombie Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpgTurquoise Skull Zombie Almanac.jpgGlitter Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Bully Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡



關卡 植物 殭屍及其他元素 傳送門 旗幟數 關卡特點 獎勵
1 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpg Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg 2 - Moonflower Uncommon Seed Packet.png
2 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpg Portal Pirate Seas.pngSeagull Zombie Almanac.jpgBarrel Roller Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpg 2 - 現代小推車
3 Snapdragon Legendary Seed Packet.pngLightning Reed Uncommon Seed Packet.pngEndurian Uncommon Seed Packet.pngIntensive Carrot Uncommon Seed Packet.pngShrinking Violet Super Rare Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 傳送帶 -
4 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - -
5 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 傳送帶 -
6 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg


Portal Wild West.pngProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgPoncho Zombie Almanac.jpg 2 要求:至少生產2500點陽光 -
7 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg Portal Far Future.pngShield Zombie Almanac.jpgRobo-Cone Zombie Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpg 2 - -
8 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpg Portal Dark Ages.pngJester Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Big Wave Beach.pngSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpg

2 - -
9 Moonflower Uncommon Seed Packet.pngNightshade Super Rare Seed Packet.pngDusk Lobber Legendary Seed Packet.pngGrave Buster Common Seed Packet.pngPrimal Wall-nut Rare Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpg


Portal Frostbite Caves.pngHunter Zombie Almanac.jpgWeasel Hoarder Almanac.jpg 2 植物危機 -
10 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg Portal Big Wave Beach.pngSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpg 2 - Blooming Heart Rare Seed Packet.png
11 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg - 3 傳送帶 -
12 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg Portal Dark Ages.pngJester Zombie Almanac.jpg 2 要求:不要失去超過15株植物 -
13 Peashooter Common Seed Packet.pngRepeater Rare Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Uncommon Seed Packet.png

Peashooter Common Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Uncommon Seed Packet.pngPrimal Peashooter Rare Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Common Seed Packet.pngTall-nut Uncommon Seed Packet.png
Wall-nut Common Seed Packet.pngEndurian Uncommon Seed Packet.png
Cabbage-pult Common Seed Packet.pngMelon-pult Uncommon Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Legendary Seed Packet.png
Lightning Reed Uncommon Seed Packet.pngLaser Bean Rare Seed Packet.pngElectric Blueberry Super Rare Seed Packet.png
Puff-shroom Common Seed Packet.pngFume-shroom Common Seed Packet.png

Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpg - 100次 植物迷陣 -
14 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - -
15 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - -
16 Peashooter Seed Packet.pngIceberg Lettuce New Ancient Egypt Seed Packet.pngRepeater New Ancient Egypt Seed Packet.pngCoconut Cannon New Pirate Seas Seed Packet.pngThreepeater New Pirate Seas Seed Packet.pngSpikerock New Pirate Seas Seed Packet.pngCherry Bomb New Pirate Seas Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon New Wild West Seed Packet.pngCitron New Far Future Seed Packet.pngAKEE New Lost City Seed Packet.pngPhat Beet New Neon Mixtape Tour Seed Packet.pngPrimal Wall-nut New Jurassic Marsh Seed Packet.pngPrimal Potato Mine New Jurassic Marsh Seed Packet.pngGrapeshot New Premium Seed Packet.pngCold Snapdragon New Premium Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg 2 傳送帶 -
17 Melon-pult Uncommon Seed Packet.pngSquash Rare Seed Packet.pngEndurian Uncommon Seed Packet.pngGrapeshot Legendary Seed Packet.pngCold Snapdragon Legendary Seed Packet.png Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Pirate Seas.pngSeagull Zombie Almanac.jpgBarrel Roller Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpg
Portal Wild West.pngProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgPoncho Zombie Almanac.jpg
Portal Lost City.pngExcavator Zombie Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpg

2 傳送帶 -
18 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - -
19 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpgDigger Zombie Almanac.jpgRiot Police Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 堅不可摧 -
20 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpgSolar Car Almanac.jpg


- 2 - -
21 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpg Portal Neon Mixtape Tour.pngMC Zom-B Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpg

Portal Ancient Egypt.pngRa Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpg
Portal Big Wave Beach.pngSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpg

3 - -
22 自選卡
固定選擇:Escape Root Legendary Seed Packet.png
Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpgSolar Car Almanac.jpg


- 2 - -
23 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgSunday Edition Zombie Almanac.jpgDigger Zombie Almanac.jpgRiot Police Zombie Almanac.jpg - 2 - -
24 自選卡 Basic Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Zombie Almanac.jpgFlag Zombie Almanac.jpgNewspaper Zombie Almanac.jpgSuper-Fan Imp Almanac.jpgBalloon Zombie Almanac.jpgAll-Star Zombie Almanac.jpgRiot Police Zombie Almanac.jpgSolar Car Almanac.jpg


- 2 - -
25[8] Kernel-pult Common Seed Packet.pngSnapdragon Legendary Seed Packet.pngSpikeweed Common Seed Packet.pngSpring Bean Common Seed Packet.pngCoconut Cannon Super Rare Seed Packet.pngThreepeater Uncommon Seed Packet.pngCherry Bomb Rare Seed Packet.png Zombot Sphinx-inator Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Mummy Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Mummy Almanac.jpgBuckethead Mummy Almanac.jpgExplorer Zombie Almanac.jpgTomb Raiser Zombie Almanac.jpgPharaoh Zombie Almanac.jpgMummified Gargantuar Almanac.jpgImp Mummy Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡 -
Split Pea Common Seed Packet.pngChili Bean Common Seed Packet.pngPea Pod Uncommon Seed Packet.pngLightning Reed Uncommon Seed Packet.png
Melon-pult Uncommon Seed Packet.pngTall-nut Uncommon Seed Packet.pngWinter Melon Legendary Seed Packet.png
Zombot Plank Walker Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Conehead Pirate Almanac.jpgFlag Pirate Almanac.jpgBuckethead Pirate Almanac.jpgBarrel Roller Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Cannon Almanac.jpgPirate Captain Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Pirate Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Parrot Almanac.jpgGargantuar Pirate Almanac.jpg
Laser Bean Rare Seed Packet.pngCitron Legendary Seed Packet.pngInfi-nut Rare Seed Packet.png Zombot War Wagon Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Cowboy Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Cowboy Almanac.jpgBuckethead Cowboy Almanac.jpgProspector Zombie Almanac.jpgPianist Zombie Almanac.jpgPoncho Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Bull Almanac.jpgChicken Wrangler Zombie Almanac.jpgZombie Chicken Almanac.jpgWild West Gargantuar Almanac.jpg
26 Puff-shroom Common Seed Packet.pngFume-shroom Common Seed Packet.pngMagnet-shroom Common Seed Packet.png
Zombot Tomorrow-tron Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Future Zombie Almanac.jpgFuture Conehead Almanac.jpgFuture Buckethead Almanac.jpgJetpack Zombie Almanac.jpgShield Zombie Almanac.jpgBug Bot Imp Almanac.jpgGargantuar Prime Almanac.jpgMecha-Football Zombie Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡 -
Bowling Bulb Legendary Seed Packet.pngGuacodile Rare Seed Packet.pngBanana Launcher Legendary Seed Packet.png Zombot Dark Dragon Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Peasant Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Peasant Almanac.jpgBuckethead Peasant Almanac.jpgKnight Zombie Almanac.jpgJester Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Monk Zombie Almanac.jpgDark Ages Gargantuar Almanac.jpgWizard Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Dragon Zombie Almanac.jpg
Lily Pad Common Seed Packet.pngPepper-pult Rare Seed Packet.pngChard Guard Super Rare Seed Packet.pngRotobaga Uncommon Seed Packet.pngShrinking Violet Super Rare Seed Packet.png Zombot Sharktronic Sub Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Pompadour Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Pompadour Almanac.jpgBuckethead Pompadour Almanac.jpgBikini Zombie Almanac.jpgBikini Conehead Almanac.jpgBikini Buckethead Almanac.jpgImp Mermaid Zombie Almanac.jpgSnorkel Zombie Almanac.jpgSurfer Zombie Almanac.jpgOcto Zombie Almanac.jpgDeep Sea Gargantuar Almanac.jpg
27 Hot Potato Common Seed Packet.pngFire Peashooter Uncommon Seed Packet.pngRed Stinger Rare Seed Packet.pngAKEE Rare Seed Packet.pngEndurian Uncommon Seed Packet.pngStallia Common Seed Packet.png Zombot Tuskmaster 10000 BC Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Cave Zombie Almanac.jpgBlockhead Zombie Almanac.jpgHunter Zombie Almanac.jpgDodo Rider Zombie Almanac.jpgYeti Imp Almanac.jpgIce Weasel Almanac.jpg
- - 僵王關卡 -
Phat Beet Rare Seed Packet.pngCelery Stalker Rare Seed Packet.pngGarlic Uncommon Seed Packet.pngSpore-shroom Rare Seed Packet.png Zombot Aerostatic Gondola Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgConehead Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgBuckethead Adventure Zombie Almanac.jpgLost Pilot Zombie Almanac.jpgExcavator Zombie Almanac.jpgParasol Zombie Almanac.jpgBug Zombie Almanac.jpgImp Porter Almanac.jpgTurquoise Skull Zombie Almanac.jpg
Cactus Legendary Seed Packet.pngPrimal Peashooter Rare Seed Packet.pngPrimal Wall-nut Rare Seed Packet.pngPrimal Potato Mine Super Rare Seed Packet.png Zombot Multi-stage Masher Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Neon Zombie Almanac.jpgNeon Conehead Almanac.jpgNeon Buckethead Almanac.jpgPunk Zombie Almanac.jpgGlitter Zombie Almanac.jpgMC Zom-B Almanac.jpgImpunk Almanac.jpgBreakdancer Zombie Almanac.jpgHair Metal Gargantuar Almanac.jpgArcade Zombie Almanac.jpg8-Bit Zombie Almanac.jpg
Moonflower Uncommon Seed Packet.pngNightshade Super Rare Seed Packet.pngShadow-shroom Rare Seed Packet.pngDusk Lobber Legendary Seed Packet.pngGrimrose Super Rare Seed Packet.png[7] Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur Almanac.jpg
被召喚:Jurassic Zombie Almanac.jpgJurassic Conehead Almanac.jpgJurassic Buckethead Almanac.jpgJurassic Fossilhead Almanac.jpgJurassic Imp Almanac.jpgJurassic Gargantuar Almanac.jpgJurassic Bully Almanac.jpg

Dino Raptor Almanac.jpgDino Stegosaurus Almanac.jpgDino Pterodactyl Almanac.jpgDino T rex Almanac.jpgDino Ankylosaurus Almanac.jpg






同時,該關卡內的金手指也變成了植物迷陣獨有的金手指,分別為「植物刷新」(Power Shuffle)、「神奇鏟子」(Power Shovel)、「電擊指」(Power Zap)。





你可以參考本條目在 wiki.gg上對應的條目:現代年華
  1. 殭屍博士可能是為了阻止時空之旅破壞各大時空,無奈次次失敗,只好從源頭上制止戴夫,想要通過阻止戴夫的首次玉米卷食用,以此使「尋找玉米卷的時空之旅」沒有發生的可能。
  2. 影射PvZ1代原作中的小遊戲「小殭屍大麻煩」。
  3. 意思是奔放地開始戰鬥。
  4. 包括傳送門產出的殭屍
  5. 包括關卡內一些世界元素
  6. 本關卡有較多隨機可能,下列33天、34天同理
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 本關卡下月光花不會生產陽光
  8. 本關卡有較多隨機性,下列26關、27關同理