Penny: Welcome to Ancient Egypt!
Penny: Please wait 4500 years for your taco to be ready... more or less.
Crazy Dave: That doesn't smell right.
Crazy Dave: I'm sure my taco is around here somewhere, but in the meantime...
Crazy Dave: These plants were made for plantin'.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receive the Map of time-space-ness)
Crazy Dave: Good news! Penny found a map to my taco!
Penny: No, that is a time-space map to the worlds we could explore.
Crazy Dave: Mummies and pirates and cowboys, oh my!
Penny: We should be able to find some way to access the other worlds.
Penny: For now we're ready to press on in Ancient Egypt!
(After pressing Ancient Egypt)
Crazy Dave: Now this looks like the map to my taco!
Penny: To be precise this is a world map where we can find plants that can help us and...
Crazy Dave: ...
Penny: User Dave, there are more important things at hand than...
Crazy Dave: Let's go get my taco!
Penny: ...
Crazy Dave: Those plants look hungry.
Crazy Dave: If only there was something that you could feed them...
(Penny appears)
Penny: Plant Food is packed with vitamins and minerals.
Penny: It's an essential part of a complete breakfast.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the Plant Food tutorial)
(Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: I wonder if Plant Food works on other types of plants?
(Crazy Dave leaves)
(After completing the level and getting the Cabbage-pult)
(Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Penny, look! Above my head!
Crazy Dave: It's the TRAVEL LOG!
Crazy Dave: What's that, Travel Log? You provide guidance, progress and rewards?
Penny: The Log is not actually speaking, User Dave.
Crazy Dave: Thanks, Travel Log! Whatever you say!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: I found some spare change.
(Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: Penny, you're finally makin' sense!
Crazy Dave: Here neighbor, have some moola④! Why? Because I'm CRAAAZY!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After beating the level and getting the Bloomerang)
Penny: Visit the Travel Log to claim your quest reward.
(After opening the Ancient Egypt piñata and returning to the map)
Crazy Dave: You know what would be helpful?
Crazy Dave: A place where you can read about plants and zombies.
Penny: You mean like the interactive Almanac?
Crazy Dave: Nah, that would never work.
(Penny appears)
Penny: No need for sun. Plants are coming via special delivery.
(Penny leaves)
Penny: You have some Power Ups! I'll show you how to use them.
(Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: Yeah, and now we can break the seal. Let's get crazy!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After beating the level and getting the Iceberg Lettuce)
Crazy Dave: Want to open more Pi atas? Check out the Store!
(After pressing the Store)
Penny: The Ancient Egypt piñata might have what we're looking for. Take these gems and
buy one!
(After buying the piñata and returning to the map)
Penny: Want more piñatas? Complete Travel Log's quests before time is up. New quests show
upevery day!
Crazy Dave: If you want to use a Power Up, you can buy one with coins!
Crazy Dave: Just tap on that doohickey② down there and you're in business!
(Crazy Dave leaves)
Crazy Dave: Oh good. There are no zombies here.
(Penny appears)
Penny: False. They're using camouflage.
Crazy Dave: You mean they're using... camel-flage.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receives the note)
Penny: My Gügletranslator indicates the zombies have a plan.
Crazy Dave: Is that a brain grill?
Dr.Zomboss: Greetings Temporal Commuters, Dr.Zomboss: Special couriers have been dispatched to retrieve your brains. Dr.Zomboss: Please have your release froms signed before their arrival. Dr.Zomboss: Regards,Dr.Edgar Zomboss.
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Cool, that Mr. Boss guy wants your autograph!
Penny: This can't be good.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receives the World Key Chain, Crazy Dave and Penny
Crazy Dave: It looks like a courier had his own delivery to make!
Penny: These will be useful for traveling to other times.
Crazy Dave: Yeah! Time to try the Taco Map!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: This level is a locked coordinate in time.
Penny: You must take these plants to win.
Penny: Otherwise, you risk distorting reality.
(Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: Never distort reality! You'll pull something.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receives Pyramid of
Doom, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: Though tetrahedrons are pyramids, this one is not a Platonic solid.
Crazy Dave: I'm so hungry, I would love a Platonic solid().
Penny: UserDave, this is also not a taco salad.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: There's a plant call on the banana phone. It's an S.O.S.!
(Penny appears)
Penny: They'll be sitting plants if we don't help. Let's take that root and save them!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(疯狂戴夫出场) 戴夫:这是第一场“坚不可摧”,未来还会有更多的“坚不可摧”。
(Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: This will be the first last stand. There will be more lasts to come.
(Crazy Dave leaves)
Dr.Zomboss: Have you ever wondered why your neighbor David hungers so? Dr.Zomboss: What secret ingredient in the taco would drive his desire? Dr.Zomboss: Could it be that he needs your brains as much as we do?
(Dr. Zomboss leaves, Crazy Dave appears)
Crazy Dave: Wha-?! No way. I would never eat a brain taco!
Crazy Dave: But, I don't remember what was in it...
(Crazy Dave leaves)
(After the player defeats Zombot Sphinx-inator and receives the Ancient Egypt Trophy, Crazy
Crazy Dave: Wait a minute!
Crazy Dave: There was never any meat in that taco.
Crazy Dave: I still have Tofunky in my beard to prove it!
(Crazy Dave leaves, Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr.Zomboss: Well,that just leaves more brains for us...later. Dr.Zomboss: I'll find you again,in another where and another when!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves)
Crazy Dave: Murmering mummies! More mummies!
Penny: The time fissure is strengthening zombies from all epochs, User Dave.
Penny: We should expect more powerful versions of some zombies.
Crazy Dave: I expect nothing!
Penny: We may need to retreat to another timeline and return when our plants are
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: Hey! Our lawnmowers are a-missing!
Penny: The timeline is exhibiting instabilities, User Dave.
Penny: Fixed-loop paradoxes are forbidding the presence of lawnmowers.
Crazy Dave: But I named the middle one "Mowie"!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Dr.Zomboss: Once more we meet in the sands of time! Dr.Zomboss: Have you enjoyed my new and improved zombies? Dr.Zomboss: Or should I say ancient and improved? Dr.Zomboss: Bah!They are nothing to my Zombot Sphinxinator 2.0!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves)
(After the player defeats Zombot Sphinx-inator again and receives the Money bag, Crazy Dave
and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: I'm sweaty! And we did it!
Penny: We may travel to other timelines freely, User Dave.
Penny: But I detect further timeline expansions in the future.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave, Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr.Zomboss: I'll defeat you then,pyramid-iots!
(Dr. Zomboss leaves)