Crazy Dave: Brrrrr. It's colder than a polar bear eating an ice pop!
Penny: Indeed. It appears we have arrived in the Frostbite Caves.
Crazy Dave: We've traveled so far back in history ... we've arrived in PREhistory!
Penny: A historic moment indeed, User Dave. But more importantly...
Penny: My sensors indicate there is an ice floe on the lawn.
Penny: Data suggests it will block both plants and zombies.
Penny: Though I predict zombies will find a way around it.
Crazy Dave: Don't worry. We'll plant wisely and stop those zombies COLD!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: Don't look now, Penny, but those plants have a sad case of freezer burn!
Penny: It's the freezing winds from this time period. They've immobilized the plants.
Penny: I suggest we call on Hot Potato. She can melt those ice blocks.
Crazy Dave: I'm warming up to the idea already!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: My data suggests Hurrikale would be of great use here.
Crazy Dave: A blast of air from him, and the zombies will chill out and slow down!
Crazy Dave: The guy's a real blow hard. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: I'm starting to get cold feet[2] about this place.
Crazy Dave: Also, my feet are getting really cold.
Penny: Time to turn up the heat. I recommend Pepper-pult for the job.
Penny: He lobs hot peppers at zombies and also keeps nearby plants warm.
Crazy Dave:Let's pick a peck of Pepper-pults! It's the perfect plant for our predicament!
Penny: Must you rhyme, User Dave? Must you?
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: Global cooling is the pits. What we need is a heat wave!
Penny: Agreed. Please note, I have now replaced the snowballs with fireballs.
Penny: The Flamethrower power-up melts frost and damages zombies too.
Crazy Dave: Neat-o! You know, they say revenge is a dish best served cold.
Crazy Dave: But I say it's best served hot. Fiery hot! With extra hot sauce.
Crazy Dave: And a side of tacos!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: These Cave Zombies sure are hard headed.
Crazy Dave: They just won't take "no brains" for an answer.
Penny: According to my data, Neanderthal zombie skulls are 33.2 percent harder than other zombie skulls.
Penny: I purpose we deploy Chard Guard. He has a secret up his leaves.
Crazy Dave: You mean his ol' Knock 'Em Dead maneuver?
Crazy Dave: It'll knock those zombies back where they came from!
Penny: I guess it's not a secret any more, now is it User Dave?
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After beating the level and obtaining a stone tablet)
Crazy Dave: Penny, hath you ever tried licking an ice-thickle and got your tongue thtuck to it?
Penny: No, User Dave. I have not.
Crazy Dave: Uh... me neither. Thath would be craaaazthy.
Penny: Sigh. While your tongue heals, please note the strange stone tablet.
Penny: It appears to be a warning sign, written in Cave Zombie.
Crazy Dave: Doesth it warn people not to lick ice-thickles?
Dr. Zomboss: Me Zomboss. Me write you another threatening note. Dr. Zomboss: You in trouble. Biiiiig trouble. Gargantuan trouble, in fact! Dr. Zomboss: Sloth Gargantuar smash! Smash your tiny, shivering plants! Dr. Zomboss: Sloth Gargantuar deliver prehistoric plague of Imps! Dr. Zomboss: Have bad day. Sincerely, Dr. Zomboss.
(Dr. Zomboss disappears, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: I postulate evolution will never come to that zombie.
Crazy Dave: Not in a million, billion, gazillion years.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: I wish these prehistoric zombies would just go back to their caves.
Penny: User Dave, perhaps it's time to try a new tactic.
Penny: Data suggests Stunion would make for a... potent... ally here.
Crazy Dave: Great idea, Penny! That guy's breath is stunning!
Crazy Dave: Not even exaggerating. He stuns zombies... with his bad breath.
Crazy Dave: Gross. But also, pretty nifty!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receives Icebound Battleground, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: User Dave, I've detected an incoming ice cube.
Crazy Dave: Looks like a zombie-sicle to me.
Penny: Analysis suggests this creepy cube unlocks a chilly challenge.
Crazy Dave: You know what I say? Brrrrr-ing it on!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: W-w-warning, User Dave! I am r-r-running l-l-low on antifreeze!
Penny: If my systems f-f-f-freeze up, we could be stuck here forever!
Crazy Dave: It'll be a cold day in heck before I let that happen, Penny!
Crazy Dave: Time to unleash Fire Peashooter!
Crazy Dave: She can apply heat to those zombies, and warm up nearby pals too!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: Penny, what we need right now is a nice hot cup o' cocoa!
Penny: User Dave, that is an unproven zombie-fighting weapon.
Penny: I recommend we call on Rotobaga instead.
Penny: She can hover above ground AND shoot at zombies in four directions!
Crazy Dave: Kid's got talent! Maybe she knows how to make hot cocoa too?
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Dr. Zomboss: Gurrreetings! Dr. Zomboss have prehistoric question for pitiful plant friends. Dr. Zomboss: Why you hunt for taco? Is taco all it cracked up to be? Dr. Zomboss: Could it be... trap? Could it be... trick? Dr. Zomboss: Chew on that! Mwwwahahaha unga unga!
(Dr. Zomboss disappears, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Penny... my taco!?!
Penny: User Dave, ignore the taco. Ignore the taunts.
Penny: It's time to FIGHT DR. ZOMBOSS!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After defeating Dr. Zomboss and receiving the Frostbite Caves Trophy)
(Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: Well done. We have defeated Dr. Zomboss.
Crazy Dave: And his attempt to make me question my taco!
Penny: User Dave, our journey through time...
Penny: You know that it is about more than just a taco.
Crazy Dave: I suppose you're right, Penny. It's also about-
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave, Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: Ha! Dr. Zomboss not defeated! Dr. Zomboss: Dr. Zomboss crawl back from brink of destruction! Dr. Zomboss: Dr. Zomboss return when you no expect him. Bring BIG SURPRISE! Dr. Zomboss: Dr. Zomboss stop speaking about self in third-person now! Guuudbye!
(Dr. Zomboss disappears)