Crazy Dave: Look at this beeeeautiful beach!
Crazy Dave: It's got everything a growing plant needs!
Crazy Dave: Sun, sand and lots o' water!
Penny: Caution, User Dave. My sensors indicate there are zombies on your beach...
Penny: ... and far too much water. It will overwhelm the plants.
Crazy Dave: No problem-o! We'll just lay down some Lily Pads.
Crazy Dave: Then the other plants can ride the waves!
Penny: Or as the vernacular of this era goes: They can "hang ten."
Crazy Dave: Right on, Penny, Right on!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: User Dave, data suggests that we should beware the tides.
Crazy Dave: When the tide comes in, it'll be a WIPE OUT for our plant friends?
Penny: Indeed. But the tide line indicates how high the water will rise. Plan accordingly.
Crazy Dave: The tide comes in, the tide goes out. Who can explain it?
Penny: That would be science, User Dave.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: When fighting zombies from the deep...
Penny: ...we need a plant with the appetite of a shark.
Crazy Dave: I catch your drift, Penny. You're talking about Chomper!
Penny: Indeed. His sharp teeth could turn the tide of battle.
Crazy Dave: Hey, I have an idea too! We could call this Chomper Week!
Penny: If we must, User Dave. If we must.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: My research indicates that the sport of bowling experienced a heyday during this era.
Crazy Dave: Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Penny?
Penny: I find your thought process indecipherable, User Dave.
Penny: I was thinking that Bowling Bulbs would make excellent allies here.
Crazy Dave: Huh, I was thinking how much I love wearing bowling shoes.
Crazy Dave: So many colors... right there on my feet!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(after beating the level and obtaining the note)
Crazy Dave: Look! It must be time to play Beach Zombie Bungo!
Penny: Bingo, User Dave. It's BINGO.
Crazy Dave: You already won, Penny? Wow. You're good at this!
Dr. Zomboss: Dudes, like, you're totally in for it now! Dr. Zomboss: The Deep Sea Gargantuars have their slimy sights on you. Dr. Zomboss: You can run! You can swim! Dr. Zomboss: But you can't escape their scaly grip!
(Dr. Zomboss disappears, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: Ugh. That dude is totally gnarly.
Penny: He is also quite unpleasant, User Dave. Quite unpleasant.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: I tell ya, Penny, these surf-loving zombies are the pits!
Penny: Analyzing the phrase: "The pits"...
Penny: Hmm. Pits. Very interesting. User Dave! You are a genius!
Crazy Dave: I am?
Penny: No. No you are not. However, you have given me an idea.
Penny: Guacodile! This plant fights zombies with pit-like projectiles.
Penny: And he employs a powerful bite as well.
Penny: Plant him on the front lines. You'll see.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After the player completes the level and receives Tiki Torch-er, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Penny: Alert! I've detected a strange statue of surfing-era significance.
Crazy Dave: Well lookie there! It's a tiki statue. With crazy eyes.
Penny: Analysis indicates this tiki could inflict a terrifying challenge upon any who follow it.
Crazy Dave: So you're saying that a tiki torture awaits? Get it? A tiki TORCH-er?
Penny: User Dave, I must say, your pun is... TORCH-er-ous[ TORCH-er-ous:為Tiki-torchbearer和Dangerous的縮合詞。為了解釋「危險的提基火炬手」這個雙關語。].
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Crazy Dave: Whew! Fighting Zombies that arrive in waves AND tides isn't easy.
Crazy Dave: You know what we need, Penny? An ally with a hot of 'tude!
Crazy Dave: And by 'tude, I mean attitude. In case you need translation.
Penny: Then I suggest we call upon Homing Thistle.
Penny: I believe he has this 'tude you speak of.
Crazy Dave: His eyes! intense! He can shoot the zombies a real mean look.
Penny: More importantly, he can shoot deadly darts that home in on their target.
Crazy Dave: Two painful blows for the price of one! Radical!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Penny: User Dave. Please note the line of Banana Launchers.
Penny: They appear to need our protection!
Crazy Dave: Let's get to it! After all, bananas are a very a-PEELING fruit!
Penny: User Dave. If I had a head, I would be shaking it right now.
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
Dr. Zomboss: Yo beach bums! Don't flip your lid. Dr. Zomboss: But have you noticed that Chomper and Bikini Zombie have been ultra cozy lately? Dr. Zomboss: Could a beachside plant-zombie romance be in bloom? Dr. Zomboss: Speaking of which, how sure of you of Chomper's loyalties? Dr. Zomboss: I can't help but notice... that plant has the appetite of a zombie. Dr. Zomboss: Chew on that land lovers! Later dudes! Dr. Zomboss
(Dr. Zomboss disappears, Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: A plant-zombie romance? Penny... my mind is BLOWN!
Penny: User Dave, do not jump to conclusions. I suggest something more productive.
Penny: Let us jump into the action!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave)
(After defeating Dr. Zomboss and receiving the Big Wave Beach Trophy.)
(Crazy Dave and Penny appear)
Crazy Dave: A plant-zombie romance? That's just craaaazy!
Crazy Dave: And I know a thing or two about craaaazy!
Penny: I concur. I suspect Dr. Zomboss was attempting to sow seeds of discontent.
Crazy Dave: From now on, we are the only ones sowing seeds around here!
(Crazy Dave and Penny leave, Dr. Zomboss appears) Dr. Zomboss: Totally bogus! Little do you know what I have in store for you! Dr. Zomboss: The seeds of destruction have been planted! Brace yourselves for a wipe out! Dr. Zomboss: But for now, I gotta split. Catch you dweebs later!
(Dr. Zomboss disappears)