轉動錶盤 攀升心跳 只不過是開場熱身過招
誰先領先 並不重要 把玩曖昧賽道
We just know it so much
索性鬆開安全帶 再與禁忌周旋
品品炫技快感 That's right
我註定成為 使你難以抵擋的貪婪
Oh let me catch your eyes
比對幻想中的答案 節奏我主宰
使壞不算無賴 Party again
鼓膜充脹的刺痛 引人貪杯此刻晚風
It's more than a placebo
Oh we're in the war of love on rove
可我忍不住加速 被撩撥 直到難分清右左 比獵物更加執着
Oh we're in the war of love on rove
如華爾茲般漂移 扯動着心中搖搖欲墜的自由 自尊都被咬破
3 2 1 Let's get it Don't tell me lies
閉上眼睛 Pull me back one more time
The crisp air turns hot like my blood
可引擎的轟鳴 It betrays before I realize
沒裁判先審判 Overstep stop signs
The crazy midnights gonna combine 欲擒故縱的姿態
Oh we're in the war of love on rove
全力加速到顫抖 到窒息 到難以分清右左 比獵物更加執着
Oh we're in the war of love on rove
目光如岩漿熾灼 也從未閃躲
萬物殆盡般漂移 至終局 你我命懸一線的角逐 生死任由擺佈
Do you deserve your words? Don't let me down.