User:사요리 님/鞍馬玄十郎
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基本资料 | |
本名 | (Kurama Genjuurou) |
别号 | 神主 |
发色 | 灰髮 |
瞳色 | 棕瞳 |
声优 | 山崎高 |
萌点 | 祖父、温柔、外柔内刚、和服、神官、眯眯眼、灰发、青梅竹马、上门女婿、人夫→鳏夫 |
活动范围 | 穗织、建实神社 |
所属团体 | 建实神社 |
亲属或相关人 | |
女儿:朝武芳乃、妻子:朝武秋穗 护卫:常陸茉子、居刀之人:丛雨 其他人士:有地將臣、鞍马玄十郎 |
- 芳乃的父亲。性格温厚,极少发火。
- 在神社担任神主,是朝武家的入赘女婿,因此改姓朝武。
- 与妻子朝武秋穗是青梅竹马,结婚后夫妻感情深厚,但是朝武秋穗由于祟神的诅咒而英年早逝。
- 在游戏中似乎从来没有睁开眼,所有立绘都是眯眼的,体现了他温和的性格。
- 与有地將臣、鞍馬小春、鞍马廉太郎三人是儿时的玩伴。
- 意外地能很快接受变化。
- 穗织武力天花板,每天坚持用木刀练素振。
- 在与之相关的情节上,又一些暧昧的BL相关元素。
- 虽然是建实神社神主,并且是唯一能够主持祓禊仪式的人,但是无法看见丛雨。
- 在芳乃线外的其他线,即使解除了婚姻关系,也不把他当外人对待,仍然欢迎借住在神社。
Kurama Genjuurou grandfather of Masaomi, Rentarou and Koharu, owner of Shinatsu Manor and kendo master.
Love Letter Lunacy: According to Murasame, he got involved in at least one such incident in his youth.
Training from Hell: His training regiments are notoriously tough. It is why his grandsons want to avoid them as he never holds back against the boys during his training sessions. He does limit his training sessions with Masaomi when he's too injured to lift a sword after a battle and suggests he should rest.
Tsundere: A grandparental version. He's a good grandfather to his three grandchildren, but he's often harsh on the boys and wants them to toughen up. Masaomi actually manages to get on his good side when they train while Rentarou would rather be out of his line of sight.