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發行 ハピネット
發行地區 日本
發行日期 2006年7月19日
專輯類型 原聲專輯

ペルソナ3 オリジナル・サウンドトラック》是Atlus開發的以PS2為平台的RPG遊戲《女神異聞錄3》的原聲合輯。


さらにボーナストラックとして、ゲーム未収録曲『Blues in Velvet Room』をサントラ限定収録。


曲序 曲目 作詞作曲演唱備註時長
1. Burn My Dread 小森成雄, 小森祥弘目黒将司川村ゆみOpening Theme1:36
2. 全ての人の魂の詩(Hymn of the Soul) 目黒将司小宮知子Velvet Room5:38
3. はじまり(Beginning) 目黒将司Story intro0:20
4. この不思議な感覚(This Strange Feeling) 目黒将司Protagonist in the hospital after first summoning Orpheus2:22
5. Want To Be Close 田中怜子目黒将司川村ゆみGekkoukan High School (Semester 1)2:33
6. Troubled 目黒将司Event2:43
7. Crisis 目黒将司Shadow event1:17
8. シャドウ(Shadow) 目黒将司Shadow attacks the dorm2:44
9. ペルソナ発動(Persona Invocation) 目黒将司Before protagonist first summons Persona0:43
10. 避けられぬ戦い(Unavoidable Battle) 目黒将司Battle against Arcana Magician, Strega battle, Elizabeth battle2:53
11. やすらぎ(Peace) 目黒将司Peaceful event1:32
12. When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars 田中怜子目黒将司川村ゆみPort Island exploration theme2:36
13. 巖戶台分寮(Iwatodai Dormitory) Lotus Juice目黒将司Lotus JuiceDorm theme2:31
14. The Voice Someone Calls 目黒将司Tartarus entrance, title screen of the original verison of Persona 31:07
15. tartarus_0d01 目黒将司Theme of Tartarus (1st block)1:34
16. Mass Destruction 田中怜子目黒将司川村ゆみ, Lotus JuiceBattle Theme3:29
17. 戦いのあと(After the Battle) 目黒将司Victory fanfare0:57
18. p3ct004_01 目黒将司Second animated cutscene0:58
19. Deep Breath Deep Breath Lotus Juice目黒将司Lotus JuicePriestess Shadow event; Operation Babe Hunt2:21
20. Master of Shadow 目黒将司Arcana boss battle2:35
21. ポロニアンモール(Paulownian Mall) 目黒将司Shop1:38
22. tartarus_0d02 目黒将司Theme of Tartarus (2nd Block)1:09
23. 嫌な予感(Unsettling Premonition) 目黒将司Morning conversations regarding Full Moon events1:03
24. Fearful Experiance 目黒将司Mystery events during Dark Hour, Reversed/Broken Social Link1:52
25. Calamity 目黒将司Crisis during Dark Hour1:32
26. 試験中…(Junior Exam) 目黒将司Examination Week1:58
27. Adventured act: 宇田洋輔Club Escapade1:23
28. Joy 目黒将司Social Link Events2:50
29. tartarus_0d03 目黒将司Theme of Tartarus (3rd Block)2:24
30. 深層心理(Deep Mentality) 目黒将司Hierophant and Lovers Shadow event2:52
31. The Path is Open 目黒将司Persona evolution1:40
32. The Path Was Closed 目黒将司Game Over0:30
曲序 曲目 作詞作曲演唱備註時長
1. Changing Seasons 目黒将司小宮知子Gekkoukan High School (Semester 2)2:59
2. Basement 目黒将司Chariot and Justice Shadow event3:03
3. Master of Tartarus 目黒将司Tartarus Boss Battle3:30
4. これでいいんだ…(It's Alright...) 目黒将司Shinjiro confronts Takaya1:25
5. Living With Determination 目黒将司Sad event3:05
6. tartarus_0d04 目黒将司Theme of Tartarus (4th Block)3:34
7. 京都(Kyoto) 目黒将司Kyoto hotel1:06
8. Afternoon Break 目黒将司Lunchtime2:22
9. 時価ネットたなか(Current Net Price Tanaka) 橋野桂目黒将司高屋雅英Tanaka's Home Shopping Network1:14
10. tartarus_0d05 目黒将司Theme of Tartarus (5th Block)3:35
11. 10年前の記憶(Memory of 10 Years Ago) 目黒将司Flashback in Yakushima / Ryoji regains his memories1:12
12. Mistic 目黒将司Name input, decision to kill Ryoji on Dec 31st3:15
13. 心の力(Power of the Heart) 目黒将司Arcana revelation2:03
14. 街の記憶(Memories of the City) 目黒将司Theme of Port Island (after Dec 31st)2:42
15. 学園の記憶(Memories of the School) 目黒将司Theme of Gekkoukan High (after Dec 31st)1:55
16. Living With Determination -巌戸台分寮アレンジ-(Living With Determination – Iwatodai Dormitory Arrange-) 目黒将司Theme of dorm (after Dec 31st)2:32
17. tartarus_0d06 目黒将司Theme of Tartarus (6th Block)3:44
18. 暗闇より出でしもの(That Which Comes From The Darkness) 目黒将司Cutscene theme of Strega , Nyx Avatar battle intro1:35
19. 全ての人の魂の戦い(Battle Hymn of the Soul) 目黒将司小宮知子Nyx Avatar battle5:34
20. Nyx 目黒将司Theme of Nyx1:40
21. 決意(Determination) 目黒将司Create Universe Arcana1:44
22. Burn My Dread -Last Battle- 田中怜子目黒将司川村ゆみ, Lotus JuiceOpening cutscene; Last Battle Theme (against Nyx)3:48
23. (Bonds) 目黒将司Mitsuru's speech in the ending sequence1:09
24. 私が守るから(Because I'm Protecting You) 目黒将司Protagonist and Aegis on school roof in the ending sequence0:27
25. キミの記憶(Memories of You) 小森成雄目黒将司川村ゆみEnding Theme6:09
26. Blues in Velvet Room 目黒将司Bonus track3:15






Changing Seasons


Comment vous dire...
La vérité finit toujours par se découvrir.
À chaque jour suffit sa peine,
Chacun trouve chaussure à son pied.
Le temps blanchit les têtes sans mûrir la raison.
(repeated *3)
