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Sound of the Beast

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Sound of the Beast
演唱 Lotus Juice
作曲 小林哲也
作詞 Lotus Juice
PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #3 Falling Down Soundtrack CD

Sound of the Beast》是動畫電影《女神異聞錄3 劇場版 #3 秋降》的插曲,由Lotus Juice演唱。


Sound of the Beast》是動畫電影《女神異聞錄3 劇場版 #3 秋降》的插曲,由Lotus Juice演唱,收錄於專輯《PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #3 Falling Down Soundtrack CD》中。




The bell is ringing
as we speak the sound of the beast
new king in the town ya'll kneel to the crown
rebooting this, reviving now
yes it is true yes it's true
I've been fooling you boys and girls
oh baby baby baby baby
I'm very sorry
all we need, a little bit of sacrifice
settle it right here
hmm the entire crew of yours
let's engrave them shut'em right here
it's about to go down all clear
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
final stage all clear
I don't get it that you don't get it but I can care less
this world is about to change in all fairness
you may say that I'm a tiny little bit rebellious
what's taken I only take it back man repossess
screws loose, they say that I am strange strange man man deranged man
that's why I quickly hid my my my my craziness
heartbroken cuz nobody understood my emotions
but everything's gonna be fine after this moment
