燃灯阁-U:Asakura Nemu的主页
致維護人員:此公示被這名用戶用來聲明 ta 的主帳號。
“ | Forever Forwards. | ” |
“ | 臨死掙扎的天使輪從來沒有希望。 | ” |
——97灬百分之玖柒, Oct 20, 2023 In an email after Nochelux resolved to work on Moepedia EN |
“ | Speak up, and I'll see what I can do. | ” |
基本資料 | |
本名 | Nochelux Iquinawir Illumina |
別號 | Luna,Lucine,灼穿黑夜的燈火 |
編輯頁面數 | {{#cscore:Asakura Nemu|pages}}個頁面! |
編輯次數 | {{#cscore:Asakura Nemu|changes}}次編輯! |
戰鬥力 | 高達{{#cscore:Asakura Nemu|score}}分! |
血型 | |
星座 | Gemini |
生日 | 6月12日 |
身高 | My friend said any height below 180 is 150, so I'm 150cm |
體重 | Can I say I'm 55 grams? |
三圍 | Does not apply |
萌點 | Novelist,Student,Strict with others, tolerant with herself |
個人狀態 | Doing a desperate struggle on Moepedia EN |
自述 | Look to the left, will you? |
NCEE, 2024 |
China -9 a.m. June 7th, 2024 |
Thus we have come to a time we must face ourselves, whether well prepared or not... |
以GMT+8時間計算 |
Basic Info
Nochelux Iquinawir Illumina, currently still a student, is a curious user who has great will to learn and would like to make her own contributions to Moepedia.
She is a upster on bilibili, but has currently ceased to release new videos. She is also a novelist at least that is how she describes herself, despite being unable to produce any work that can be called "literature".
Nochelux has participated in 4 of the 5 competitions of the high school Olympiads. Although she did not recieve any prize that she can boast about, she finds the act of participating itself glorious. Participating in these contests have effectively broadened her eyesight, and she is quite glad that she spent her precious years on learning cool stuff.
Nochelux is working on Moepedia EN. Come along if you wish... Please...? 萌娘英文站
She is currently dormant since she's preparing for NCEE. (You see that counter on the top of this page?)
Contact her at: [email protected]. She might not be able to check her email frequently, but as soon as she sees your emails she's gonna work on replying.
Girls' Frontline
She is interested in Girls' Frontline, and specificly likes Springfield and AN-94. She is currently working on updating the information concerning GFL on Moepedia.
After the Exilium incident of October, 2023, Nochelux is uncertain about her future with GFL. Since she also needs to prepare for NCEE, she decided to give up this only 2D girls game that she still likes.
She is a member of the Moepedia GFL editor group.
By pure chance, Nochelux began playing Arknights on June 12st, 2019. At that time Nochelux was still not called Nochelux.
However, after the death of Frostnova, she quit the game, only to return upon seeing Skadi the Corrupted Heart nearly 9 months from its release. I.e., in March, 2022. She soon quit again in September of the same year because she found GFL to be much more fun.
Novel Writing
Nochelux is fascinated with novel writing, but is barely literate. What she produces is not literature; it is litter.
Just so you know: Nochelux's name came from a piece she wrote called "Ignite the Night".
Thanks to a PhD student, Qilin Xue, and a great chemistry teacher, Zheng Li, Nochelux developed a curious interest in chemistry. Though she has never considered studying chemistry for practical reasons(註)生化環材,四大天坑, she is willing to learn about the fascinating world of compounds.
She has made a few contributions to some entries of elements at Moepedia, such as a paragraph concerning ozone.
She has no idea why the HF(aq) is a blocked phrase.
Cool Stuff
- The first contribution of this user went to Erma EMP. This user was obsessed with ERMA during Longitudal Strain and you can imagine how depressed she was when she spent a whole day investigating this doll only to conclude it had no immediate use whatsoever, even in SMG formations!
- The tenth contribution of this user went to her own home page. Now you see how narcissistic she is. (Other evidence shows that it went to Springfield. Who knows?
- The fiftieth contribution of this user was to put a signing board into her own home page. Go there and condemn this narcissism!
- The one hundreth contribution went to a discourse chain on the ZH discussion page concerning Moepedia EN. So much for working in vain.
- She recieved Extended Confirmed User on 12:34, Dec.24, 2023.
Being Dumb
On her first IELTS test, this user did not manage to finish a two minute speech in part two. It was only after an awkward silence did she realize this, but then it was too late to do anything.
She did actually get an 8 in speaking for that test and a total of 8.5 that time. Who knows how?
Here is a disordered compilation of this user's hobbies and abilities.
As a MGP User
守序 善良 |
制度是他們的,我只負責編輯條目。 萌娘百科是一個用愛澆築的百科;高級權限的使用是手段而不是目的。 |
Vector | 這位用戶使用經典的Vector為萌百作出貢獻。 |
Moegirl Pedia EN |
This user works on Moepedia EN. |
這名用戶使用InPageEdit維護頁面。 |
Languages this User Uses
鷹語-2 | 您試圖融入社會。 |
Python 2 | 這個用戶能夠使用Python進行面向對象編程。 |
zh-N | 此用戶的母語是漢語。 |
en-3 | This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English. |
ja-0 | この利用者は日本語が分かりません。 |
Interests this User Has
這個用戶是少女前線的指揮官。 |
あんーあんーあんー、とっても大好き、ドラえもん❤~ |
該用戶是一位Phigros玩家 大佬帶帶 |
這位用戶非常喜歡初音未來。 Yヾ(´∀`Yヾ) |
美腿 賽高 |
這位用戶是一名腿控。 誰不喜歡又細又長的絕世美腿呢? |
Notice Nochelux is an independent contributor to moepedia. This means she is not affiliated with the company that currently runs Moepedia, has not signed any contract with it, and does not do anything on behalf of the company. Thus she should NOT be held responsible for anything that might come to occur due to the actions of the company or Moepedia staff, including but not limited to:
- Legal or economic disputes
- Copyright issues
- What might lead from clicking on the ads seen on the Moeskin interface
- Other failures due to mistakes of the company
Notice also that, since Nochelux is not a member of the Moepedia staff, she DOES NOT have the responsibility to inspect the information other users have written on Moepedia pages, including but not limited to:
- General items
- Pages that Nochelux have contributed to
- Pages that Nochelux created