Heli Attack 3
Heli Attack 3 | |
原名 | Heli Attack 3 |
類型 | 射擊 |
平台 | Adobe Flash |
開發 | Squarecircleco |
設計師 | Christopher 'iopred' Rhodes |
美工 | Christian 'DayDream' Hildenbrand |
音樂 | David 'Psykopig' Desi Christopher 'iopred' Rhodes |
引擎 | Adobe Flash |
系列 | Heli Attack系列 |
發行時間 | 2005年 |
相關作品 | Heli Attack Heli Attack 2 |
《Heli Attack 3》是一款由Squarecircleco開發的射擊遊戲。
- 跳下:按空格鍵+下蹲鍵可以跳入下一層地形
- 超級跳(HyperJump):按空格鍵+跳躍鍵(默認)可以跳得比三段跳還高。需要冷卻
- 時間扭曲(TimeDistort):使時間流速變慢。
- 時間裂縫(TimeRift):同上,玩家操控的角色不受影響。
- 時間間斷(TimeBreak):使時間停止流動。玩家操控的角色不受影響。
名稱 | 圖片 | 遊戲中介紹 | 彈夾容量 | 傷害 | 裝彈時間(秒) | 攻擊範圍 |
小刀 Knife |
簡單近戰武器兼最後防線,準備時會造成很高的傷害,但必須非常接近敵人才能造成傷害 A simple melee weapon and the last line of defense, it does high damage for it's reload time, however you must be extremely close to the enemy for it to do damage |
無限 | 50 | 0.46875 | 很近 | |
弓箭 Bow&Arrow |
原始武器,傷害優秀但難以瞄準 A primitive weapon, it does good damage, but it is hard to aim |
30 | 0.625 | 一般 | ||
手榴彈 Grenade |
基本爆破武器,傷害高但難以瞄準。初次傷害後,爆炸本身也會傷害敵人 The basic explosive weapon, does high damage, but is hard to aim. After the intial damage, the explosion itself will also damage an enemy |
25 | 50 | 近 | ||
手槍 Pistol |
泛用武器。傷害優秀,裝彈快且易於瞄準。手槍通常是士兵最常用的武器 The work-horse for weapons. Good damage, fast reload and easy to aim. The Pistol is usually the most used weapon in a soldiers arsenal |
無限 | 10 | 0.25 | 無限 | |
機槍 MachineGun |
速射武器。傷害優秀,裝彈快。非常通用的武器。 Fast firing, good damage and fast reload. A great all purpose weapon. |
150 | 0.15625 | |||
雙持MAC-10 AkimboMac10's |
For the(求翻譯)動作片迷,裝彈快,每次射出兩發子彈 For the action movie fan, fast firing, two bullets per shot |
75 | 8 | 0.125 | ||
鏈式槍 ChainGun |
射速比其他槍快,後坐力強需小心瞄準 Fires bullets faster than any other gun, has high recoil so aim carefully |
100 | 10 | 0.0625 | ||
霰彈槍 Shotgun |
立即射出四發子彈。子彈會擴散,需細瞄 Shoots 4 bullets at once, aim carefully, they spread |
20 | 15 | 0.78125 | ||
雙管霰彈槍 DoubleShotgun |
超級霰彈槍!立即射出由八發子彈組成的彈幕看起來只射了七發 The super shotgun! Shoots 8 bullets at once with heavy spread |
15 | 10 | 1.09375 | ||
狙擊步槍 SniperRifle |
具有激光瞄準器的超精確武器,幾乎是指哪打哪 Super accurate weapon with laser sight, almost impossible to miss with |
12 | 75 | 0.625 | ||
榴彈發射器 GrenadeLauncher |
以中等速度曲射榴彈,需細瞄。適合消滅地面部隊 Fires grenades at moderate speeds with an arc, aim carefully. Great for taking out ground troops |
15 | 75 | 0.9375 | 較遠 | |
RPG | 火箭榴彈,當你需要準確命中目標的榴彈才會用上的武器。榴彈先以非常慢的速度射出,再加速至極快 Rocket Propelled Grenades, for when you need a grenade to get there on time. The grenade leaves the gun at a very low speed, but accelerates to incredible speeds |
85 | 0.78125 | 無限 | ||
火箭筒 RocketLauncher |
標準火箭筒,發射慢速直射火箭 The standard launcher, shoots slow straight firing rockets |
11 | 100 | 1.25 | ||
跟蹤火箭筒 SeekerLauncher |
發射火箭,自動尋找最近的敵人的(求潤色),幾乎炮炮中 Shoots rockets which automatically seek the closest enemy, almost guaranteed to hit |
7 | 100 | 1.5625 | ||
醉行(求校對)火箭筒 DrunkenLauncher |
發射三顆隨機飛行的醉行(求校對)火箭,很難瞄準 Fires 3 drunken rockets that fly around randomly, very hard to aim |
6 | 50 | 1.875 | ||
激光制導火箭筒 GuidedLauncher |
制導火箭是特殊的武器,發射後會飛向你瞄的地方。瞄向敵人,制導火箭就會飛向它 Guided rockets are special, fire them and they follow where you aim, keep your aim on an ememy, and it will aim to it |
9 | 100 | 1.5625 | ||
防空炮 FlakCannon |
以隨機彈速和彈道發射20塊破片(求校對)。極難瞄準,靠近目標以造成最大傷害 Shoots 20 separate peices of flak at random speeds and trajectories. Extremely hard to aim with, get up close to do maximum damage |
8 | 10 | 1.5625 | 一般 | |
火箭霰槍 ShotgunRockets |
毀滅性武器,每次發射三顆小火箭 Fires three small rockets, a devastating weapon |
7 | 25 | 1.25 | 無限 | |
噴火器 FlameThrower |
當你想燒焦敵人時才會用到的武器。火焰波及時就會造成傷害,但火焰越大傷害越小 For when you want to make toast from your enemies. Does its damage over its entire life, but does less damage the bigger the flame |
150 | 2 | 0.0625 | 遠 | |
SparkPlug(求翻譯) | 射出兩個傷害相同的電火花 Shoots two sparks which do equal damage |
30 | 30 | 0.46875 | 無限 | |
粘性炸藥槍 GooGun |
粘性炸藥是一種奇怪的物質,它會粘在地上,傷害任何經過它的東西 Goo is a strange substance, it will stick to the ground and do damage to anything that walks over it |
25 | 50 | 0.3125 | 一般 | |
迴旋刀片槍(求校對) Bladerang |
極難用的槍,子彈向前飛行後很快會像迴旋鏢一樣飛回去。仔細瞄準,子彈會命中敵人兩次! An extremely tricky gun to use, the projectile fires out forwards but soon returns like a boomerang. Aim it carefully, and you can hit an enemy twice! |
7 | 20 | 1.5625 | 遠 | |
激光步槍 LaserRifle |
激光是移速最快的發射物之一,會穿過多個敵人,可以對同一個敵人造成多次傷害。弱化版軌道槍 The laser is one of the fastest moving projectiles, and it will pass through multiple enemies. It can do its damage multiple times to the same enemy |
25 | 30 | 0.5 | 無限 | |
自動激光步槍 AutoLaserRifle |
射速比標準版快,但不准 Shoots lasers faster than the standard rifle, but is very inaccurate |
25 | 20 | 0.25 | ||
激光霰槍 ShotgunLasers |
以大散佈發射三道激光 Fires 3 lasers at once, in a large spread pattern |
12 | 20 | 0.9375 | ||
軌道槍 RailGun |
即時軌道發射裝置,發射接近光速的貧鈾彈。如果你瞄得好必能命中目標,甚至能穿透牆壁 Instant rail delivery. Fires depleted uranium slugs at near light-speed. If you aim it correct it is guaranteed to hit, even through walls |
6 | 200 | 2.34375 | ||
即中槍(求校對) Anytime |
升級完成的軌道槍!即中槍(求校對)會發射類似軌道槍子彈的子彈,當它們與敵人接觸時會爆炸,造成更大的傷害。這種增強的爆發力使射速減慢,足以在較慢的時間內被看到 It has been done, an upgraded RailGun! Anytime fires similar slugs to the RailGun, but they detonate when they come in contact with an enemy and do more damage. This added explosive power slows the shots down enough to be seen in slowed time |
5 | 130 | 4.6875 | ||
空襲 AirStrike |
雖然這個設備本身沒有攻擊力,但它能叫來傾瀉戰場的高傷 While this device does no damage by itself, it calls down an AirStrike which bombards the field with rockets which do high damage each |
4 | 0 | 1.25 | ||
泰瑟槍 Taser |
發射高速飛行的大插 A large socket is fired at high speeds. when it comes in contact with an enemy, the Taser fires electricity over time that shocks the enemy. If the Taser is attached to an enemy, it is guaranteed to kill them |
2 | 5 | 6.25 | ||
音波 SoundWaave |
超級低音!發射會造成持續傷害的巨大聲波,也會穿透牆壁 Uber bass! Fires large waves of sound which do constant damge to enemies, and also shoots through walls |
30 | 10 | 0.3125 | ||
原子火箭筒 A-BombLauncher |
鈾235以最糟糕的方式利用。發射彈速極慢、傷害巨大的炮彈,爆炸餘波會造成同樣高的傷害 U235 harnessed in the worst possible way. Fires extremely slow moving projectiles, that do incredible amounts of damage. The explosion fallout does equally high damage also |
3 | 500 | 9.375 | ||
黑洞生成器 BlackHoleGenerator |
終極武器,沒有什麼比這把武器更可怕了。它會製造一個微型黑洞,吞噬所有與之接觸的敵人 The ultimate weapon. Nothing commands as much fear as this weapon. It fires a micro sized black-hole which will suck up all enemies that come in contact with it |
1 | 0 | 18.75 | 發射區域 |
- 飛行器:會對玩家操控的角色射擊其實刀捅一下就能擊落它了
- 直升機1:同上,生命值比飛行器高
- 直升機2:同上,不僅生命值比直升機1高,還會轟炸
- 直升機3:同上,不僅生命值比直升機2高,還會發射火箭彈和製造彈幕
- 全息影像:不會攻擊和移動,打掉不會得分。僅出現於教學區
- 陸上敵人1:不會攻擊,玩家操控的角色走到哪它就走到哪。不會離開它所在的地形
- 陸上敵人2:會朝正前方射擊。生命值比陸上敵人1高。不會離開它所在的地形
- 陸上敵人3:不會移動,會對玩家操控的角色射擊
關卡名 | 目標 | 出現的敵人 |
教學區 Teaining Zone |
到達旗幟處 | 全息影像 |
1-1區域 Zone 1-1 |
擊落6架飛行器 | 飛行器 |
1-2區域 Zone 1-2 |
擊落9架飛行器 | 飛行器 陸上敵人1 |
1-3區域 Zone 1-3 |
擊落12架飛行器 | |
1-4區域 Zone 1-4 |
擊落6架直升機 | 直升機1 |
2-1區域 Zone 2-1 |
擊落8架直升機 | |
2-2區域 Zone 2-2 |
擊落10架直升機 | 直升機1 陸上敵人1 |
2-3區域 Zone 2-3 |
擊落12架直升機 | |
2-4區域 Zone 2-4 |
擊落6架直升機 | 直升機2 |
3-1區域 Zone 3-1 |
擊落12架飛行器 | 飛行器 陸上敵人2 |
3-2區域 Zone 3-2 |
擊落12架直升機 | 直升機1 陸上敵人2 |
3-3區域 Zone 3-3 |
擊落8架直升機 | 直升機2 陸上敵人2 |
3-4區域 Zone 3-4 |
擊落6架直升機 | 直升機3 |
4-1區域 Zone 4-1 |
擊落14架直升機 | 直升機1 陸上敵人3 |
4-2區域 Zone 4-2 |
擊落10架直升機 | 直升機2 陸上敵人3 |
4-3區域 Zone 4-3 |
擊落8架直升機 | 直升機3 陸上敵人3 |
X區域 Zone X - Warning |
想打多少就打多少 | 直升機3 陸上敵人2 陸上敵人3 |
秘技碼 | 效果 |
up up down down left right left right b a select start | 解鎖所有武器 |
John Rambo約翰·蓝波 | 解鎖弓箭 |
Old Faithful | 解鎖鏈式槍 |
Its a Jackal | 解鎖狙擊步槍 |
This is my boomstick | 解鎖雙管霰彈槍 |
Shrapnel彈片 | 解鎖防空炮 |
Follow the leader跟隨領導 | 解鎖激光制導火箭筒 |
Moonshine | 解鎖醉行(求校對)火箭筒 |
Gloop | 解鎖粘性炸藥槍 |
9 Volt9伏特 | 解鎖SparkPlug(求翻譯) |
Australians all let us rejoice | 解鎖迴旋刀片槍(求校對) |
AlphaΑ | 解鎖激光步槍 |
BetaΒ | 解鎖自動激光步槍 |
GammaΓ | 解鎖激光霰槍 |
I dont have time to bleed | 解鎖即中槍(求校對) |
Call in artillery調用火炮 | 解鎖空襲 |
Missile launch detected偵測到導彈發射 | 解鎖原子火箭筒 |
Bass in your face | 解鎖音波 |
Wash away the rain | 黑洞生成器 |
- Squarecircleco官網:http://www.squarecircleco.com
- 遊玩連結:Miniclip.com. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-01) (English).
- Heli Attack Wiki:https://heliattack.fandom.com/wiki/Heli_Attack_Wiki