诺克萨斯统领 The Noxian Grand General 杰里柯·斯维因 Jericho Swain | |
![]() 作者overgank 作品ID74232118 | |
本名 | |
昵称 | 乌鸦、 |
种族 | 斯维因:人类 拉姆(乌鸦):恶魔 |
地区 | |
势力 | 诺克萨斯 |
游戏定位 | 法师、战士 |
萌点 | 政治家、贵族、军人(前)、断臂 |
相关角色 | 共生体:拉姆 政敌:乐芙兰 崔法利议会同僚:德莱厄斯、无面人 谜弟、朋友:德莱厄斯 宿敌:艾瑞莉娅 莫德凯撒、卢修斯·马尔福 |
配音(声优) | 孟祥龙(国服) 金尾哲夫(日服) |
“ | 他们觉得胜券在握?那就让他们失望吧。 | ” |
新背景故事 |
旧背景故事 |
旧技能 |
旧版皮肤 |
收集魂屑 | 备注 | |
卡萨丁 | So he's heard the rumours,the girl who came back 所以他确实听到了传闻,那个女孩回来了 |
指卡萨丁的女儿卡莎 |
艾希 | She claimed it was the frost queens grave.They believed her 她说那是冰霜女皇的陵墓,他们深信不疑 |
索尔 | What is this about...Silings? 这是什么?他的同胞吗? |
比尔吉沃特势力 | Thet fight the mist above the seas never looking beneath 他们在海上与黑雾搏斗,却从来不会看看水下 |
指派克 比尔吉沃特势力包括格雷福斯、俄洛伊、普朗克、崔斯特、厄运小姐、诺提勒斯、派克 |
乐芙兰 | An empire...Built atop centuries of murder 无数个世纪的残杀铸就了帝国 |
卡蜜尔 | My-my,does your dear grandniece know what 'C' has been up to? 哎呀呀,你的侄孙们可知道那位化名C的人在谋划着什么吗? |
侄孙指凯特琳,C指卡蜜尔 |
卡西奥佩娅 | They payment for her suffering in shurima a black rose 她在恕瑞玛受的苦换来的回报是一朵黑色的玫瑰 |
德莱厄斯 | Not daughters.Only soldiers 不是什么女儿,只是士兵而已 |
斯维因指示德莱厄斯的女儿杀了她的母亲带孝女 |
恶魔势力 | Shaped by humanity...A reflection 源自人性的反射 |
恶魔势力包括魔腾、伊芙琳、塔姆 |
艾克 | A glimpse mere seconds into the furture 短短的一撇只能看到未来几秒 |
伊莉丝 | A vault empty of relics but filled with corpses 密室里没有宝藏,只堆满了尸体 |
伊莉丝蛊人寻宝,实则为了献祭蜘蛛之神 |
菲奥娜 | She spurned so many suitors...A wonder they did not see why 她拒绝了那么多的求婚者,多么耐人寻味 |
弗雷尔卓德势力 | They squabble as wind howl and the wards fade 他们在寒风中无谓的争吵,任由守卫凋零 |
弗雷尔卓德势力包括泰达米尔、瑟庄妮、努努和威朗普、艾希、丽桑卓、布隆、沃利贝尔 |
加里奥 | His serects died with his sculptor 他的秘密已经和造他的人埋进了地下 |
盖伦 | Ignorant of the very magic you carry into battle,how demacian 你自己带到战场上的魔法却视而不见,德玛西亚人的作风啊 |
艾欧尼亚势力 | Magic spills from their land like blood from a wound 魔法在大地上流淌,仿佛伤口溅出鲜血 |
艾欧尼亚势力包括艾瑞莉娅、卡尔玛、亚索、阿卡丽、辛德拉 |
嘉文四世 | His blood is the only useful thing about him 他唯一能派上用场的东西,只有他的血 |
金克斯 | Faces fading in the flames...It was all her fault 许多面孔在火中消逝,都是她的错 |
卡利斯塔 | The first oath,the one she made to him 第一个誓言是她和一个男人定下的 |
卡特琳娜 | He asked her to do what she could not.To kill me 他命令她的事情她却做不到--就是杀了我 |
凯隐 | A child who had known only hate...Confused it for love 一个只知道仇恨的孩子却把爱也搞混了 |
拉克丝 | Which is the greater tragedy that she fell in battle or that she fell in line 身死沙场和深陷教条,到底哪一个才是更大的悲剧呢 |
波比 | So many obsessed with the hero tell me more about the hammer 这么多人都痴迷于那个英雄,可这把锤子却又是 |
奎因 | Her archrival,a tuskvore?How undignified 她最大的宿敌是一只食齿兽?太不上台面了 |
瑞雯 | She held their hands as they died,hoping they would drag her with them 她握着他们垂死的手只希望自己可以不用独活 |
暗影岛势力 | A king remains in the mist...And another marches 迷雾中一位国王阴魂不散,而另一位就要到来 |
后半句可能指佛耶戈、暗影岛势力包括卡莉斯塔、赫卡里姆、锤石、莫德凯撒 |
塞恩 | The echo of soul only pain brings it back 只有痛苦才能敲响这灵魂的回声' |
斯维因 | I already knew that 我已经知道了' |
塔莉娅 | She feard what she counld not understand,herself 她恐惧着她自己所不能了解的东西,她自己' |
瓦斯塔亚人 | Those born of magic rarely realize its curse until it is too late 生于魔法的他们很少意识到这也是诅咒,直到为时已晚' |
瓦斯塔亚人包括瑟提、阿狸、霞、洛 |
虚空生物 | A pattern spreading it has learned to be alive 一种不断扩张的形式已经变成了生命' |
虚空生物包括雷克塞、卡兹克、科加斯、卡萨丁、卡莎、卑尔维斯 |
沃里克 | She was closer than he realized 那女孩靠的太近了' |
任何人 | Forfeit your life 呈上你的性命' |
任何人 | Deaths hand 死亡染指' |
任何人 | In death the veil is lifted 死亡将会揭去面纱' |
任何人 | Their whispers itch at the back of my mind 他们的低语在我的脑海中骚动' |
任何人 | What have the ravens brought me 看看乌鸦给我带回了什么' |
任何人 | I am not done with you yet 我跟你还没完呢' |
任何人 | Your soul was already mine 你的灵魂早就归我了' |
击杀 | 备注 | |
大招形态下团灭对手 | This is not even my final form 我甚至还没有达成终极之身 |
诺克萨斯势力 | One less enemy within 内部的敌人少了一个 |
诺克萨斯势力包括泰隆、乐芙兰、德莱厄斯、莎弥拉、德莱文、卡西奥佩娅、弗拉基米尔、千珏、卡特琳娜 |
诺克萨斯势力 | You were no longer useful 你已经没有利用价值了 |
诺克萨斯势力包括泰隆、乐芙兰、德莱厄斯、莎弥拉、德莱文、卡西奥佩娅、弗拉基米尔、千珏、卡特琳娜 |
德玛西亚势力 | A bit presumptuous to consider us 'rivals' 把我们看作是对手的行为有些太过愚昧了 |
德玛西亚势力包括盖伦、拉克丝、奎因、菲奥娜、加里奥、嘉文四世、波比、赵信、薇恩、阿克尚、卢锡安 |
德玛西亚势力 | Predictable as alkways 不出所料 |
德玛西亚势力包括盖伦、拉克丝、奎因、菲奥娜、加里奥、嘉文四世、波比、赵信、薇恩、阿克尚、卢锡安 |
任何人 | Death is its own prophecy 死亡的预言就是死亡 |
任何人 | Victory awaits 胜利在望 |
任何人 | Another pieces cleared from the board 又一颗棋子被吃掉了 |
任何人 | That is one way to surrender 这也是一种投降的方式 |
任何人 | Another disappointment 又是一次失望 |
任何人 | The raven was a portent their time had come 乌鸦预示着,他们的死期到了 |
助攻 | I owe you a debt,that is not as ominous as it sounds 我欠你的,没有听上去那么不吉利 |
助攻 | You have exceeded my expectations 你超越了我的期待 |
助攻 | Perhaps a promotions is in order,how would you like your own warband? 也许该晋升你了,拥有自己的战团如何? |
史诗野怪 | We have civilized the beast 我们教化了这野兽 |
史诗野怪 | More than men must kneel to Noxus 要臣服的不仅是人类 |
史诗野怪 | Its strength is ours 它的力量为我们所用 |
史诗野怪 | Death comes to even the most fierce 哪怕是最凶残的怪物也难逃一死 |
史诗野怪 | I almoost pity the brute 我几乎要同情这畜生了 |
史诗野怪 | A savage roar silenced 野蛮的咆哮平息了 |
史诗野怪 | Congratulations,we have outsmarted a beast 可喜可贺,我们证明了自己比野兽聪明 |
建筑 | Let us end this siege 我们来给攻城收尾吧 |
建筑 | One less place to hide 又少了一个躲藏的地方 |
建筑 | Their defenses crumble 他们的防线崩溃了 |
建筑 | What Noxus takes it will defend 诺克萨斯将这座废墟化为己用 |
建筑 | Let them find hope in the rubble 让他们在一地的瓦砾中徒劳的期望吧 |
特殊动作 | 备注 | |
嘲讽-阿狸 | It is better to be feared than loved,vastaya 受人敬畏可比被人爱恋要好,瓦斯塔亚人' |
嘲讽-巴德 | I do not know you are the wisest i have ever met,or a pile of moldering blankets 我不知道你到底是我见过最有智慧的东西,还是一堆发霉的破布' |
嘲讽-乐芙兰 | Thorns in my side,but your flower is turly something to behold 花刺如鯁在喉,但你们那朵玫瑰确是人间盛景' |
嘲讽-卡西奥佩娅 | Ah yes,Cassiopeia.I admire your commitment to...Metaphor 啊,卡西奥佩娅。你把自己变成了一个象征我很欣赏' |
嘲讽-德莱厄斯 | It was only a matter of time Darius.Do what you must 不过是迟早的事德莱厄斯。动手吧' |
嘲讽-德莱厄斯 | Your trust may be misplaced,old friend.But it is appearciated 老朋友,你的信任可能搞错对象了。但我仍然表示感激' |
嘲讽-暗裔生物 | Creatures of darkness that grant power to their host?How original 给予宿主力量的黑暗生物?多么原始' |
嘲讽-德玛西亚势力 | All roads leads to Noxus,but all visions to Demacia 所有的道路都通向诺克萨斯,但所有的预兆都指向德玛西亚' |
德玛西亚势力包括盖伦、拉克丝、奎因、菲奥娜、加里奥、嘉文四世、波比、赵信、薇恩、阿克尚、卢锡安 |
嘲讽-德玛西亚势力 | There is nothing noteworthy about Demacia.But that in itself is worth thing 德玛西亚不值一提,这就是他们唯一值得提的东西' |
德玛西亚势力包括盖伦、拉克丝、奎因、菲奥娜、加里奥、嘉文四世、波比、赵信、薇恩、阿克尚、卢锡安 |
嘲讽-恶魔势力 | You will find this delicated morsel quite capable of fighting back 你觉得我是一块可口的点心?不过这一口想吃到嘴里可不容易' |
恶魔势力包括魔腾、伊芙琳、塔姆 |
嘲讽-德莱文 | Fame has gone your head and find ample room within 出名的念头已经钻进了你的脑袋,里面可真够宽敞的' |
嘲讽-德莱文 | You stood with me when I was outcast.So I stood by you when you were drunk in spite of the stench 当我受到排挤的时候你和我站在一边,所以你喝醉的时候我也会站在你那边,即使你臭气熏天' |
嘲讽-艾瑞莉娅 | Am i seek to revenge for my poor departed arm?If anything girl...You did me a favour 我要给我可怜的断臂报仇吗?如果是的话姑娘,你干的不错' |
嘲讽-贾克斯 | The mind is the weapon,you are unarmed 意志才是武器,所以你根本手无寸铁' |
嘲讽-卡特琳娜 | Did they know who killed you father?Or do they still blame me? 他们知道是谁杀了你父亲吗?还是说他们仍然认为是我干的?' |
嘲讽- 千珏 | If you take me,you will leave Noxus with something far worse 如果你们把我带走了,留给诺克萨斯的东西比我糟糕百倍' |
嘲讽-乐芙兰 | We both move pawns in a grand game,and looking at that...It seems I am winning 我们都在下一盘大棋,你好好看看,我好像要赢了' |
嘲讽-乐芙兰 | You see ever flaw in me,and you do not even blink.A bit unwise would not you say? 你看破了我所有的缺陷,眼睛都不眨一下。这可不太聪明' |
嘲讽-乐芙兰 | Life will be boring without surprises.You certainly keep things...Interesting 没有惊喜的人生多么无聊。而你...你让我觉得很有意思' |
嘲讽-乐芙兰 | I suppose this makes use enemies with benefits 我觉得我们算是一对冤家了吧' |
嘲讽-诺克萨斯势力 | The world may fall to darkness,but Noxus will remain 整个世界都将陷入黑暗,但诺克萨斯将会长存' |
诺克萨斯势力包括泰隆、乐芙兰、德莱厄斯、莎弥拉、德莱文、卡西奥佩娅、弗拉基米尔、千珏、卡特琳娜 |
嘲讽-皮尔特沃夫势力 | The truth beneath the gilding,only war can bring profit 金玉其外的真相是,只有战争才能带来财富' |
皮尔特沃夫势力包括卡蜜尔、凯特琳、杰斯、维克托、黑默丁格、奥莉安娜、伊泽瑞尔 |
嘲讽-波比 | People often ask for a hero when a villain is what they turly need 人们总是在呼唤英雄,可实际上他们真正需要的是恶棍' |
嘲讽-洛 | The Vastaya blood is not in my veins,it is on my hands 我也流着瓦斯塔亚人的血,但是是在我手上' |
嘲讽-瑞雯 | The best armour is being forgotten.And you my dear,are quite forgettable 被人遗忘就是最安全的下场,而你亲爱的,太容易被遗忘了' |
嘲讽-慎 | There can be no balance with a hand on the scale 一只手放在了天平上,哪还有什么真正的平衡' |
嘲讽-辛吉德 | Why is he still alive?Another one of Darkwills loose ends 他为什么还没死?又是达克维尔弄出的烂摊子' |
嘲讽-塞恩 | Beware ravens?The words of a fool who knew nothing about demons 当心乌鸦?胡言乱语的蠢货,他对恶魔一无所知' |
嘲讽-塔姆 | Your eloquence seasoning for a repetitive feast 你的滔滔不绝就是你日复一日的大餐佐料' |
嘲讽-厄加特 | Your message is your power,you have learned nothing 你传达的意志才是你的力量,可你仍然愚昧' |
嘲讽-蒙多 | Suffering pools in the depths where children play 深沟下的毒池,是孩童们玩耍的地方' |
回应嘲讽-任何人 | When you run out of insults,try steel 等你的废话都说完了,还是用刀吧 |
回应笑话-任何人 | I own birds cleverer than you 我的鸟儿们都比你会说 |
回应笑话-任何人 | I am not smiling,I am theartening to smile,it is still a threat 我没笑,我硬挤出来的,反正不是真的 |
傲娇大统领 |
插眼 | A ravens-eye view 乌鸦的俯瞰 |
插眼 | Gathering intelligence 正在收集情报 |
插眼 | I suppose it is easier than conquering a demon 我觉得这比收服恶魔容易多了 |
插眼 | I never stop planning 我一直在运筹 |
队伍落后时鼓励 | Every monment we do not kill them,their advantage grows 我们每一次手下留情都让他们更占上风 |
队伍落后时鼓励 | They move swiftly forall the coins weighing them down 他们带着那么多的金银,跑起来也挺快的 |
队伍落后时鼓励 | The dagger is at our throats...But their hands quiver 人为刀俎,但他们的手仍在颤抖 |
队伍落后时鼓励 | They think thet have won?Prove them wrong! 他们觉得胜券在握?那就让他们失望吧 |
半场开香槟咯 |
队伍落后时鼓励 | Are you not children of Noxus? 你们难道不是诺克萨斯的儿女吗? |
队伍落后时鼓励 | Do not fight for conquest,fight to survive 别再想着征服了,战斗是为了活着 |
双方均势时鼓励 | The battle is yet to be decided 这场仗还没打完呢 |
双方均势时鼓励 | Patience is a virtue,but it has its limits 耐心是一种美德,但它也有限度 |
双方均势时鼓励 | The advantages is ours,if we take it 这再努力一把,优势就会出现 |
双方均势时鼓励 | A stalement?How quaint 僵持不下?真是怪事 |
双方均势时鼓励 | Not losinig...Is not wiinning,either 还没输...也就是还没赢 |
双方均势时鼓励 | A truce in all but name 议和毫无意义 |
队伍领先时鼓励 | Drive them from the battlefield 把他们赶出战场 |
队伍领先时鼓励 | We have the monmentum 一鼓作气 |
队伍领先时鼓励 | Who is it we are fighting?I only see their backs 我们到底在和谁打?我只能看到背影 |
队伍领先时鼓励 | Any man who must say 'We were winning' is not truly winning 嘴上老在说我们要赢的人,往往都是要败的: |
队伍领先时鼓励 | Leave the survivors to their officers 若是穷寇,不必再追 |
队伍领先时鼓励 | They flee Noxuxs on the road we built 他们踩着诺克萨斯的大路逃跑了 |
队伍领先时鼓励 | One more push,and they will break 再推一次,他们就要败了 |
重生 | I have already walked the halls of death in the Immortal Bastion 我早已行过了死亡的厅堂,就在不朽堡垒中 |
重生 | They think they have won?Pathetic 他们觉得自己赢了?可悲 |
重生 | A minor setback,nothing more 小小挫折,仅此而已 |
重生 | Am I reborn?The truth is rarely so simple 我重生了?事实一般都没这么简单 |
重生 | It is still watching 它...还在看着 |
重生 | It is there,in the silence after battle.It is there in me 它就在战争后的死寂里,我的身体里 |
敌方有乐芙兰时第一次移动 | An assassin is due at any monment.It is how I know Leblanc cares 刺客随时可能会来,所以我知道乐芙兰有多在乎我 |
第一次移动 | You can sit on a throne that does not make you a ruler,it only means you have an arse 能坐上宝座的人不一定就能君临天下,只不过说明你有一个尺寸刚好的屁股罢了 |
第一次移动 | The outcome was decided when they brought an army...And I brought a demon 他们带着军队来的时候结局就已经确定了,因为我带的是一支恶魔 |
第一次移动 | I have seen this place...A vision...A battle 我看到过这个地方...那画面...是战场 |
第一次移动 | If they already call me a villain,what will they call me when I succeed? 既然他们把我看成恶人,到我成功那天他们又应该怎样评价我呢 |
- 登场时偶尔会播放专属背景音乐仅乌鸦玩家自己可以听见。
- 获得魂屑后,召唤师峡谷地图的墙壁上会出现渡鸦或者其它鸟类,且鸟类与玩家使用的皮肤有关。