物品 | 描述 | 效果 | 獲取地點 | 購買價格 | 出售價格(註)指提米百嚯店 | ||
Bandage(繃帶) | It has already been used several times. 看起來已經被用過很多次了。 |
+10HP | 初始擁有 | 無法購買 | 150G | ||
Monster Candy(怪物糖果) | Has a distinct, non-licorice flavor. 有一種獨特的,非甘草的味道。 |
+10HP | Ruins(遺蹟) | 無法購買 | 25G | ||
Stick(樹枝) | Its bark is worse than its bite. 小樹叉吐不出橡芽。 |
可以饒恕一些特定的狗類怪物,如小犬汪 | 初始擁有 | 無法購買 | 150G | ||
Toy Knife(玩具刀) | Made of plastic. A rarity nowadays. 塑料製品。如今很罕見了。 |
3ATK | Ruins(遺蹟) | 無法購買 | 100G | ||
Spider Donut(蜘蛛甜甜圈) | A donut made with Spider Cider in the batter. 麵粉里混了蜘蛛汽水的甜甜圈。 |
+12HP | Ruins(遺蹟) Hotland (熱域) |
7G(遺蹟)/9999G(熱域) | 30G | ||
Spider Cider(蜘蛛果汁) | Made with whole spiders, not just the juice. 完全由蜘蛛做成,不只是汁哦。 |
+24HP | Ruins(遺蹟)/Hotland(熱域) | 18G(遺蹟)/9999G(熱域) | 60G | ||
Butterscotch Pie(奶油糖果派) | Butterscotch-cinnamon pie, one slice. 奶油糖果肉桂派,一小片。 |
回復所有HP 降低Asgore的ATK和DEF |
Toriel的家 | 無法購買 | 180G | ||
Snail Pie(蝸牛派) | Heals Some HP. An acquired taste. 習慣了就好。 |
未知 | Toriel的家 | 無法購買 | 350G | ||
Faded Ribbon(褪色緞帶) | If you're cuter, monsters won't hit you as hard. 你越可愛,怪物越不忍心下手。 |
3DEF | Ruins(遺蹟) | 無法購買 | 100G | ||
Snowman Piece(雪人的雪塊) | Please take this to the ends of the earth. 請把它帶到世界的盡頭。 |
+45HP | Snowdin(雪町) | 無法購買 | 40G | ||
Nice Cream(好棒冰) | Instead of a joke, the wrapper says something nice. 包裝紙上寫的不是笑話,而是一些溫馨的話。 |
+15HP | 在The Nice Cream Guy購買 | 15(雪町)/25(瀑布)/12(熱域) | 2G | ||
Bisicle(情侶棒冰) | It's a two-pronged popsicle, so you can eat it twice. 這是個雙支冰棒,你可以吃兩次。 |
+11HP | 在雪町商店處購買 | 15G | 5G | ||
Unisicle(單身棒冰) | It's a SINGLE-pronged popsicle. Wait, that's just normal... 這是個單支冰棒,等下,那不就是普通的冰棒… |
+11HP | 使用一次Bisicle | 無法購買 | 2G | ||
Cinnamon Bunny(肉桂兔包) | A cinnamon roll in the shape of a bunny. 做成兔兔形狀的肉桂麵包。 |
+22HP | 在雪町商店處購買 | 25G | 8G | ||
Tough Glove(牢固手套) | A worn pink leather glove. For five-fingered folk. 一隻磨損的粉色皮質手套。給五指的傢伙們的。 |
+5ATK | 在雪町商店處購買 | 50G | 50G | ||
Manly Bandanna(兄貴頭巾) | It has seen some wear. It has abs drawn on it. 很常見,上面畫了腹肌。 |
+7DEF | 在雪町商店處購買 | 50G | 50G | ||
Ballet Shoes(芭蕾舞鞋) | These used shoes make you feel incredibly dangerous. 這雙舊鞋會令你看上去極其危險。 |
+7ATK | waterfall(瀑布) | 無法購買 | 80G | ||
Old Tutu(老舊的芭蕾舞裙) | Finally, a protective piece of armor. 終於,一件能算得上防具的防具。 |
+10DEF | waterfall(瀑布) | 無法購買 | 80G | ||
Punch Card(擊分卡) | Use to make punching attacks stronger in one battle. Use outside of battle to look at the card. 戰鬥時使用會使你的出拳更有力。非戰鬥時可以看看卡片上寫了什麼。 |
集齊3張後購買好棒冰 | waterfall(瀑布) | 無法購買 | 15G | ||
Abandoned Quiche(被遺忘的蛋派) | A psychologically damaged spinach egg pie. 一塊精神上受損的菠菜雞蛋派。 |
+34HP | waterfall(瀑布) | 無法購買 | 76G | ||
Astronaut Food(太空食物) | For feeding a pet astronaut. 用來餵寵物太空人的食物。 |
+21HP | 垃圾場 | 無法購買 | 25G | ||
Crab Apple(螃果) | An aquatic fruit that resembles a crustacean. 長得像甲殼一樣的水棲水果。 |
+18HP | Gerson的商店 | 25G | 5G | ||
Sea Tea(海茶) | Made from glowing marsh water. Increases SPEED for one battle.由發光的蘑菇水製成。戰鬥時食用提升速度。 | +10HP 增加移動速度 |
Gerson的商店 | 18G | 5G | ||
Torn Notebook(損壞的筆記本) | Contains illegible scrawls. Increases INV by 6. 上面的筆跡十分潦草。無敵幀增長6。 |
+2ATK | Gerson的商店 | 55G | 50G | ||
Cloudy Glasses(刮花的眼鏡) | Glasses marred with wear. Increases INV by 9. 鏡片有些損壞了,無敵幀增長9。 |
+6DEF | Gerson的商店 | 35G | 50G | ||
Temmie Armor(提米盔甲) | The things you can do with a college education! Raises ATTACK when worn. Recovers HP every other turn. INV up slightly. 大學教育能做出的東西!裝備後提升攻擊。每兩回合回復 HP。無敵提升少許。 |
+20DEF | Temmie商店 | 9999G-750G | 599G | ||
Temmie Flakes(提米脆片) | It's just torn up pieces of colored construction paper. 只是一小塊彩紙碎片而已。 |
+2HP | Temmie商店 | 1G/3G/2G/1000G | 2G | ||
Annoying Dog(神煩狗) | A little white dog. It's fast asleep... 一隻小白狗,它正在熟睡著… |
無 | waterfall(瀑布) | 無法購買 | 999G[1] | ||
Dog Residue(狗剩) |
使用後獲得Dog Salad | waterfall(瀑布) | 無法購買 | 1-4G | ||
Dog Salad(狗狗色拉) | Recovers HP (Hit Poodles) 回復 HP。(哈巴狗點數。) |
+2/10/30/全部HP | 使用Dog Residue後 | 無法購買 | 8G | ||
Instant Noodles(方便麵) | Comes with everything you need for a quick meal! 提供一頓快餐所需要的一切! |
+4HP (戰鬥中)/15HP (非戰鬥狀態)/90HP(部分戰鬥) | Alphys的實驗室 | 無法購買 | 50G | ||
Hot Dog...?(熱狗…?) | The "meat" is made of something called a "water sausage." 肉的部分由叫做「水香腸」的東西製成。 |
+20HP | Hotland (熱域) | 無法購買 | 10G | ||
Hot Cat(熱貓) | Like a hot dog, but with little cat ears on the end. 看起來像熱狗,但是後面有小小的貓耳。 |
+21HP | Hotland (熱域) | 無法購買 | 11G | ||
Burnt Pan(燒焦的平底鍋) | Damage is rather consistent. Consumable items heal four more HP. 輸出穩定。所有消耗品額外回復4 HP。 |
+10ATK | Hotland (熱域) | 無法購買 | 100G | ||
Stained Apron(髒髒的圍裙) | Heals 1 HP every other turn. 每兩回合治癒1 HP。 |
11DEF 每回合+1HP |
Hotland (熱域) | 無法購買 | 100G | ||
Junk Food(垃圾食品) | Food that was probably once thrown away. 可能是被人丟棄的食品。 |
+17HP | Bratty and Catty的商店 | 25G | 1G | ||
Empty Gun(沒子彈的槍) | An antique revolver. It has no ammo. Must be used precisely, or damage will be low. 一把古董左輪槍,沒有子彈。必須精確瞄準,否則傷害極低。 |
+12ATK | Bratty and Catty的商店 | 350G | 100G | ||
Mystery Key(神秘鑰匙) | It is too bent to fit on your keychain. 它太彎了,不能掛到你的鑰匙鏈上。 |
開啟MTT家的門 | Bratty and Catty的商店 | 600G | 無法出售 | ||
Hush Puppy(狗不理) | This wonderful spell will stop a dog from casting magic. 這絕妙的法術可以讓一隻小狗停止施展魔法。 |
+65HP | 給旅館裡的狗一根熱狗 | 無法購買 | 150G | ||
Cowboy Hat(牛仔帽) | This battle-worn hat makes you want to grow a beard. It also raises ATTACK by 5. 這頂身經百戰的帽子使你非常想留個鬍子。同時增長5點攻擊。 |
+12DEF | Bratty and Catty的商店 | 350G | 100G | ||
Starfait(新星芭菲) | A sweet treat made of sparkling stars. 由閃爍的星星製成的甜品。 |
+14HP | MTT漢堡店 | 60G | 10G | ||
Glamburger(魅力漢堡) | A hamburger made of edible glitter and sequins. 由可食用亮片製成的漢堡。 |
+27HP | MTT漢堡店 | 120G | 15G | ||
Legendary Hero(傳說英雄) | Sandwich shaped like a sword. Increases ATTACK when eaten. 做成劍形狀的三明治。食用後提升攻擊。 |
+40HP +4ATK |
MTT漢堡店 | 300G | 40G | ||
Steak in the Shape of Mettaton's Face(Mettaton臉型排) | Huge steak in the shape of Mettaton's face. You don't feel like it's made of real meat... 一塊鎂塔頓臉形狀的巨大牛排。(你覺得它不像是真正的肉製成的…) |
+60HP | MTT漢堡店 | 500G | 14G | ||
Worn Dagger(磨損的匕首) | Perfect for cutting plants and vines. 非常適合用來修剪植物和藤蔓。 |
+15ATK | New home(新家) | 無法購買 | 250G | ||
Real Knife(真正的刀) | Here we are! 終於啊! |
+99ATK | New home(新家) | 無法購買 | 500G | ||
Heart Locket(心形掛墜盒) | It says "Best Friends Forever." 上面寫著「永遠的好朋友。」 |
+15DEF | New home(新家) | 無法購買 | 250G | ||
The Locket(我的掛墜盒) | You can feel it beating. 你能感受到它正在跳動。 |
+99DEF | New home(新家) | 無法購買 | 500G | ||
Popato Chisps(薯片) | Regular old popato chisps. 普通的舊薯片。 |
+13HP | The True Lab(真實驗室)的自動販賣機 | 25G | 35G | ||
Bad Memory(糟糕的回憶) | ????? ????? |
-1Hp(當HP>3時) 恢復所有HP(當HP≤3時) |
跟Memoryheads戰鬥中 | 無法購買 | 300G | ||
Last Dream(最後夢想) | The goal of "Determination." 「決心」的目的。 |
+17HP | Asriel Dreemurr戰鬥中 | 無法購買 | 250G | ||
Silver Key(銀色鑰匙) | 這不是個物品。 | 解鎖Sans的房間 | 審判長廊 | 這不是個物品。 | |||
Undyne's Letter(安黛因的信) | Letter written for Dr. Alphys. 給艾菲斯博士的信。 |
跟Alphys約會 | Snowdin(雪町) | 無法購買 | 無法出售 | ||
Undyne's Letter EX(安黛因的信EX) | It has DON'T DROP IT written on it. 上面寫著 別弄丟了。 |
跟Alphys約會 | Snowdin(雪町) | 無法購買 | 無法出售 | ||
Puppydough Icecream(狗淇淋) | Made by young pups. 年幼狗狗們做的。 |
+28HP | 無法購買 | 2G | |||
Pumpkin Rings(炸南瓜圈) | A small pumpkin cooked like onion rings. 炸得像小洋蔥圈一樣的小南瓜。 |
+8HP | 無法購買 | 3G | |||
Rock Candy(石頭糖果) | Here is a recipe to make this at home: 1. Find a rock 以下是自製石頭糖果配方:1.找一塊石頭 |
+1HP | 通過修改器到達Room300獲得 | 無法購買 | 3G | ||
Croquet Roll(槌球卷) | Fried dough traditionally served with a mallet. 卷在槌棒上的傳統炸麵團。 |
+15HP | 無法購買 | 10G | |||
Ghost Fruit(幽靈水果) | If eaten, it will never pass to the other side. 吞下去後並不會從另一頭出來。 |
+16HP | 無法購買 | 10G | |||
Stoic Onion(堅忍洋蔥) | Even eating it raw, the tears just won't come. 即使生著吃,眼淚也不會流出來。 |
+5HP | 無法購買 | 10G |
- 註:
- 灰色表示該物品無法在正常遊戲中獲得
- 藍色表示該物品僅能在LOVE=1的情況下獲得
- 金色表示該物品僅能在和平線獲得
- 紅色該物品表示僅能在屠殺線獲得
- 紫色該物品表示不能在屠殺線獲得
- ↑ 但你無法通過正常手段將其帶出神器房間