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感谢您对LoveLive!系列相关条目的编辑。因为大家对LoveLive!学园偶像祭的歌曲难度的判断经常出现不一致的情况,为了更加方便交流,现已建立萌娘百科LoveLive!系列讨论群,QQ群号为639131879。在LoveLive!学园偶像祭日服有新Master难度曲目上线时,本群将通过讨论、投票等方式一起分析谱面难度。邀请您入群一起对相关问题进行交流。(入群请注明萌百ID并务必严格遵守群公告。)— 葫芦又留言 2019年11月16日 (六) 15:16 (CST)

万分抱歉,弄错群号了。QQ群号为389986229。— 葫芦又留言 2019年12月4日 (三) 22:55 (CST)

Thanks for editing entries of LoveLive! Series. Actually, we usually have different opinions of the song difficulty in LoveLive! School Idol Festival. To solve this, we invite you to join the QQ group which numbered 389986229 sincerely. Although there're also a lot of grammar mistakes in your written Chinese, we hope that we can make moegirl-wiki much better. ----bob1301 Dec.19,2019 10:35 (UTC+8)

Some information of the APP called QQ: You can find the international version of it in Google Play, we are waiting for you in sincerity. ----bob1301 Dec.19,2019 10:41 (UTC+8)
You can also get QQ from the bottom of official site - download. — KONNO Yumeto 2019年12月19日 (四) 12:54 (CST)

Thanks for reply! To communicate with you before you get a QQ account, is that ok to know your account of Twitter or other apps? ----bob1301 Dec.22,2019 14:03 (CST)

We just created a chatting-room on the Discord and already sent a request to you. Looking forward to your joining!--Sanry Dec.23,2019 15:27 (UTC+8)

【LL系列十周年庆】A LoveLiver's Barnstar for you!

Mv chara.png Love Live! Series 10th Anniversary Memorial Barnstar☆
The story of Love Live! begun ten years ago on 29th May 2010. Going through ups and downs, Love Live! School idol project series has finally reached her tenth year. Today, she has already developed into an enormous family with four idol projects, three school idol festival series games, and more than 100 school idols with diversified characteristics.

On her 10th anniversary, I would like to express my gratitude to the editors who have been constantly contributing for Love Live! Series’ related articles. So, thank you for your contributions on the songs' difficulty ratings of Love Live! School Idol Festival!. Your hard work has enriched MoegirlProject Love Live! Series on moegirlpedia.

Hope that we could continue working together for MoegirlProject Love Live! Series, and deliver the glamour of Love Live! Series together. ——花生仔Ⓞ留言 2020年5月29日 (五) 09:21 (CST)


值此萌百十周年之际,萌百娘谨代表萌娘百科赠与你十周年星章,感谢你在萌百做出的910次编辑和833次条目编辑。聚沙成塔,集腋成裘,感谢所有参与萌娘百科建设的同学,萌百娘十周岁啦~ ~ ~ ——萌百娘讨论) 2020年10月15日 (四) 15:03 (CST)