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胸蓄凌云志,一飞定冲霄!继承与凝聚了古剑系列产品核心文化,代表了网元圣唐对中国文化和精品游戏理解的#白荆回廊# 同调测试将在今晚23点59分圆满结束,欢迎各位监督今日登录游戏参与精彩活动。感谢朋友们对网元圣唐的支持、对《白荆回廊——古剑奇谭》的热爱,更要感谢合作伙伴们的鼎力相助,谢谢朋友们!

#白荆回廊# 作为《古剑奇谭》精神内核的最新一代作品,即将在12月27日开启“同调测试”,非常感谢大家的热情参与!期待在开测当天,我能和各位监督朋友们一同探索这个前所未有的世界!











https://weibo.com/7632696080/L73aQsClp 周边

舞鹤织雪=舞鶴まいずる おりゆき
(Maizuru Oriyuki)

白鸟梓=Shiratori Azusa ?= 白鳥しらとり あずさ

祸烨莲=Luminotus Lumino+Lotus?

紫都=Zodivin Azure 这颜色也对不上啊




初遇 你好,老板~生活就是一场赌局。总是揣着手可不会发生奇迹的哦,你打算什么时候才下注呢?
Hey, Jefe. Life is a gamble. Miracles won't happen if you just sit around and wait for it. When exactly are you going to make a bet?
箱中气候 我们来打个赌吧,我选天气会在三小时后放睛。
I bet you the weather's gonna clear up in three hours.
致未来🔒 未来——未来会有更刺激的冒险吗?你想想,那些夺张的小说里不都这样写吗?神秘术总归会毁灭世界,让切都变成废墟!
The future-will the future bring more thilling adventures? Think about it. Isn't it always like this in those exaggerated novels? Arcanum will eventually destroy the world and render everything to ruins!
孑立 老虎机、黑杰克、俄罗斯轮盘……哼哼~
Slot machines, Blackjack, Russian Roulette ... Hah.
问候 哦,老板,随便坐,别和我客气。
Oh, Jefe. Take a seat. Don't stand on ceremony.
朝晨 早上好……嗯?如果我没记错的话,昨晚我应该睡在了某个卡车货仓……
Morning ... Huh? If my memory didn't fail me, I must have fallen asleep at the back of some truck last night ...
信任-朝晨🔒 来得正好,一起吃早餐吧?我准备了墨西哥辣酱卷饼……不合胃口?那就墨西哥辣酱玉米片……是种类的问题?
You're just in time. Shall we have breakfast together? I got some spicy burritos ... you don't like it? What about enchiladas? ... It's not about the type of food?
夜暮 夜晚!夜晚!开始吧,今天的豪赌!
It's night! It's night! Let the gamble begin!
信任-夜暮🔒 虽然我握着这枚金币出生,但始终搞不懂它的来历……就像陪伴我多年的好友,我却连它的名字都不知道一样~
I was born holding this gold coin, but I have no idea where it came from ... It's like a friend that's been accompanying me all these years, yet I don't even know its name.
帽檐与发鬓 想要沾上我的好运吗?如果你觉得这样有效的话,来吧——
Want some of my good luck? If you think it'll work, try me!
袖与手 来,握手!乖孩子~
Here, let's shake hands! Buena chica!
衣着与身形 想要身体健康的话,最好留神吃进去的东西!闹肚子可不好受。我曾经有一个合作伙伴,什么泥土啊、螺丝啊、都能吃得下去!吓人吧?
If you want to be healthy, take care of what you eat. It doesn't feel good when you get an upset stomach. I once had a companion who would eat soil, screws and whatnot! Frightening, isn't it?
嗜好🔒 哦~这不是老板嘛~想起去冒险吗?最近被评为危险的场所有超过261.6个,无论是凶案现场还是悬崖峭壁我们都有的选。
Ooh, it's you, Jefe? Wanna go on an adventure? There are over 261.6 places that have been rated as dangerous. Murder scenes or ciffs, it's your call.
赞赏🔒 你绝对能大赢把的,相信我,我不会说错的。拉斯维加斯每一架老虎机都是我的婴儿保姆,我懂它们?
You'll definitely win a lot. Trust me, I'm never wrong. Every single slot machine in Las Vegas is like my babysitter. I know them!
亲昵🔒 准备好跟我起大干一场了吗?所有人都会惊掉下巴,收视率将像雄鹰那样高飞~
Are you ready to do this with me? Everyone's jaws are going to drop and the ratings are going to soar like the eagles!
闲谈Ⅰ 硬币抛向哪儿,我就去到哪儿……一向如此。
Wherever the coin goes, I go too ... It's always been this way.
闲谈Ⅱ 我总是因为太过好运而招人嫉妒,不过你也知道的,我运气这么好,没人能对我怎么样~
I'm often the object of people's jealousy because I'm too lucky, but as you know, with my luck, nobody can do anything to me.
独白🔒 稳定?安全?如果要那样过日子,还不如现在就给我颗毒苹果,让我好好地睡上一觉!——等有了好玩的事儿,记得吻醒我~
Stability? Safety? For a life like that, you might as well just give me a poison apple and let me sleep! Remember to kiss me awake when there's something fun going on!
入队 摄像机就位了么?
Is the camera in place?
战前 嗨,给我换点筹码。只要一枚,面额最低。
Hey, give me a chip. Just one with the lowest denomination.
择选咒语Ⅰ 听你的。
Tú decides.
择选咒语Ⅱ 嗯~我知道啦~
Yeah, I know.
择选高阶咒语 做得好~
Bien hecho!
择选至终的仪式 现在~由我来挑选两位幸运嘉宾!
Now, let me choose two lucky guests!
释放神秘术Ⅰ 哇……需要我帮你们叫救护车吗?
Whoa ... need me to get you guys an ambulance?
What? You still don't recognize me? What about now?
释放神秘术Ⅱ 铛铛~特殊按摩时间!
Ta-da! Time for a special massage!
Hey, hey, hey! Don't be shy, mi amigo. Let s dance!
召唤至终的仪式 女士们,先生们,这不是魔术,也不是特殊机关。祝我们——好运!
Ladies and gentlemen, this is no magic nor any special kind of mechanism. Wish us ... luck!
受敌Ⅰ ——嗯?!
受敌Ⅱ ……再试一次?
Intentarlo de nuevo?
战斗胜利 哇哦——777!
Whoa, seven, siete, sept!
洞悉🔒 嘿,所有人都在猜呢,捧着我的“大老板”到底是谁,到底是谁让我在电视屏幕上为非作歹。——你要去露个面吗?
Heh, everyone's guessing who is this "Jefe" always supporting me, letting me stir up trouble on TV. ... Wanna show up?
洞悉之底🔒 氧气不足,就像是要飞起来了一样……!
Not enough oxygen. I feel like ... I'm about to fly!
初遇 您好,我是讣告人。我擅长聆听与打点他人的事务。当然也包括您的,不管是现在的,还是将来的。
Hello, I'm the Necrologist. I am adept at listening to and managing others' affairs. This of course includes yours as well, whether in the present or perhaps, in the future.
箱中气候 博物馆里还有很多类似的“墓碑”。下雨的时候,它们会变得格外吵闹。
There are still many tombstones like this in the museum. They get exceptionally noisy when it starts raining.
致未来🔒 未来? 未来或许和现在不会有太大变化,总有人离世,总有墓碑诉说愿望,也总有一个讣告人打点后事。我想象不到死后会有其他讣告人为我来打点后事。
The future? There's no real difference between the present and the future. People die and there'll always be tombstones speaking of their desires, always a necrologist fulfilling those wishes. I can't imagine another necrologist fulfilling my wishes when I'm dead.
孑立 放置在阁楼的“30年代色情女郎剪报”……抱歉,我订正一下,是“30年代女性突出部位记录剪报”,我会整理出来的。嗯?要尽快销毁吗?
"1930s Porno Girl Clippings" in the attic ... My apologies. Allow me to correct myself. It's the "1930s Girls' Sexual Parts Clippings". I'll look for them. Huh? You want me to destroy them as soon as possible?
问候 您好,欢迎来到墓碑博……抱歉,我有点忙昏头了。
Hello, welcome to the Tombstone Mus ... My apologies, I'm losing it a little from all that I've had to do.
朝晨 我会为墓碑扫去昨夜落下的灰尘。即使肉身已逝,干净整洁的面貌一样重要。
I'll sweep away the dust that's gathered on the tombstones from the previous night. While the physical body might have passed, it is still important to look neat and tidy.
信任-朝晨🔒 早上好,这是我为您准备的辫子面包。不,不是某位墓碑的愿望,只是我的一个小小期望。
Good morning. Here is the zopf that I've prepared for you. No, it isn't any tombstone's desire. It's just a little wish of mine.
夜暮 墓碑们不需要休息,不管是白天还是晚上都会不停地说话,所以我有慢性失眠。无须担心,这也是讣告人工作的一部分。
Tombstones don't need rest. They'll chatter incessantly whether it's night or day, which is why I have chronic insomnia. No worries. It's all part of being a necrologist.
信任-夜暮🔒 您能陪我聊聊天吗?呃……我只是,很少和活生生的人聊过天了,如果您方便的话……
Could you please have a chat with me? Uh, I just ... I haven't talked to someone who's alive for quite a while. If you've got the time ...
帽檐与发鬓 与沟通对象交流的过程中,要时刻注意平视对方,视线柔和。这会有助于他们接受那些令人难以置信的真相,避免歇斯底里的发作。
When communicating with someone, always make sure to look right at them, and do keep your gaze gentle. This will help them accept the hard truth, which will prevent them from getting hysterical.
袖与手 我触碰过坚硬、遗憾、絮絮叨叨的墓碑,也触碰过柔弱、悲伤、颤抖的肩膀。
I've touched both solid, rambling tombstones filled with regret, as well as frail shoulders trembling with grief.
衣着与身形 像是这样的衣服我有十多套。您知道的……我所去的地方,几乎都是葬礼。
I've got about ten outfits that look like this. I'm sure you can understand ... the places that I've gone to are mostly funerals.
嗜好🔒 墓碑们在完成心愿后就会彻底离开,永远地留在玻璃展台中。它们触摸起来不再冰冷,而是变得沉默而温暖。
The tombstones will leave once their wishes are fulfilled, and they will stay in the glass display for all eternity after. They'll never be cold to the touch and instead, turn silent and warm.
赞赏🔒 您很擅长聆听,不仅仅是死者,生者也愿意向您诉说愿望。您拥有那样的温柔与不可思议的能力。
You're a very good listener. It's not just the dead, but even the living are willing to tell you their wishes. You possess gentleness and that sort of incredible ability.
亲昵🔒 您会认为……受到讣告人的关注会是一件不幸的事吗?
Do you think ... getting attention from a necrologist is a bad thing?
闲谈Ⅰ 您知道索尔兹伯里石环吗?我认为它也是某种墓碑,只是比普通的来得更巨大。我真希望能亲自去到那里,试着听听它们的愿望。
Do you know Stonehenge? I believe it's made of tombstones, though they 're just a lot larger than ordinary ones. I really want to go there myself one day, just so I can listen to their desires.
闲谈Ⅱ 嗯……嗯……好的,叶莲娜的电话号码,我记下了。您想对她说什么呢?“我从未有一日忘记你”吗?好的,我知道了。
Mhmm ... Mhmm ... Alright, Yelena's phone number. I've got it all recorded. What would you like to tell her? "I've never forgotten you"? Alright, I see.
独白🔒 在我眼里,墓碑们有时与人并没有太大不同。死亡只是一种生命的延续,每个人都不例外,每个人都殊途同归。
From my point of view, tombstones aren't that much different than people. Death is merely an extension of life, which everybody is subject to. Everyone gets to that point someday.
入队 我很希望能保持中立。
I really want to remain neutral.
战前 我姑且准备好了。
I'm ready for now.
择选咒语Ⅰ 请说吧。
Please go on.
择选咒语Ⅱ 我在听。
I'm listening.
择选高阶咒语 请放心吧。
Please do not worry.
择选至终的仪式 我已经到达了正确的地点。
I'm in the right place.
释放神秘术Ⅰ 哦,抱歉,真对不起。
Oh, my apologies, I'm so sorry.
Agh, please watch out!
释放神秘术Ⅱ 每个人都殊途同归。
Everyone has the same destination.
And ... what's your wish?
召唤至终的仪式 您醒了,您的家人委托我来这儿。嗯,嗯……我会带您回去。
You're awake, your family asked me to get here. Mhmm, mhmm ... I will take you back.
受敌Ⅰ 啊!
受敌Ⅱ 死亡……好近。
Death ... is so close.
战斗胜利 抱歉,你们还有什么未竟的遗愿吗?
Apologies, but do you have any last wishes?
洞悉🔒 奇怪,您听不到吗?那些已死之人的恳求与哀叹像是雪花一样扑面而来。
How odd. Don't you hear that? The pleads and laments of the dead are rushing towards me like snow.
洞悉之底🔒 展台中的展览品又多了一件,我非常高兴。
There's another exhibit on display. I'm delighted.