True Fighter
True Fighter | |
![]() 专辑封面 | |
作曲 | Jeff Miyahara |
作词 | 樱井沙罗 |
编曲 | Jeff Miyahara |
发行 | Amazon Records |
收录专辑 | |
《ウルトラマンオーブ THE ORIGIN SAGA –Themes–(吽)》 |
《True Fighter》是日本特摄电视剧《欧布奥特曼:原生之初》的OP2(第8话~第12话),由FUTURE BOYZ演唱。
- 日文版
- 英文版
本段落中所使用的歌词,其著作权属于原著作权人,仅以介绍为目的引用。世界 を照 らせ 光 と炎 闇 を切 り裂 け永遠 の誓 い 胸 に宿 る誰 も孤独 じゃ 戦 えない戦士 さ愛 と勇気 受 け継 ぐ魂 True Fighter何度 だって立 ち向 かえるさ誘 うRing悪 を恐 れず憎 まず命 を燃 やせ 時 に怒 り闇 に抗 え切 なる願 い 共 に繋 ぐ 揺 るがぬ想 い選 ばれしMission果 たすために生 まれた真 の正義 貫 く魂 何度 だって蘇 るのさ目覚 めるTree未知 を恐 れず怯 まずこの宇宙 を仰 げ誰 もがみんなFighter守 るべきもののため彷徨 いながらでも光 を信 じて遥 か遠 く眠 れる魂 今 こそ天 を駆 け抜 ける時 愛 と勇気 受 け継 ぐ魂 True Fighter何度 だって立 ち向 かえるさ誘 うRing悪 を恐 れず憎 まず
ゆずれぬ想 い
その胸 に抱 け
この地球 の希望 となれ
True Fighter
その愛 の化身 となれ
キミのその力 で
すべてを救 い出 すのさ
その胸 に抱 け
この地球 の希望 となれ
You are a warrior
So break the barriers
The world is calling your name
The light in fire will take you higher
The fight is always the same
And everything that you do
It's in that heart of yours
Inside of you
Don't hold back the power is gonna set you free
True true true fighter
Don't look back the best is what you're born to be
It's your destiny
Danger's no stranger
You've been here before
So stand up and do it again
Fuse it with your soul
Now you're in control
Ultra Ultra Ultraman Orb
The time is running out to any calendar
The storm is coming your way
Love is the answer
It's like an anchor
Trouble will drift you away
And everything that you do
It's in that heart of yours
Inside of you
I was I was born for this
I was I was born for this
Don't hold back the power is gonna set you free
True true true fighter
Don't look back the best is what you're born to be
It's your destiny
Danger's no stranger
You've been here before
So stand up and do it again
Fuse it with your soul
Now you're in control
Ultra Ultra Ultraman Orb
I'm I'm true fighter
You gotta get them like a fighter
Not matter what they do to hold you down
You see the light is getting brighter
With them are moving
Bringing stormy clouds
No more tears
No more fate
It's true
You can fight I believe in you
Don't hold back the power is gonna set you free
Don't look back the best is what you're born to be
Don't hold back the power is gonna set you free
True true true fighter
Don't look back the best is what you're born to be
It's your destiny
Danger's no stranger
You've been here before
So stand up and do it again
Fuse it with your soul
Now you're in control
Ultra Ultra Ultraman Orb