Forever Temptation
“ | The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. | ” |
《Forever Temptation》是海格P于2016年12月1日投稿,言和演唱的歌曲。
![]() 曲繪 by 骸鸦 |
歌曲名称 |
Forever Temptation |
于2016年12月1日投稿 ,再生数为 -- |
演唱 |
言和 |
UP主 |
海格P |
链接 |
bilibili |
《Forever Temptation》是2016年12月1日由海格P投稿至bilibili的VOCALOID中文原创歌曲,由言和演唱。截至现在已有 -- 次观看, -- 人收藏。
- VC本家
- 人聲本家
- 黑字為文案。
Out of the unreal shadows of the night comes back the real life that we had known.
A new world in which things would have fresh shapes and colours, and be changed, or have other secrets.
The remembrance even of joy having its bitterness,
and memories of pleasure their pain.
The only to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
《The Picture of Dorian Gray》Oscar Wilde
《Dorian Gray》
Dorian wouldn't really barter his soul.
Would you, Dorain?
夜色褪去 他独自来参演这场闹剧 不知悲喜
幕布开启 花瓣上的尘泥刺眼无比
那画笔 描绘出一幅诱人的期冀
He was certainly wonderfully handsome,
with his finely-curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes,
his crisp gold hair.
「别再犹豫 将双眼紧闭 讲出那期许」
"If it were I who was to be always young,
and the picture that was to grow old!"
沉溺沉溺 他紧拥着被玩弄的思绪 难恣意
Henry was amazed at the sudden impression that his words has produced.
这场赌局 善恶也无非是一时定义 莫屈膝
It is better to be beautiful than to be good.
他的筹码是花朵和尘泥 还需要一点迈步的勇气
「何必犹豫 你无路可去 快来到这里」
"There is nothing in the whole world I would not give!
I would give my soul for that!"
舞台上暗与明一同降临 他奢求能看清画中风景
若执意前行将错失黎明 只身后退能否换来安宁
月色点缀了欲望的倩影 这个路口谁仍徘徊不定
如果飞蛾必将沦为灰烬 那么被束缚也是他的命
灯光汇聚 翩然舞步衬托她的美丽 若春雨
Her eyes that were violet wells of passion,
lips that were like petals of rose.
歌声响起 天籁般动摇了他的期冀 想恣意
It was very low at first,
with the deep mellow notes,
that seemed to fall singly upon one's ear.
绝望已披上爱情的外衣 指引他任无理登峰造极
他在舍得间不断游离 葬送了自己
得不到的快感谁曾在品 占据后的苦难为谁降临
若说这一次是他的不幸 醒来后妥协又是否应景
放手吧安心被罪恶吞并 放弃吧去追求欲望的顶
若内心恐惧仍无法安宁 为何不亲手将它们扫清
He seized the thing, and stabbed the picture with it.
There was a cry heard, and a crash.
Lying on the floor was a dead man,
with a knife in his heart.
He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage.
夜色重临 他独自离开了舞台中心 悲喜分明
幕布拉起 花瓣上的鲜红刺眼无比
那画笔 曾描绘出那份诱人期冀
他已远去 就别再寻觅
“ |
最开始接触王尔德是《夜莺与玫瑰》,准确的说是以“夜莺与玫瑰”为题的一本童话集,林徽因翻译的。看完那本童话之后心里只能说是百感交集,像《忠诚的朋友》,好人死得不明不白,坏人也没有得到报应。开始读时以为在结局处会有反转,可是并没有,事实就是那样,就是让人憋屈,让人难受,让人无能为力。没办法,现实也是这样,那是一种让人无话可说的真实。 |
” |
——纪远發表於評論區#7 |
“ |
后……排。因为开学断网来晚了QWQ |
” |
——海格P發表於評論區#61 |