Intrōductiō Meī |
| 簡體字 | 本人為香港暨上海維基人,生平複雜,繁簡通吃。可說:文言文、上海話、港式粵話、普通話、英語、日語。
主要活動於 維基百科的 だ*ぜ記得開VPN :P | | 繁體字 | 本人為香港暨上海維基人,生平復雜,繁簡通吃。可說:文言文、上海話、港式粵話、普通話、英語、日語。
主要活動於 維基百科的 だ*ぜ記得開VPN :P |
English |
| The words and behaviours of this user are all based on the logic from natural and compassion. |
| | Deutsch |
| Die Worte und Verhaltensweisen dieses Benutzers basieren alle auf der Logik aus Natur und Mitgefühl. |
| | | | 白話文 |
| 此用戶皆為由自然法則所得之邏輯與同情之心,而發表些許言論或做出些許舉動。 |
| | 浅理文 |
| 此用戶都是根據由自然法則所得出的邏輯和同情心,而發表一些言論或做出一些舉動。 |
| | 日本語 |
| このユーザーは自然の論理と思いやりの心で基準として喋りや行動しています。 |
“ |
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance. |
” |
——By Socrates
“ |
There is no absolute in the world, only relative. Everything has its meaning, the unknown does not equal to not exist. When we have eliminated the impossibles, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. |
” |
——By だ*ぜ
“ |
Discrimination can be divided into 2 kinds:
- The one who is discriminated by others did do something which is hated by others, so that other people discriminated that one;
- The one who discriminates others is a knowledgeless redneck, because of his ignorance, he/she would discriminate others.
If you discriminate others, which kind is it? |
” |
——By だ*ぜ