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Nekoichi New welcome.jpeg您好,親愛的LiaMinina!歡迎加入萌娘百科!


2021年5月5日 (三) 01:16 (CST)


請注意,維基百科採用的版權協議(CC-BY-SA)與萌娘百科採用的版權協議(CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)並不一致,請勿從維基百科直接複製內容到萌百,這屬於抄襲。
感謝您對萌娘百科(特別是英文分站)的貢獻,祝您編輯愉快。——From 引夢者濁華 (討論·貢獻) 2021年7月5日 (一) 09:59 (CST)

About the pages you created

Thank you for your contribution to MoeGirlPedia.

However, many other editors find that the words you used in these pages are not so common in Chinese. It makes other editors hard to polish these pages, for that we don’t know the original means you want to express.

So I want to ask that whether you used some translation tools when writing these pages? I recommend that you may use them or dictionary for single word’s meaning, but please don’t use them to translate the whole page.Plus, could you send the original English versions of these pages to me? Maybe I can polish these pages.————From 引夢者濁華 (討論·貢獻) 2021年7月15日 (四) 10:09 (CST)


I use Google Translate for almost everything... so yeah, there are some incoherencies.

And... some pages don't have English versions yet. And if they do, they don't have much information (e.g. Ai Ling) However, I would be grateful if someone was interested in adding more to them.

Thank you.

LiaMinina討論) 2021年7月15日 (四) 22:46 (CST)


您好,注意到您近期創建了多個不符合收錄要求的歌曲條目。您可能需要了解,視頻再生數/播放量/觀看數未達到1500的歌聲合成曲目不在收錄範圍內。相關頁面均已打回,感謝—— ほしみ 2021年9月15日 (三) 03:31 (CST)


Hello,I noticed that you've made a lot of songs entries.But they don't meet the inclusion requirements.You may need to know,If the playback volume of a song is less than 1500,they can't be included in the moegirlpedia,The relevant page has been called back,Thanks.--From ほしみ

(I translated this message,maybe it can help you.Also,I hope you can have a good time on moegirlpedia!) --五七言five seven word 2021年9月19日 (日) 22:28 (CST)


注意到您最近創建的「Template:小龍斯派羅系列」頁面由於質量不足,已移動至您的用戶頁子頁面下。請您以後避免在頁面尚未達到最低質量標準的情況下直接在主命名空間創建。您可以待質量達到標準後再移動回主命名空間。感謝您的配合。——飢餓之聲-弗霖凱討論) 2021年9月23日 (四) 00:11 (CST)


--飢餓之聲-弗霖凱討論) 2021年9月23日 (四) 00:21 (CST)


Hello ,I'm the Bureaucrat of Moegirl Pedia.
I noticed that some articles you created in our Chinese site were not smooth. So I guess you use Translate Tools while editing Moegirlpedia.
Its my pleasure for meeting a non-native Chinese user on Moegirlpedia. However, at the current stage, Moegirlpedia is an Wiki with simplified Chinese as the main language. Most of our users also use Chinese.
For users reading experience, please do not use Translate Tools whlie editing in Moegirl Pedia, or do proofread after translation.
Btw, you can also join our unofficial discord for more help.

--From KumoKasumi the Bureaucrat (Talk) 2021年9月23日 (四) 13:05 (CST)


你創建的「斯派羅(寶貝龍世界)」頁面含有明顯的機翻痕跡,存在語句不通順等問題。如果你持續創建此類低質量機翻條目,可能會被視為破壞。If you can't understand Chinese, please do not translate English into Chinese by automatic tools like Google Translate. Otherwise, you may be banned from editing.————Xzonn聊天) 2021年9月24日 (五) 22:17 (CST)


He/She said He/She also use Google translate,So Chinese user can't understanding in Chinese --by LJL討論) 2021年10月2日 (六) 16:00 (CST)

Maybe you can try to write on [1] ,I think it's more batter for English users--PlumLee討論) 2021年10月9日 (六) 20:05 (CST)
I am writing on EnMGP. However, there aren't that many users there... LiaMinina討論) 2021年10月9日 (六) 22:54 (CST)


From the information provided in the article 篠原巴, I don't think it's suitable for MGP:收錄範圍#現實人物. If there is no reasonable explanation, the article will be returned to your user page.  あめろ 2021年11月27日 (六) 03:18 (CST)

I think I forgot to add she sang an opening for an anime. Should I add that? LiaMinina討論) 2021年11月27日 (六) 03:22 (CST)
Yes. So she is in the MGP:收錄範圍#現實人物 for a songer (Kodomo no Omocha's OP2). I misjudged by the wrong translation 「篠原巴」. So please DO NOT use the result by a translation machine directly. あめろ 2021年11月27日 (六) 03:36 (CST)

Do not, please, creat two articles with the same content twice. I have moved 篠原巴 to the correct title 筱原友惠, but you created a page with wrong title, 智惠 again. You just stop editting and I would take over it.  あめろ 2021年11月27日 (六) 04:37 (CST)

Warning:Do Not Create Low-Quality Pages

The page "Pif le chien"(or Pif et Hercule,Chinese name 小狗比夫),which you created recently is too far to reach the lowest page standard of MoeGirlPedia.

Please add some valuable things to this as soon as possible,or it could be deleted or moved to your user subpage due to its low quality.

This is the FINAL WARNING to you.If you still created low-quality pages,you COULD BE BANNED FOR A TIME.--Qaolp0 off Affection (討論) 2021年12月20日 (一) 13:15 (CST)



您好!我們非常遺憾地通知並警告您,雖然非常感謝您在萌娘百科進行的編輯,但您進行了相當數量的違反編輯規範的操作 ,包括:

  • 添加疑似機械翻譯內容




The following are the English and Spanish versions of this warning. I will use mechanical translation for warning. You can feel the poor language quality of mechanical translation:
Aquí están las versiones en inglés y español de esta advertencia. Usaré la traducción mecánica para advertirle. Usted puede sentir la mala calidad del lenguaje de la traducción mecánica:


When editing the pages of Beatcats and 元素英雄小波波, the sentences were difficult to understand and there were many grammatical errors. Please note that do not use the results of mechanical translation or the results of poor Chinese level to compile Moegirlpedia entries. Please at least ensure the fluency and comprehensibility of the language. Your current editing of Moegirlpedia is already a destructive behavior. I regret to inform you that since you have been warned many times, we must ban you for a period of time. I personally recommend that you edit after your Chinese has improved to a good enough level.


Al editar las páginas de Beatcats y 元素英雄小波波, encontré que las oraciones eran difíciles de entender y había muchos errores gramaticales. Tenga cuidado de no utilizar resultados de traducción automática o chino de bajo nivel para compilar sus entradas de Moegirlpedia. Por favor, asegúrese de que el idioma sea fluido y fácil de entender. Su problema actual de Moegirlpedia ya es perturbador. Lamento informarle que, como se le ha advertido muchas veces, debemos prohibirle temporalmente. Personalmente sugiero que mejore su chino a un nivel suficientemente bueno antes de editar.

--Patroller 珞珝 [與我對線] 2021年12月28日 (二) 01:56 (CST)


您好,您最近創建的「Cynder」、「Bagrin」、「亞蘭洛普」、「雨果(沃土)」、「Krosmoz」、「長尾豹馬修」、「加斯頓·拉格菲」、「賽柯婷」、「元素英雄小波波」、「雨果(雨果系列)」、「Beatcats」頁面由於質量不足,已移動至您的用戶頁子頁面下。請您以後避免在頁面尚未達到最低質量標準的情況下直接在主命名空間創建。您可以修改至質量達到標準後再移動回主命名空間。感謝您的配合,祝您編輯愉快!--Patroller 珞珝 [與我對線] 2021年12月28日 (二) 02:37 (CST)

Attention: Please don't create poor quality page.(提醒:請不要創建低質量頁面)

Due to poor quality, the page "外來人員WL.S" which you created was moved to your user page. Please avoid creating directly in the main namespace when the page has not reached the minimum quality standard. You can edit in your user page until the quality is up to standard before moving back to the main namespace. Thank you for your co-operation.

(您最近創建的頁面「外來人員WL.S」由於質量不足,已移動至您的用戶頁子頁面下。請您以後避免在頁面尚未達到最低質量標準的情況下直接在主命名空間創建。您可以待質量達到標準後再移動回主命名空間。感謝您的配合。)———— DaiGuitalk」 2022年1月26日 (三) 22:13 (CST)


您創建的兩個條目「Satria Garuda BIMA-X」和「BIMA Satria Garuda」質量低下且均存在不同程度的機翻內容,現已全部移動至您的用戶頁子頁面下。由於您已收到多次警告和提醒並有再犯行為,維護人員多次勸導無果,本人已對您執行15天封禁。

Due to poor quality and having different degrees of mechanical translation,the pages you created "Satria Garuda BIMA-X" and "BIMA Satria Garuda" were moved to your user page. Since you have received warnings and reminders for many times and committed acts again, and the maintenance personnel failed to persuade you for many times, I have banned you for 15 days.

—— DaiGuitalk」 2022年2月10日 (四) 19:09 (CST)

Suggestion:Please use Chinese in the discussion board 建議:請在討論板上使用中文

If you use English in the discussion board, you may not be replied in time. It is recommended that you use translation software to translate it into Chinese.
--Peter gyb討論) 2022年5月14日 (六) 15:25 (CST)

WARNING: Do not copy 模板:虛擬UP主&模板:虛擬UP主/doc to EnMGP directly.

(以下內容以中文版為準/The following contents shall be subject to the Chinese version)

According to the copyrights policies, EnMGP and ZhMGP do not use the same license. You are not allowed to transfer contents between them. Apart from that, the template and document were voted by the community in ZhMGP, but it might not fit the situation of EnMGP, and mechanical translation make it worse. Continuing to do this will result in a blocking. Thank you for your co-operation.

您好,依照版權政策,英文萌娘百科與中文萌娘百科協議不互通,您不能直接搬運其內容。此外,該模板文檔經過中文萌娘百科社群表決通過,但不一定適用於英文萌娘百科,而您的機器翻譯造成了更大的混亂。持續進行此類行為將招致封禁,感謝配合。—— 這是一張遺漏的二餅請聯繫失主) 2022年5月16日 (一) 19:45 (CST)





--OIer樂然※※※感光性受容体異常※※※ 2022年7月28日 (四) 15:06 (CST)


您好,基於上次被封禁後您又創建了ProjectBLUE布迷等一系列低質量且具有明顯機器翻譯特點的條目,本人依照封禁方針對您實施一個月的封禁,如有異議,可按規定提出封禁申訴。——   於是我放棄了二餅已讀不回) 2022年11月8日 (二) 19:13 (CST)



您好,您在上傳 File:SSBU Mega Man.png 等文件時可能填寫了錯誤的源地址 smashwiki.com



如您有其他疑問,可至提問求助版請求他人協助。感謝您的配合,祝您編輯愉快~—— Hoshimiko-bot (Chat?) 2023年2月17日 (五) 06:03 (CST)

TRANSLATION of 星海子[更多]討論頁貢獻上載歷史封鎖及歷史被刪貢獻移動日誌巡查日誌用戶權限及日誌使用者查核's topic from 李皇谛[更多]討論頁貢獻上載歷史封鎖及歷史被刪貢獻移動日誌巡查日誌用戶權限及日誌使用者查核 :
Questions about your file uploadings recent

This notification was sent by bot or automations, when question occurs or ask for suggestions, please view Bot Documentation or contact to bot owner「星海子」.

Hello, your file upload operation of File:SSBU Mega Man.png (or more) may written wrong format of original website as smashwiki.com .

The input box of "Original Website" must be included the protocol of link like "http:" or "https:" for its prefix, and other formats or tags may not accepted. Otherwise, LEAVE NOTHING INSIDE the input box.

We suggest you to read "幫助文檔" (Original Help Namespace) before your uploading operations, and correct your previous misfillings.

For other questions, you can add a new topic to 提問求助版 for help. Thanks for your corporation and wish you enjoy in editing~ ——from Hoshimiko-bot (Chat?) 2023/02/17 (Fri) 06:03 (GMT+8) and translated by ✏️李皇諦💬留言 / 📜記錄 / 📝簽名)🕓 2023年2月19日 (日) 04:34 (CST)



您好,您在上傳 File:MegaMan EXE.webp 等文件時可能填寫了錯誤的源地址 megaman.fandom.com/wiki/MegaMan.EXE/Gallery



如您有其他疑問,可至提問求助版請求他人協助。感謝您的配合,祝您編輯愉快~—— Hoshimiko-bot (Chat?) 2023年2月21日 (二) 00:23 (CST)



No comment on censorship.

(以中文版為準/The Chinese version shall prevail)

——   於是我放棄了二餅已讀不回) 2023年2月24日 (五) 11:46 (CST)


該用戶被封禁,執行封禁的人員是 Abuse filter。封禁原因是 Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: 破壞處理

  • 開始時間:2023年2月28日 (二) 17:35
  • 到期時間:無限期
  • 目標用戶:LiaMinina
  • 封禁編號:#11662


All I did was translate this document. I don't get it.

——LiaMinina討論) 2023年3月1日 (三) 05:38 (CST)

✎ 根據萌娘百科的 討論區管理方針,此處李皇谛[更多]討論頁貢獻上載歷史封鎖及歷史被刪貢獻移動日誌巡查日誌用戶權限及日誌使用者查核的言論已經被Qaolp0[更多]討論頁貢獻上載歷史封鎖及歷史被刪貢獻移動日誌巡查日誌用戶權限及日誌使用者查核移除
✎ 根據萌娘百科的 討論區管理方針,此處李皇谛[更多]討論頁貢獻上載歷史封鎖及歷史被刪貢獻移動日誌巡查日誌用戶權限及日誌使用者查核的言論已經被Luoxuchan[更多]討論頁貢獻上載歷史封鎖及歷史被刪貢獻移動日誌巡查日誌用戶權限及日誌使用者查核移除
本次封禁為過濾器誤判,已解封。上文User:李皇諦的發言有嚴重事實性錯誤:封禁過濾器不會有預先警告,濫用過濾器也不會因為過快的編輯而被觸發。如您認為自己被誤封禁,請進行封禁申訴,管理員將進行處理。感謝您對萌娘百科的貢獻。--C.S.I.S. 珞珝 [用戶討論] 2023年3月1日 (三) 12:05 (CST)



您好,您在上傳 File:RK Music logo.svg 等文件時可能填寫了錯誤的源地址 yahoo.jp



如您有其他疑問,可至提問求助版請求他人協助。感謝您的配合,祝您編輯愉快~—— Hoshimiko-bot (Chat?) 2023年4月8日 (六) 07:46 (CST)