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關於我 About Me
☑小編輯 | 這名用戶擅長 |
zh-N | 此用戶的母語為漢語。 |
en-4 | This user can use and speak English proficiently. |
ja-1 | この男は少し日本語しか話せません。 |
- 興趣使然,主觀意識過剩的編輯者。正在努力向着「成熟」的方向邁進,然而這個過程會招致許多衝突與矛盾,因此也在尋求克服與緩解這些問題的辦法。
- As a subjective moe editor who always follows my own interests, I have been growing up as a so-called sophisticated person, however, the process of becoming a competent man would unavoidably lead to conflicts and contradiction, thus, I have also been searching the ways of overcoming or softening the frustrations.
- 並非人云亦云,也不願意表現出過分的孤僻見解。隨着一時追捧的事物的變化,會表現出不同的特性;但總的來說,還是一直在加把勁的。
- I am neither a crowd-follower or an extreme solitary; in general, though, it is better to regard me as a passionate guy, or in other words, a never-stop person.
- 我見證着萌百的成長,萌百也同樣見證着我的進步。惟願這個喧囂的寧靜之所可以與自己一同前行,永無止境。
- The editing experience in moegirl.org has been witnessing my life, vice versa, I have also writing my own life in different entries. What I only wish is that the experience would have an endless future, while these experience would be more and more memorable as time goes by.
- 我能夠識別並較為熟練地使用簡體中文,繁體中文與英語。即使是不了解中文的友人,我也會儘可能將我的意思表述清楚。
- Even though you are not familiar with Chinese, I would do my best to express my ideas.
可以與我溝通的話題 Preferences or Interests
- 歷史類。諸如中國史,日本戰國史,拜占庭帝國史,二戰史等;非現實類則包括魔獸世界史等。
- History, such as Chinese history, Japanese Sengoku history, Byzantine history or WWII, etc. Virtual histories can also be fine, like the Warcraft (Blizzard) history.
- 網絡亞文化類。諸如狼與香辛料,白學,高達鐵血孤兒第二季48集後3分鐘,Mr.Quin及相關衍生物等。
需要特地提醒的是,因為很努力地迴避各類人身攻擊及侮辱,因此對inm與抽象梗存在一定的排斥。不,現在的這傢伙就是一個成天發龍圖的混球,三句話不離爛梗的屑。- Online subcultures, such as Spice and Wolf, White Album II, the Death of Olga Itsuka, Mr.Quin or other derivates.
Particularly, racist, personal attacks or insults are not welcomed.Well, this guy has eventually realized that speaking like a bullsh*t is the only truth of the internet, what a pity.
- Online subcultures, such as Spice and Wolf, White Album II, the Death of Olga Itsuka, Mr.Quin or other derivates.
- 音樂類。我擁有絕對音感,但在音樂領域並沒有更進一步的造詣,可以說是淺嘗輒止,比音痴高出一些的程度。
- Music. I have perfect pitch, but I do not have professional education background in this area.
- 政治類。但作為一個普通人,對於政治的理解有限。
- Politics, yet as an ordinary person, my point of view might be short-sighted.
- 工商管理類。再怎麼說,我也是出身本專業的,還是很願意在這一能夠成為將來的飯碗的領域擁有更深刻的理解的。
- MBA, which is my current academic degree, and I would like to learn more about this subject since I would be fed with it.
- 文學類。我更希望傾聽其他人對於各自喜好的作品的理解,至於我自己,已經蠻久沒有讀過什麼正經東西了。即便如此,對自己的寫作能力還是頗有自信的。
- Literature. Comparingly I would prefer to hear from other considerations or viewpoints, and as for myself, although I still feel confident about my writing skill, I should have read something more classic instead of just obtaining information from the boring medias.