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1 d no[t] [non; pas] 不,非,否

12 dr I, me, we, us [nous; je; moi] 我,我們

13 dm you [tu, toi; vous] 你

14 df he, him [il; lui] 男他

(df¯ she, her [elle] 女她)

15 dso oneself, him-/her-/itself, themselves [soi, soi-même] 自己,他自己

16 dl one [pron], someone [on, quelqu'un, le prochain] 一個 某個

17 ds other [autre] 其他

112 ddr earth [terre] 土地

113 ddm season [saison] 季節

114 ddf winter [hiver] 冬天

115 ddso spring[time] [printemps] 春季

116 ddl summer [été [n]] 夏天

117 dds autumn [automne] 秋季

121 drd time [also weather?] [temps] 時間

122 drr January [janvier] 一月

123 drm day [jour, la journée] 日,日子

124 drf week [semaine] 周; 星期; 禮拜; 一周; 七天的時間; (除星期六和星期日以外的) 五天;

125 drso month [mois] 月份

126 drl year [année] 年

127 drs century [siècle] 100年; 百年; 世紀; (一個運動員所得的) 100分;

131 dmd universe [univers] 宇宙; 天地萬物; 萬象; (已知宇宙以外的) 宇宙; (某種) 經驗體系;

133 dmm February [février] 公曆二月

137 dms god [dieu] 神,上帝,天公

144 dff March [month] [mars [mois]] 三月

151 dsod hungry [be -] [avoir faim] 感到餓的; 飢餓的; 挨餓的;

152 dsor eat [manger] 吃

153 dsom bread [pain] 麵包; 錢;

154 dsof thirsty [be -] [avoir soif] 渴的; 口渴的; 渴望; 渴求; 熱望; 乾旱的; 缺水的;

155 dsoso April [avril] 四月

156 dsol drink [v] [boire] 喝,飮

157 dsos water [eau] 水

166 dll May [month] [mai] 公曆五月

171 dtd help, assist [aider, secourir, assister, seconder, venir au secours] 幫助,協助

174 dtf accomplish [accomplir] 完成

177 dtt June [juin] 公曆六月

1151 ddsod gospel, bible [évangile, bible] 福音,耶經

1213 drdm body [corps] 身體

1214 drdf head [tête] 頭

1215 drdso hair [cheveux] 毛髮,頭髮

1232 drmr eye [oeil] 眼睛

1246 drfl arm [bras] 臂膀

1321 dmrd senses [the five -] [les cinq sens] 五感

1324 dmrf touch, feel [toucher, palper, manier] 觸摸,感覺

1326 dmrl sense [v] [sentir] 感覺到; 意識到; 覺察出; 檢測出;

1323 dmrm see [voir] 看見

1327 dmrs hear [entendre, ouïr] 聽

1325 dmrso taste [v] [goûter, déguster] 有…味道; 有…味道的; 嘗出,品出(食品或飲料的味道);

1341 dmfd man [male] [homme]男人,人

(dmfd¯ woman [femme]女人,人)

1342 dmfr live [v] [vivre] 生活,存活

1345 dmfso child [enfant] 兒童,小孩

1354 dmsof intelligence 智力; 才智; 智慧; (尤指關於敵對國家的) 情報; 情報人員;

1361 dmld say, speak [parler; dire] 說話

1362 dmlr pronounce [prononcer] 發音; 讀(音); 正式宣佈(或公佈、授予等);

1373 dmsm liberty [liberté] 自由(自己選擇生活方式而不受政府及權威限制); 自由(不受關押或奴役的狀態); 自由(做某事的合法權利或行動自由);

1377 dmss superstition 迷信; 迷信觀念(或思想);

1412 dfdr wait for/on [attendre] 等待

1432 dfmr quality [qualité]

n. 质量; 品质; 上乘; 优质; 高标准; (尤指好的) 人品,素质,品德;
adj. 优质的; 高质量的; 盖帽儿了; 棒极了;

1433 dfmm behind [derrière] 在(或向)…的後面; 在(或向)…的背面;

1441 dffd Easter [fête de Pâques] 復活節

1453 dfsom beautiful [beau] 美好

1457 dfsos truth [vérité] 真相; 實情; 事實; 真實情況; 真實; 真實性; 真理;

1461 dfld candor, sincerity [franchise, sincérité] 誠實,可信

1462 dflr goodness, gentleness [bonté, mansuétude] 良好,溫和

1463 dflm sensitivity [sensibilité, impressionnabilité] 體貼; 體恤; 體察; 敏銳的感覺; 悟性; 容易生氣; 易被惹惱; 敏感;

1464 dflf warmth [attitude] [cordialité] 溫暖; 熱情

1465 dflso generosity [générosité, désintéressement] 慷慨; 大方; 寬宏大量;

1467 dfls humanity, humaneness [humanité] 人道、人文

1474 dfsf conscience 良心; 良知; 內疚; 愧疚; 憑良心;

1475 dfsso honesty [honnête] 誠實; 老實; 正直;

1512 dsodr call [appeler] 呼叫

1515 dsodso open [v] [ouvrir]開啟,開放

1534 dsomf light, kindle [allumer ] 燈,點燃

1543 dsofm rise, get up [se lever] 起來

1574 dsosf guide [guider] 帶路,導遊

1614 dldf put, place [mettre] 放置,放置

1613 dldm accept, consent [to] [accepter, consentir] 接受,同意

1625 dlrso glass [drinking] [verre [à boire]] 玻璃杯

1627 dlrs wine [vin] 紅酒

1642 dlfr food [nourriture, alimentation] 食物; (某種) 食物;

1645 dlfso soup, broth [potage; bouillon] 湯,肉湯

1651 dlsod meat [viande] 肉類

1712 dtdr enough [assez] 足夠; 充分; 充足; 1713 dtdm vegetable [légume] 蔬菜

1714 dtdf salad [salade] (生吃的) 蔬菜色拉,蔬菜沙拉; (拌有肉、魚、奶酪等的) 混合色拉,混合沙拉; (或生或熟,多拌有蛋黃醬,與麵食、豆類等一起食用的) 蔬菜色拉;

1717 dtdt egg [oeuf] 蛋,卵

1721 dtrd milk [lait]奶,乳

1723 dsrm butter [beurre]黃油,牛油

1724 dtrf cheese [fromage] 奶酪,乳酪

1726 dsrl fruit 水果

1727 dtrt bakery; pastry [p�tisserie] 麵包(糕餅)店; 麵包(糕餅)烘房; 麵包廠; 油酥麵團; 油酥麵皮; 油酥糕點;

1741 dtfd thoughtless/unwise act [imprudence] 輕率的舉動; 不明智的行為;

1742 dtfr beer [bière (boisson)]啤酒

1747 dtft sugar [sucre]糖

1745 dtfso coffee [café]咖啡

1751 dtsod chocolate [chocolat] 巧克力

1754 dtsof cooking, cuisine [cuisine] 烹飪


2 r and [et, ainsi que] 與,和,跟,伴隨

21 rd my, mine [mon, le mien] 我的

. (rd¯ my, mine [fem] [ma, la mienne] 我的,姎的)

23 rm your[s] [you sg.] [ton, le tien] 你的

24 rf his, her[s] [son, le sien] 他的,她的

25 rso our[s] [notre, le nôtre] 我們的

26 rl your[s] [you pl.] [votre, le vôtre] 你們的

27 rs their[s] [leur, le leur] 他們的

211 rdd one, unity, first [un; unité; premier] 一,合一,第一

212 rdr think; philosophy [CL] [penser; philosophie (CL)] 想,哲學

213 rdm repugnance [répugnance] CL

214 rdf ethics, morals [-ity] [morale]CL

215 rdso acquainted with [be -], know [person] [connaître]

221 rrd July [juillet] 七月

223 rrm August [août] 八月

224 rrf September [septembre] 九月

225 rrso October [octobre] 十月

226 rrl November [novembre] 十一月

227 rrs December [décembre] 十二月

233 rmm two, second [deux, deuxième, second] 二 第二

236 rml give [donner] 給予

241 rfd look at [regarder]

242 rfr pass/cross over [passer]

244 rff three, third [trois, troisième]

245 rfso encounter, meet [rencontrer]

246 rfl ask [question] [demander]

247 rfs reply, answer [répondre, répliquer, répartir, riposter]

251 rsod listen [écouter] 聽

253 rsom leave, come/go out of - [sortir] 去 離開

254 rsof return [n/v], later [see you -] [retour; revenir; au revoir]

255 rsoso four [quatre] 四

256 rsol pay [payer] 支付

261 rld sleepy [be -] [avoir sommeil]

266 rll five [cinq]

277 rtt six[th] [six[ième]] 六 第六

2144 rdff health [be -y] [santé [avoir la -]]

2147 rdfs clothing [habillement, vêtement]

2131 rdmd wash oneself [se laver]

2124 rdrf shirt [chemise]

2126 rdrl shoe, boot [chaussure]

2157 rdsos umbrella [parapluie]

2216 rrdl masonry [maçonnerie]

2212 rrdr build, construct[ion] [construction; bâtir]

2346 rmfl house [maison] 房子

2347 rmfs lodge [-ings], reside[nce]; rent (lodging) [to?from?] [logement; habitation, demeure, résidence appartement; louer; demeurer]

2321 rmrd go, walk [marcher]

2324 rmrf car [voiture] 車輛 汽車

2323 rmrm walk around [se promener] 四處走動,漫步;

2325 rmrso visit [visite]

2351 rmsod sleep [v] [dormir] 睡

2375 rmsso stairs [escalier] 樓梯; 梯級;

2413 rfdm furniture [mobilier]

2443 rffm locksmith [serrurerie]

2461 rfld linen [linge]

2464 rflf sew [coudre]

2463 rflm mend, darn [raccomoder]

2462 rflr tear/rip [up] [déchirer]

2431 rfmd dead, die [mort; mourir]

2424 rfrf sit down [s'asseoir]

2451 rfsod fire [feu; incendie]

2454 rfsof equal, peer [pair]

2475 rfsso cut, knife [n] [couper, couteau]

2514 rsodf hide [vt] [cacher]

2544 rsoff hammer [marteau]

2561 rsold tired [grow -] [se fatiguer]

2563 rsolm lie down, go to bed [se coucher]

2565 rsolso rest, lie down [se reposer]

2536 r¯soml continuation

rsom¯l continual [continuel]

(rsoml continue [continuer])

(rsoml¯ continually [continuellement])

2522 rsorr pliers, pincers [tenailles]

2571 rsotd useful [utile]

2572 rsotr work [v] [travailler] 工作 做工

2536 rs¯oml continuer (one who continues) [continuateur]

2612 rldr bleach, wash[ing] [blanchissage, lavage; blanchir]

2636 rlml inexpensive, cheap [bon marché]

2644 rlff right [on the -] [droite [à]]

2647 rlfs hold, seize [tenir]

2653 レラソミ rlsom find [trouver]

2661 rlld cabinet-work [ébénesterie]

2711 rsdd equipment, tools [outillage]

2715 rsdso family [famille] 家族

2717 rsds father [père, papa] 爸爸

(rsds¯ mother [mère] 媽媽)

2725 rtrso son [fils] 兒子

(rsrso¯ daughter [fille] 女兒)

2732 rsmr brother [frère] 兄弟

(rsmr¯ sister [soeur] 姐妹)

2752 rssor name [nom] 名字

2763 rslm loan, lend [prêter] 借出

2771 rttd machine 機器


3 m or [ou, ou bien] 或者

31 md for, so [that] [pour, afin de, afin que]

32 mr that, which, who [qui, que, quel, lequel] 誰(也做「xxx的人」的「的」、「man who xxx」的「who」)

34 mf whose [dont, de qui, duquel] 誰的

35 mso good [adj and abstract n] [bien] 好(形)

36 ml look!, here [is -!], there [is -!] [voici, voilà]

37 ms good evening/night [bonsoir, bonne nuit]

311 mdd thirteen [treize]

312 mdr liking, being sympatico [sympathie] CL

314 mdf prefer [préférer]

. md¯f preferable [préférable]

. m¯df preference [préférence]

. mdf¯ preferably [préférablement]

315 mdso admire [admirer]

316 mdl reciprocity [reciprocité]

317 mds friend [ami]

322 mrr fourteen [quatorze]

331 mmd seven [sept] 七

332 mmr eight [huit[aine]] 8

334 mmf nine [neuf, neuvaine] 9

335 mmso ten [dix, dizaine] 10

336 mml eleven [onze] 11

337 mms twelve [douze, douzaine] 12

341 mfd pleasure [plaisir]

344 mff fifteen [quinzaine]

346 mfl wish [désirer, souhaiter, faire des voeux]

351 msod come [venir]

352 msor enter [entrer]

356 msol equality [égalité]

362 mlr confidence, trust [confiance]

367 mls like, love [aimer]

374 msf husband, marriage [mari, époux; mariage] 丈夫

. (msf¯ wife [épouse] 妻)

375 msso happy [-iness], good luck [bonheur, félicité; heureux]

3112 mddr how much/many [combien]

3122 mdrr almost, around [approximativement, à peu près, environ, vers, presque, quasi]

3124 mdrf before [avant]

3145 mdfso orphan [orphelin]

3146 mdfl abandon, forsake [abandonner, délaisser, quitter]

3151 mdsod fear, be afraid of [craindre, appréhender, redouter]

3161 mdld refuse, reject [refuser, rejeter]

3171 mdsd sacrifice (v) [sacrificer] CL

3216 mrdl undertake [a project] [entreprendre]

3225 mrrso gradually, imperceptibly [insensiblement, imperceptiblement, graduellement]

3313 mmdm however, nevertheless [cependant, pourtant, néanmoins]

3341 mmfd before, in front of [devant]

3342 mmfr opposite, facing [en face]

3345 mmfso everywhere [partout]

3352 mmsor at [someone's house], with [chez]

3421 mfrd selfishness [égoïsme]

3434 mfmf laziness [paresse, fainéantise]

3516 msodl change [vt/i] [changer]

3525 msorso receive [recevoir]

3526 msorl meet, get together [réunir]

3626 mlrl slander [v] [calomnier]

3672 mlsr play [jouer]

3721 msrd remain [rester]

3734 msmf responsibility [responsabilité]

3741 msfd indiscretion [indiscrétion]

3751 mssod experience [expérience]

3766 msll last [adj] [dernier]

3772 mssr without [sans]


4 f at, to [à] 去,往,給,在於

41 fd what [quoi, qu'est-ce que c'est?] 何物

42 fr with, together [avec, conjointement]

43 fm this, that [ce, cet, ceci, cela]


45 fso why [pourquoi, pour quel motif]

46 fl good, delicious [bon, savoreux, délectable]

47 fs much, very [beaucoup, très, archi, infiniment]

411 fdd eighty [quatre-vingts]

412 fdr corrupt (v, morally) [démoraliser] CL

413 fdm letter [mail] [lettre] 信件,郵件

414 fdf date [tell the - of] [dater]

415 fdso signature

417 fds finish [finir] 最後滴

421 frd address, direct - to [adresser]

422 frr hundred [cent[aine]]

423 frm be [être]

424 frf go [aller]

426 frl post, mail [poste (aux lettres)]

431 fmd stamp [v], pay postage [affranchir]

432 fmr serve [servir]

433 fmm thousand [mille] 千

434 fmf stamp [postal] [timbre]

435 fmso possess [possèder; avoir]

436 fml letter-carrier [facteur]

437 fms carry [porter]

442 ffr twenty [vingt]

443 ffm thirty [trente]

445 ffso forty [quarante]

446 ffl fifty [cinquante]

447 ffs sixty [soixante]

452 fsor leave [partir]

455 fsoso million [million] PL

456 fsol do, bring about [faire, commettre]

457 fsos prepare [préparer]

461 fld necessary [it is -] [falloir]

462 flr able [be - to], can [aux] [pouvoir]

463 flm means [of doing] [moyen]

464 flf understand [comprendre]

472 fsr information [renseignement]

474 fsf want, wish [vouloir]

475 fsso cry, weep [pleurer, sanglotter]

476 fsl decide [décider]

4123 fdrm country, rural [campagne]

4171 fdsd gardening [jardinage, horticulture]

4177 fdss comfort, relieve [soulager]

4212 frdr agriculture

4213 frdm after [après]

4214 frdf plow, furrow [vt] [labourer, sillonner]

4234 frmf harvest, gather [récolter, moissonner, recueillir]

4251 frsod horse, stallion [cheval] 馬

. (frsod¯ mare [jument] 母馬)

4272 frsr dog [chien] 狗

4273 frsm cat [chat] 貓

4322 fmrr camphor [camphre]

4331 fmmd convalescence

4342 fmfr army, troop [troupe; armée]

4346 fmfl regiment [régiment]

4412 ffdr sick[ness], be sick [avoir mal, être malade; maladie]

4413 ffdm consultation [med]

4414 ffdf doctor [médecin]

4415 ffdso surgeon [chirurgien]

4416 ffdl dentist [dentiste] 牙醫

4417 ffds oculist [oculiste]

4425 ffrso chemist, druggist, pharmacist [pharmacien]

4462 fflr left [on the -] [gauche [à]]

4526 fsorl pull [tirer]

4532 fsomr strategy, tactic [stratégie, tactique]

4563 fsolm sailor [marin [n]]

4567 fsols[o?] boat, ship [bateau]

4612 fldr sail, travel by boat [naviguer]

4613 fldm space [espace] CL

4614 fldf league (4 km) [lieue] CL

4615 fldso row (v) [ramer] CL

4642 flfr flood [inondation]

4626 flrl? heal [vt/i] [guèrir]

4657 flsos unite, unity [union, unir]

4712 fsdr travel, journey [v] [voyager]

4721 fsrd railroad/-way [chemin de fer]

4724 fsrf transport [transporter]

4732 fsmr speed [vitesse]

4737 fsms advance [v] [avancer]x

4745 fsfso accident

4754 fssof way, path [chemin; route]

4752 fssor through(out) [go -] [parcourir]

4766 fsll anatomy [anatomie]

4767 fsls station [gare]


5 so if [si [condition]] 要是

51 sod but [mais] 但是

52 sor in [en, dans] 在

53 som bad [mal] 不好 壞 糟糕

54 sof because [parce que] 因為

56 sol always, without end [perpétuellement, toujours, sans fin, sans cesse]

57 sos thank[s!] [remercier, merci] 謝謝

511 sodd Sunday [dimanche] 星期天

512 sodr copy [v] [copier] 拷貝 複製

513 sodm example, imitate [exemple; imiter]

515 sodso interpret, translate [traduire; interpréter]

522 sorr yesterday [hier] 昨天

524 sorf abridge, abbreviate [abréger]

525 sorso language [langage] 語言,索來索語

526 sorl dictionary [dictionnaire]

533 somm today [aujourd'hui] 今天

536 soml remember [se souvenir]

544 soff tomorrow [demain] 明天

546 sofl leave [laisser]

551 sosod Monday [lundi] 周一

552 sosor Tuesday [mardi] 周二

553 sosom Wednesday [mercredi] 周三

554 sosof Thursday [jeudi] 周四

556 sosol Friday [vendredi] 周五

557 sosos Saturday [samedi] 周六

562 solsr know [a fact] [savoir]

563 solm pardon [v] [pardonner]

565 solso permit [permettre]

566 soll hour [heure] 小時 點鐘

567 sols climb [monter, grimper]

572 sosr joy[ous] [gaieté; joyeux]

573 sosm misfortune, unfortunate [malheur[eux]]

574 sosf laugh [rire] 笑

5114 soddf chillblain [engelure]

5123 sodrm theater [thêatre]

5126 sodrl black [noir] 黑色

5151 sodsod close [v] [fermer]

5157 sodsos succeed [réussir]

5171 sodsd orchestra [orchestre]

5172 sodsr instrument

5234 sormf sing [chanter] 唱

5345 somfso tone [ton (degré d'un son)]

5352 somsor music [musique] 音樂

5357 somsos harmony [harmonie] 和諧 和弦

5411 sofdd suffocation [asphyxie]

5431 sofmd age [vt/i] [vieillir]

5466 sofll danger 危險的

5521 sosord migraine

5616 soldl painting [art of] [peinture, coloris]

5634 solmf sculpture

5662 sollr purgation

5711 sosdd bier [bière (cercueil) ]

5712 sosdr literature [littérature, belles-letres]

5747 sosfs new [neuf [adj]] 新的

5761 sosld telegraph [télégraphe]


6 l the [le]

61 ld no one, nothing [rien, nul, personne, aucune personne, néant]

62 lr by [agent/means] [par]

63 lm here, there [ici, là]

64 lf bad [mauvais]

65 lso never, ever [jamais, en aucun temps]

67 ls of [the] [de, du]

613 ldm school; student [école; écolier] . (ldm¯ schoolgirl [écolière])

614 ldf read [lire [v]]

615 ldso book [livre]

617 lds word [mot]

622 lrr fog [be -gy] [faire du brouillard]

625 lrso lesson [leçon]

632 lmr write [écrire]

634 lmf pen [writing] [plume]

635 lmso forget [oublier]

636 lml ink [encre]

637 lms difficulty [difficulté]

641 lfd paper [papier]

644 lff snow [n/v] [neiger; neige]

. (lff? hail [n/v] [grêler])

651 lsod pencil [crayon] 鉛筆

654 lsof defeat [défaire] v. 擊敗; 戰勝; 使困惑; 難住; 使失敗; 阻撓; 挫敗; n. 失敗; 戰敗; 挫敗; 擊敗; 戰勝;

655 lsoso ice, freeze [glace; geler] 冰,冷凍

664 llf morning [matin]

665 llso evening [soir]

667 lls night [nuit]

671 lsd something [quelque chose; chose [une -]]

672 lsr entertain, amuse [divertir; amuser]

674 lsf hesitate [hésiter]

677 lss cold [it is -] [faire froid]

6121 ldrd industry [industrie]

6123 ldrm manufacture [fabriquer, manufacturer]

6124 ldrf matter, substance [matière, substance]

6125 ldrso produce [produire]

6126 ldrl sell, retail [vendre, débiter]

6127 ldrs bulk [in -] [en gros, en bloc]

6131 ldmd establish [établir, instituer, ériger]

6132 ldmr store, shop [boutique, magasin]

6141 ldfd commerce, trade; merchant [commerce; marchand]

6161 ldld muslin [mousseline]

6212 lrdr color [couleur] 顏色

6215 lrdso white [blanc] 白色

6216 lrdl buy [acheter, acquérir,se rendre acquéreur]

6232 lrmr violet [color] [violet] 紫色

6234 lrmf green [vert [couleur]] 青綠色

6235 lrmso yellow [jaune] 黃綠色

6236 lrml blue [bleu] 藍色

6237 lrms red [rouge] 紅色

6242 lrfr propose, offer [proposer, offrir]

6253 lrsom string, twine [ficelle]

6256 lrsol take [prendre]

6262 lrlr count [v] [compter]

6263 lrlm calculate [calculer]

6264 lrlf number [symbol] [numéro; chiffre]

6271 lrsd price [prix]

6272 lrsr value [valeur]

6315 lmdso mix [mélanger]

6331 lmmd tinsmith's [ferblanterie]

6357 lmsos all, everything [tout]

6362 lmlr expense [-ive] [cher, chèreté]

6364 lmlf merchandise [marchandise]

6412 lfdr numbering [numération]

6413 lfdm add[ition] [addition; additionner]

6414 lfdf subtract[ion] [soustraction; soustraire]

6415 lfdso multiply, multiplication [multiplier, multiplication]

6416 lfdl divide, division [division; diviser]

6417 lfds sharing, distribution [répartition, partage]

6426 lfrl half [moitié]

6451 lfsod cash [on hand], money [monnaie, espèces]

6454 lfsof money [argent]

6456 lfsol franc [$]

6457 lfsos centime

6461 lfld measure [v] [mesurer]

6463 lflm geometry (-ic[ian]) [géométre/-ie, -ique] CL

6464 lflf liter [litre]

6474 lfsf gram [gramme]

6511 lsodd grocery store [épicerie]

6524 lsorf meter [mètre]

6526 lsorl give back, repay [rendre]

6532 lsomr specimen, sample [échantillon, spécimen]

6541 lsofd display [n], show [v] [étalage; montrer]

6542 lsofr exposition, exhibition

6543 lsofm assortment, set [assortiment]

6544 lsolf guarantee [v] [garantir]

6577 lsoss flour [farine]

6626 llrl bookstore [librairie]

6627 llrs hardware store, iron-monger's [quincaillerie]

6631 llmd press, printing shop [imprimerie]

6641 llfd watchmaker's [horlogerie]

6711 lsdd butcher's [boulangerie]

6735 lsmso notions [store] [mercerie]

6767 lsls earn [also win?] [gagner]


7 s yes, agreed [oui, soit, volontiers, d'accord]

71 sd same [the - thing] [le même, la même chose]

72 sr each [one], every [one] [chacun, chaque, tous] 每一個

73 sm good day [bonjour]哈嘍

74 sf little, barely [peu, guère]

75 sso mister, sir [monsieur, le sieur] 先生 男士

. (sso¯ Mrs, lady [madame, dame] 夫人 女士)

76 sl boy, youth, bachelor [jeune homme, homme célibataire; garçon]少年,年輕人

. (sl¯ girl, young woman [demoiselle; madamoiselle; jeune fille, etc.]少女)

711 sdd air 空氣 天空

713 sdm enemy [ennemi] 敵人

714 sdf begin [vt/i] [commencer] 開始

715 sdso study [n/v] [étudier; étude] 學習

716 sdl progress [v] [progresser]

717 sds learn [apprendre]

724 srf exactitude

725 srso correct

731 smd Satan, devil [Satan] CL 撒旦,魔王

732 smr explain [expliquer] 解釋; 說明; 闡明; 說明(…的)原因; 解釋(…的)理由

734 smf meaning [signification]

736 sml ease [facilité]

744 sff sun [soleil] 太陽

746 sfl repeat [répéter]

747 sfs again [encore]再次

757 ssos question [v] [questionner] 提問

761 sld compare [comparer]

763 slm detest [détester]

765 slso descend [descendre]

771 ssd rain [v] [pleuvoir] 雨 下雨

772 ssr wind [n], blow [v] [venter; vente [il -]]

775 ssso thunder[storm] [tonner; tonnerre; orage]

776 ssl heat; hot [it is -] [faire chaud; chaleur]

7121 sdrd town, citizen [ville; citoyen] 鎮子 城裏人

7127 sdrs street [rue]

7131 sdmd place [n] [place] CL

7137 sdms municipality [municipalité]

7145 sdfso restaurant

7147 sdfs market [marché [n]] 市場

7171 sdsd middle, midst [milieu] 中間 中部

7212 srdr government [gouvernement] 政府

7215 srdso election [élection]

7231 srmd deaf [be -] [être sourd] CL

7267 srls constitute (-ion[al]) [constituer (-ion[nel], -ant)] CL

7271 srsd diplomacy [diplomatie]

7272 srsr politics [-al?] [politique]

7276 srsl republic [république] 共和國 共和

7361 smld magazine, newspaper [journal, gazette] 雜誌 報紙

7374 smsf recede, lose ground [reculer, rétrograder]

7464 sflf rendez-vous

7432 sfmr internationalism [internationalisme] 國際主義

7423 sfrm country, nation [pays]國

7532 ssomr finance 資金; 財政; 金融; 財務; (個人、組織、國家的) 財力,財源,財務管理;

7574 ssosf kill [tuer] 殺

7576 ssosl fall [tomber] 降落,落下

7631 slmd police 警察

7676 slsl lose [perdre] 遺失; 丟失; (因事故、年老、死亡等) 損失,喪失,失去; 被…奪去;

7715 ssdso magistracy [magistrature] (統稱)地方行政官,地方執法官,治安官;

7731 ssmd testimony [témoignage] 證據; 證明; 證詞; 證言; 口供;

7764 sslf imprisonment; police station [emprisonnement,incarcération; poste (de police)]【U】監禁;關押;禁錮,警察局; 警察分局; 派出所;



113 ddm season [saison] 季節

114 ddf winter [hiver] 冬天

115 ddso spring[time] [printemps] 春季

116 ddl summer [été [n]] 夏天

117 dds autumn [automne] 秋季


Template:Short description Template:Multiple issues Template:Infobox language

Solresol (Solfège: Sol-Re-Sol) is a constructed language devised by François Sudre, beginning in 1827. His major book on it, Langue musicale universelle, was published after his death in 1866,[1] though he had already been publicizing it for some years. Solresol enjoyed a brief spell of popularity, reaching its pinnacle with Boleslas Gajewski's 1902 posthumous publication of Grammaire du Solresol. An ISO 639-3 language code has been requested as of 28 July 2017.[2]

The teaching of sign languages to the deaf was discouraged between 1880 and 1891 in France, contributing to Solresol's descent into obscurity. After a few years of popularity, Solresol nearly vanished in the face of more successful languages, such as Volapük and Esperanto. Today, there exist small communities of Solresol enthusiasts scattered across the world, able to communicate with one another thanks to the internet.[3]


File:Solresol representations.svg
The seven conventional notes, colors, syllables, numerals, and glyphs used to convey solresol phonemes.

Solresol words are made from one to five syllables or notes. Each of these may be one of only seven basic phonemes, which may in turn be accented or lengthened. There is another phoneme, silence, which is used to separate words: words cannot be run together as they are in English.

The phonemes can be represented in a number of different ways – as the seven musical notes in an octave, as spoken syllables (based on solfège, a way of identifying musical notes), with the seven colours of the rainbow, symbols, hand gestures etc. Thus, theoretically Solresol communication can be done through speaking, singing, signing, flags of different color – even painting.


Each "note" of Solresol is represented as a symbol, for example, "Do" is a Circle, "Re" is a vertical line, "Mi" and "La" are both half-circles, the former facing downwards, the latter facing right, "Fa" is a diagonal line from left-top to right-bottom, "Sol" is a horizontal line, and "Si or Ti" is a diagonal line from left-bottom to right-top.

File:Solresol symbols.png
The symbols of SolreSol.

Words of Solresol are formed by connecting the symbols in the order they appear in the word.

File:Solresol words.gif
some basic words of SolreSol.


In Solresol morphology, the longer words are divided into categories of meaning, based on their first syllable, or note. Words beginning with 'sol' have meanings related to arts and sciences, or, if they begin with 'solsol', sickness and medicine (e.g. solresol, "language"; solsolredo, "migraine"). Like other constructed languages with a priori vocabulary, Solresol faces considerable problems in categorizing the real world around it sensibly. The last couple of syllables may be arbitrary, to capture distinctions such as "apple" vs "pear" which do not fit simple categories.

Feminine words are formed by accenting the last syllable, and plurals by lengthening it.

A unique feature of Solresol is that meanings are negated by reversing the syllables in words. For instance fala means good or tasty, and lafa means bad. It is unclear how this interacts with the way words are categorized by their first note, and is not true in all instances, such as young man, bachelor and of not being opposites.

The following table shows the words of up to two syllables:

First (below) and second (right) syllables No second syllable -do -re -mi -fa -sol -la -si/-ti
Do- no, not, neither, nor (past) I, me you [sg] he self, oneself one, someone other
Re- and, as well as my, mine (pluperfect) your, yours [sg] his our, ours your, yours [pl] their
Mi- or, or even for, in order to/that who, which (rel pron), that (conj) (future) whose, of which well (adv) here/there is, behold good evening/night
Fa- to what? with, jointly this, that (conditional) why, for what reason good, tasty, delectable much, very, extremely
Sol- if but in, within wrong, ill (adv) because (imperative) perpetually, always, without end, without ceasing thank, thanks
La- the nothing, no one, nobody by here, there bad never, at no time (present participle) of
Si-/Ti- yes, okay, gladly, agreed the same (thing) each, every good morning/afternoon little, scarcely mister, sir* young man, bachelor* (passive participle)

* Feminine versions are formed by stressing the last syllable.


Apart from stress and length, solresol words are not inflected. Word order is also rather strict.

Solresol marks feminine gender and plural number, by stressing or lengthening the last syllable of a word:

resimire brother, resimiré sister
resimiree brothers, resimiréé sisters

This only affects the first word in a noun phrase. That is, it only affects a noun when the noun is alone, as above; any determiner ('the', 'my', etc.) will take the gender or number marking instead:

redo resimire my brother, redó resimire my sister
redoo resimire my brothers, redóó resimire my sisters

Parts of speech are derived from verbs by lengthening (or perhaps stressing; the description is not clear) one of the syllables: abstract noun (1st syllable), agent/doer (2nd syllable), adjective (penult), adverb (last syllable). For example,

midofa to prefer, miidofa preference, midoofa preferable, midofaa preferably
resolmila to continue, reesolmila continuation, resoolmila one who continues, resolmiila continual, resolmilaa continually

Questions are formed by inverted subject and verb.

The various tense-and-mood particles are the double syllables, as given in vocabulary above. In addition, passive verbs are formed with faremi between this particle and the verb. The subjunctive is formed with mire before the pronoun. The negative do only appears once in the clause, before the word it negates.

The word fasi before a noun or adjective is augmentative; after it is superlative. Sifa is the opposite (diminutive):

fala good, fasi fala very good, fala fasi excellent, the best; sifa fala okay, fala sifa not very good (and similarly with lafa bad)
sisire wind, fasi sisire gale, sisire fasi cyclone; sifa sisire breeze, sisire sifa movement of air

Further attributes

File:Curwen Hand Signs MT.jpg
Depiction of John Curwen's Solfege hand signs used in Tonic sol-fa. This version includes the tonal tendencies and interesting titles for each tone.
  • impartial and relatively simple
  • integrated systems (signs, colors, etc.) for most different handicapped people, immediately operative without special learning
  • gives fast learning success to illiterate people (only 7 syllables or signs or 10 letters to know and to recognize)
  • very simple but effective system to differentiate the function of the words in the sentences

Using the Tonic sol-fa system by John Curwen, SolReSol can also be signed.

Further developments

Another way of using Solresol is called ses, and was developed by George Boeree.Template:Cn The notes are given a representative consonant and vowel (or diphthong). The most basic words use the vowel alone; all others begin with a consonant followed by a vowel (or diphthong), etc.

  • do > p / o
  • re > k / e
  • mi > m / i
  • fa > f / a
  • sol > s / u
  • la > l / au
  • ti > t / ai

In this way, one can write or pronounce words such as these:

  • do > o (v) - no
  • re > e (v) - and
  • fa-la > fau (cv) - good
  • la-fa > la (cv) - bad
  • mi-ti-sol-do > maiso (cvcv) - experience
  • sol-sol-re-do > suko (cvcv) - migraine
  • do-la-fa-sol > paufu (cvcv) - soup
  • sol-re-sol > ses (cvc) - language (solresol)
  • etc.

Because the plural and feminine forms of words in Solresol are indicated by stress or length of sounds, ses uses pau (some) or fai (many) to indicate the plural, and mu (well) to indicate the feminine when necessary.

See also


  1. http://www.ifost.org.au/~gregb/solresol/sudre-book.pdf
  2. Sidosi. www.sidosi.org. [引用時間: 22 October 2018]. 
  3. Template:URL

External links

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索來索語(Solresol)是1817年法國人Jean François Sudre提出的人工語言。它以視唱(一種分辨音符的方法)為基礎,語法詞彙由7個音符組成,它可以書寫說話,還能歌唱以及用樂器來演奏。



  • 高度平衡
  • 供大部分殘疾人士使用的完整系統(符號、顏色等)
  • 快速上手(只有7個音節、10個字母需要記和認)
  • 毫無讀音障礙
  • 擁有簡單而有效的系統來辨認不同字在句子的功能


另一種基於音樂的人工語言是Bruce Koestner所創的Eaiea,使用了西方12個半音


第一個(下) 和第二個(右邊)音節 沒有第二個音節 -do(聲音:多) -re(聲音:利) -mi(聲音:米) - fa(聲音:法) -sol(聲音:所) -la (聲音:啦) -ti(聲音:四)
(聲音:多)do- (過去時) 自己 其他
(聲音:利)Re- 以及 我的 (過去完成式) 你的 他的 我們的 你們的 他們的
(聲音:米)Mi- 用以 何人, 該 (將來時) 誰的...? 很好 這裏是/還有是, 看哪 晚上好
(聲音:法)fa- 對於 什麼? 這個, 那個 (條件式) 為什麼 好,美味 非常
(聲音:所)Sol- 如果 然而 內, 裏邊 生病, 不對 因為 (命令式) 總是 謝謝
(聲音:啦)la- 那個 沒什麼,沒有人 經過 在這裏, 那裏 不好 從來沒有 (現在分詞)
(聲音:四)ti- 是的,同意 同樣(的事情) 每個 早上好,下午好 有一點, 少 先生 學士,年輕人 (過去分詞)



  • Umberto Eco. The Search for the Perfect Language. 1993. ISBN 0-631-20510-1



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