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Hey I’m Spec/Spectre. I’m part of the Dupuy server on discord which talks about Spirou & Fantasio and related franchises :D

Would be using this page for chara editing stuff for the time being, until the captcha issue is fixed for the English website.

He initially appears entering the town of Champignac in an old car model, passing the red light the mayor recently had installed, unlike the others who passed by, the major did not rebute the count’s actions showing the Count as a highly respected figure <ref group=note>Originally the mayor addresses him by the title of 「Baron」, but later on in the album this is changed to 「Count」</ref group=note>. Spirou and Fantasio went to the town of Champignac-en-Cambrousse, where the people are terrified by the presence of a "wizard". This wizard created all sorts of anomalies, such as pigs with different patterns and color, cows that produced undrinkable milk, there was also an instance of a cow that aged on a short span and even died of old age. Initially, it was assumed the one responsible was a Romani who just came into the town with his carriage to temporarily stay in the town. The two decided to investigate who this "wizard" was. They thought the castle they were camping nearby was suspicious and decided to investigate it, and turns out their suspicions were true, as they found animals in abnormal sizes and giant mushrooms within the castle. The count then kidnaps Fantasio and uses him as a guinea pig for his X1 formula, he explains Spirou about this to which he responds aggressively and asks what did he do to Fantasio. He continues to explain his experiments and accidentally breaks one of his vials containing his sleeping gas knocking out the two for some time. Once they regain consciousness, Spirou aggressively demands him to get to the point and tells him what happened to his friend. The count then finally concedes and takes him to Fantasio, who is still asleep after being injected one of his formulas and needs another to wake him up. The count tries to inject him the formula to wake him up but accidentally injects a couple that makes him change color. Finally with the help of Spirou he finally injects the correct formula and Fantasio wakes up. When he sees his formula worked through Fantasio, he is ecstatic and implores Fantasio to stay to show about his discovery but in vain. He then trues the formula on himself and enters on a series of sports competitions to prove his discovery, and he becomes famous due to this. After a thief saw him nearby and recognizes him on the papers where he learned about his miracle formula, he steals it from him to use it to his nefarious deeds. Luckily, the effects of the X1 are temporary, so Spirou and Fantasio were able to stop the thief before he applied another dose of it and was arrested. Some of the thief’s accomplices try to get a hold of the formula as well, only to mistakenly take the X2 and become old men. After this, the count decides to keep the formula to himself and reverses the effects of the X2 did to the thieves affected only to backfire and turning them into kids again, instead of their younger adult selves.