The "Jaina is a deadlord" thing started as a fan theory. I believe it was Jesse Cox who tossed this notion out there awhile ago. Mostly it has to do with the complete 180 her personality has taken over the last two expansions.
How is it possible for Jaina to be a dreadlord incognito? Well, this is going to be pure speculation on my part, based upon Jesse's hypothetical. So bear with me as I explain this possibility.
My theory centers around Theramore's Fall. In that scenario, Horde players try to enact Garrosh's plan to overtake the Isle, while Alliance players try to drive out the Horde. Ultimately, it results in the detonation of a magic bomb that utterly destroys Theramore.
It was around that point that Jaina's 180 in personality became complete. Sure, she had become disgruntled with the Horde's actions during Cataclysm, but it didn't feel "complete" until Mists of Pandaria.
My theory is that the real Jaina either died during those events surrounding Theramore, or became incapacitated. This would be an ideal opportunity for a dreadlord to assume Jaina's appearance. It's not the first time that a dreadlord has disguised itself as a Human. *cough* Scarlet Crusade. *cough* And that dreadlord has been masquerading as Jaina Proudmoore ever since.
Now, this is all theory and speculation based upon Jesse's declaration that she's really a dreadlord and how it would be possible... Or at least feasible in my eyes.
Personally, I'm perfectly fine with her having just being so tired of pushing for cooperation amongst the Alliance and Horde, having peace fail, that's she reached her breaking point and lost all feathers to give.
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20743775593 Huhu9001(讨论) 2016年12月10日 (六) 16:10 (CST)