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You Are Not Alone Index

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Feel free to edit! Let's dig deeper~

本页致力于列出(中文)萌娘百科条目在 TV Tropes 的对应页面。此页仿照了 TV Tropes 与维基百科的对应列表 We Are Not Alone Index。TV Tropes 的高质量内容对延伸阅读和编写条目均有裨益。

This page is an ongoing effort to list counterparts of (Chinese) Moegirlpedia articles on TV Tropes. It is a parody of the TV Tropes to Wikipedia mapping We Are Not Alone Index. The high quality content on TV Tropes should be informative for both further reading and writing articles.

原则 / Rules


Seeing this is mostly one-man project in the forseeable future, here are just some basic rules:

Tropes only, Template:萌属性 and Template:ACG活动 are both good starting points. Fiction or non-fiction works are not included here, as a simple name search can solve the problem.
  • 鉴于不可能列出所有叫法,只需列出最常用的(其他页面的重定向目标)以及值得一提的名称。
As it is not possible to list all alternative terms, list the canonical one (the one other pages redirects to) and the ones worth mentioning.
  • 对应关系并非严格一对一(估计做不到),两边都可以有多个相关页面(如果理由不够明显需有注释)。
It does not have to (and probably can't) be one-to-one correspondence. Multiple related articles may be provided for both sides (references should be present if it is not sufficiently self-explanatory).
  • 条目将不时按拼音排序。
Entries will be sorted alphabetically (in pinyin, that is) from time to time.

条目 / Entries