这是Adorable Newcomer[更多]的分身账号。 其操作者在本页主动宣示其用途,遵循基本方针和分身账号方针操控此账号。 致维护人员:当要对此账号采取任何操作前,请先联系此用户。 |
更新{{YoutubeCount}}再生代码(TypeScript) |
import { MediaWikiJS } from '@lavgup/mediawiki.js' //已魔改(doEdit()中加入tags: 'Bot')
import axios from 'axios'
import HttpsProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent' //解决axios库无法正常使用代理的bug
const bot = new MediaWikiJS({
url: 'https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/api.php',
botUsername: /* USERNAME */,
botPassword: /* PASSWORD */,
async function getYoutubeViewCount(id: string): Promise<Number> {
return (await axios.get("https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos", {
httpsAgent: HttpsProxyAgent({ host: "", port: 9910/* BASED UPON PROXY TOOL */ }),
params: {
part: "statistics",
fields: "items(id,statistics)",
key: "AIzaSyCrYqZhekQ6xBq5HkaGntDyD3y7XbOg9rU",
async function getSourceCode(title: string) {
let response = await axios.get('https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/index.php', {
params: { title, action: "raw" }
return response.data as string
(async () => {
await bot.login()
let pages = await bot.search("hastemplate:YoutubeCount insource:YoutubeCount", true) as string[] //按需调整
pages.map(title => {
getSourceCode(title).then(async (text: string) => {
text = text.replace(/<!--.*更新.*-->/, '')
let templates = text.match(/\{\{YoutubeCount[^\}]+\}\}/ig) || []
for (let original of templates) {
let modified = original
let id = (<RegExpMatchArray>original.match(/(?:id *=)([^|]+)/))[1].trim()
let viewCount = await getYoutubeViewCount(id)
text = text.replace(original, modified.replace(/fallback *= *\d+/, 'fallback=' + viewCount.toString())
+ `<!--更新时间:${(new Date()).toISOString().slice(0, 10).split('-').join('')}-->`)
return bot.edit({ //bot库已魔改(doEdit()中加入tags: 'Bot')
content: text,
summary: "更新再生",
minor: true,
}).then(console.log, console.error)
{{Temple Song/list}}排序代码(TypeScript) |
function matchRecursiveBracket(str: string, startIndex: number = 0) {
let stack: number[] = [], exp = /\{\{|\}\}/mg, res: RegExpExecArray | null, endIndex = 0
exp.lastIndex = startIndex
for (let i = 0; (res = exp.exec(str)) !== null; i++) {
if (i === 0) startIndex = exp.lastIndex - 2
endIndex = Math.max(endIndex, exp.lastIndex)
if (res[0] == '{{') stack.push(1)
else {
if (stack.length <= 1) break;
return str.slice(startIndex, endIndex)
class TempleSong {
readonly text: string;
readonly id: string;
constructor(text: string) {
this.text = text
this.id = (<RegExpMatchArray>this.text.match(/(?:(?:nnd|nc)_id *=) *(\w+)/))[1].trim()
viewCount = -1;
(async () => {
await bot.login()
let pages = [
pages.map(async title => {
getSourceCode(title).then(async (text: string) => {
let original = text,
liststr = matchRecursiveBracket(text, text.indexOf('{{Temple Song/list')).slice(0, -2).replace(/\{\{Temple Song\/list\s*\|\s*/, '').trim(),
temples = liststr.split(/(?<=\})\s*\|\s*(?=\{)/).map(x => new TempleSong(x)),
templesMap = new Map(temples.map(x => [x.id, x])),
response = (await axios.get("https://api.search.nicovideo.jp/api/v2/snapshot/video/contents/search", {
httpsAgent: HttpsProxyAgent({ host: "", port: 9910 }),
params: {
q: "",
fields: "contentId,viewCounter",
"filters[contentId]": temples.map(x => x.id),
_context: "apiguide",
_sort: "-startTime",
_limit: 100
for (let x of response) (templesMap.get(x.contentId) as TempleSong).viewCount = x.viewCounter
temples.sort((a, b) => b.viewCount - a.viewCount)
text = original.replace(liststr, `${temples.map(x => x.text).join('\n|\n')}`)
return bot.edit({ //一抹钙
content: text,
summary: "排序",
minor: true
}).then(console.log, console.error)