  • Moegirl.ICU:萌娘百科流亡社群 581077156(QQ),欢迎对萌娘百科运营感到失望的编辑者加入
  • Moegirl.ICU:账号认领正在试运行,有意者请参照账号认领流程


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  • Firefox/Safari:按住“Shift”的同时单击“刷新”,或按“Ctrl-F5”或“Ctrl-R”(Mac为“⌘-R”)
  • Google Chrome:按“Ctrl-Shift-R”(Mac为“⌘-Shift-R”)
  • Internet Explorer:按住“Ctrl”的同时单击“刷新”,或按“Ctrl-F5”
  • Opera:在“工具→首选项”中清除缓存
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/MoegirlPediaInterfaceAdmins/MoegirlPediaInterfaceCodes@master/src/gadgets/Navigation_popups/MediaWiki:Gadget-popups.css');

/* NintendoFont */
@import url("https://mzh.moegirl.org.cn/index.php?title=User:Xzonn/NintendoFont.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css");
/* MoeSkinPlus - for MoeSkin */
@import url("https://mzh.moegirl.org.cn/index.php?title=User:鬼影233/moeskinplus.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css");
/* MoeLatte - for MoeSkin */
@import url("https://mzh.moegirl.org.cn/index.php?title=User:GuoPC/MoeLatte.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css");

/* Specific font for certain characters:
   - Em Dash (2014)
   - Single Quotation Marks (2018, 2019)
   - Double Quotation Marks (201C, 201D)
   - Horizontal Ellipsis (2026) */
@font-face {
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/* Customized fonts */
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/* Colored special links and more */
/* There are 5 situations as follows:
   1. Basic links only ([[Link]]); 
   2. Links are under toggled-on heimus ({{Heimu|[[Link]]}} - toggled on); 
   3. Links contain toggled-on heimus ([[Link|{{Heimu}}]] - toggled on);
   4. Links are under heimus ({{Heimu|[[Link]]}});
   5. Links contain heimus ([[Link|{{Heimu}}]]) */
/* For a.decoded, see common.js L33 */

/* - Preparation: Common styles for marks */
a.decoded::after {
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/* - Preparation: Hide marks for certain links */
.mw-history-histlinks a::after,
.mw-watch-link::after {display: none !important;}

/* - Preparation: Keep visually hidden under heimus */
span.heimu a.mw-redirect, span.heimu a.mw-redirect:visited,
span.heimu a.mw-disambig, span.heimu a.mw-disambig:visited,
span.heimu a.extiw, span.heimu a.extiw:visited,
span.heimu a.stub, span.heimu a.stub:visited,
span.heimu a.stub.mw-disambig, span.heimu a.stub.mw-disambig:visited {
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/* - Redirections */
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body.heimu_toggle_on a.mw-redirect span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.mw-redirect,
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/* - Redirections - visited */
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span.heimu:hover a.mw-redirect:visited,
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/* - Redirections - mark: A FLAG */
a.mw-redirect::after {
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/* - Disambiguations */
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body.heimu_toggle_on a.mw-disambig span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.mw-disambig,
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/* - Disambiguations - visited */
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body.heimu_toggle_on a.mw-disambig:visited span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.mw-disambig:visited,
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/* - Disambiguations - mark: A GUIDE */
a.mw-disambig::after {
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/* - For links are both redirections and disambiguations, I call them "REDIR-DISAM links" - A ROUTE */
a.mw-redirect.mw-disambig::after {
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/* - Interwiki links, not Moegirl ones - visited */
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/* - Interwiki links - mark: A GLOBE */
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/* - Moegirl links */
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/* - Moegirl links - visited */
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body.heimu_toggle_on a.extiw[href*=".moegirl.org.cn"]:visited span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.extiw[href*=".moegirl.org.cn"]:visited,
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/* - Moegirl links - mark: A HEART */
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/* - Stubs */
body.heimu_toggle_on span.heimu a.stub,
body.heimu_toggle_on a.stub span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.stub,
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/* - Stubs - visited */
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body.heimu_toggle_on a.stub:visited span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.stub:visited,
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/* - Stubs - mark: A LEAF */
a.stub::after {
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/* - For links are both stubs and disambiguations, I call them "STUB-DISAM links" */
body.heimu_toggle_on span.heimu a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig,
body.heimu_toggle_on a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig,
a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig:hover span.heimu {color: #0699AD;}

/* - STUB-DISAM links - visited */
body.heimu_toggle_on span.heimu a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig:visited,
body.heimu_toggle_on a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig:visited span.heimu,
span.heimu:hover a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig:visited,
a.stub.mw-disambig.mw-disambig:visited:hover span.heimu {color: #046D7C;}

/* - STUB-DISAM links - mark: A SEEDLING */
a.stub.mw-disambig::after {
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/* - Decoded links - mark: A PERCENT */
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/* Wikiplus */
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